English Skrolli crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo

Date 14-Jan-2016 1:07:15
Topic: Announcement

3 years ago, we got a new finnish hobbyist computer magazine Skrolli. Now it's time to try going international.

There's currently a crowdfunding campaign going at indiegogo, and the project is already 88% funded. For starters, the aim is to produce first English issue (while the Finnish magazine continues to be released quarterly). If there's enough demand, there will be more obviously. The magazine will be available in both digital and analog (paper).

Keep in mind that this isn't "Amiga magazine", although of course it will featured now and then. There are already 12 issues worth of articles that could be translated, and funders definitely can affect which articles will make it into the first English issue.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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