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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 1:51:07
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DaveW wrote: Personally I think it is the fact that is failing to moderate the deliberate trolls. I couldn't care too hoots if MicroSoft sponsored the site for example - but I do care that deliberate lamers were able to stir up trouble and turn into a -as Mikey said- stress zone.
@Mikey_C They are WindowsXP a like slippers though  |
I think that sums it up pretty well for me too. I would have no problems with who sponsors the site, but in this case, I fear it will lead to "rule of the house" by certain people, so I guess it's better to go while I can.
Dosen't mean I won't drop in there once in awhile to "peek in" but I think this will be my mainstay. |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 4:15:49
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 4:17:41
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 55
From: Canada | | |
| I agree. I'm not going back to Amiga(MorphOS).org.
Finally, a pro-Amiga site that reminds me of the old days with a brighter outlook on the Amiga.
_________________ Regards,
Vance a.k.a. CyberViking2000 -= Northern Light Videography =-  |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 4:30:58
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AmigaGuy wrote: I followed Mikey_C here. :)
I wish Wayne the very best with as he has done so much for us for so many years. I just feel, as I'm sure many here do, that the atmosphere has changed a lot over there. I just want to be some where that I can read about the Amiga and enjoy hearing from other's that like to use the Amiga too. So far this place feels pretty inviting and Amiga friendly.
P.S. The colors are pretty too!
Yep, that's how I feel too. When it was mostly ann I could handle it, but for the last few weeks ao has gotten to where I've been mostly lurking (arguing with trolls is an exercise in futility). I came here after I saw Mike Bouma's post about his thread being deleted. I can't really comment since I didn't get to see any of the thread postings, but it seemed to me like Wayne got "a talking to" by his sponsor and decided to cut his losses. How he manages his site is up to him, but if he's going to morph it I'm no longer interested in going there. I've pretty much decided, if AmigaOS doesn't happen I'll just leave the Amiga scene altogether. I don't like BillB's attitude and I won't support his products if I can help it. |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 5:55:33
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 430
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| It is neat to see this post of newcomers. Build it and they will come  |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 10:57:31
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 4-Jan-2003 Posts: 727
From: South Wales, UK | | |
| Hmmmmm.
Firstly I am very "pro-Amiga" myself and infact my Amiga is my main computer which I use everyday and which I'm using now.
That said, I wouldn't personally call MorphOS "The Dark Side". Remember that back when Commodore went bust and things looked bleak, MorphOS was a vision developed by real Amiga fans to move the OS forward and bring it onto PPC. The original MorphOS developers were really Amiga fans who were trying to secure the future of a fast, efficient Operating System on a modern processor platform.
The fact that Amiga finally got on their feet again and decided to develop the offical AmigaOS further instead of MorphOS is just so unfortunate for the people who'd already done so much positive work promoting the platform. If Amiga hadn't managed to get back on their feet, MorphOS would be our only way of using an Amiga-like OS on a PPC platform right now. I do admire them for securing that for us.
I think the people behind MorphOS just want the full Amiga Community to recognise and respect what they've tried to do for the Amiga. Personally I can't go as far as supporting the OS, simply because you can't run it on an official Amiga, but I do recognise what they tried to do for us and hey, if in the future we can unify as a community, so that both Operating Systems can be run on both platforms - great I'll welcome that!!!
As far as this site is concerned though, I think we should squash MOS bashing out. If you've tried the OS and you don't like it then that is fair comment - but it's a comment that really is better used elsewhere. And as for MorphOS supporters I'd say the same to them - if you don't like AmigaOS then that's also fair comment, but it's not a comment that's welcome here.
This site is a place for positive discussion about the Amiga, which really includes both Operating Systems because at this time both are still inside the future of the Amiga. I think it's ok to discuss either, as long as this cliche where one tries to insult the other doesn't go on.
Even if AmigaOS and MorphOS are not yet unified, let's see if we can't at least unify the discussions eh? I'll agree to respect MorphOS users if they'll agree to respect AmigaOS and vice-versa. Afterall we all originated from the same dream and we all have the same goal in our vision - the survival of the Amiga platform!!! How much more unified can you get!?!?
Come on guys, let's keep this a nice place to chat, whatever your Amiga Religion.
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 15:23:55
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 55
From: Canada | | |
| Fact #1: This is an Amiga site. MorphOS fandom has no place here.
Fact #2: MorphOS is not an Amiga, but it has split the Amiga community.
Fact #3: I am sick to death of the MorphOS topics. For more on this, see Fact #1.
Even if AmigaOS and MorphOS are not yet unified, let's see if we can't at least unify the discussions eh? I'll agree to respect MorphOS users if they'll agree to respect AmigaOS and vice-versa. Afterall we all originated from the same dream and we all have the same goal in our vision - the survival of the Amiga platform!!! How much more unified can you get!?!? |
_________________ Regards,
Vance a.k.a. CyberViking2000 -= Northern Light Videography =-  |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 15:28:54
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 15:31:15
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| @CyberViking2000
I agree totally, altough #2 might be putting it a bit strongly.
For more on this, see Fact #1. |
Help - stuck in recursive loop!_________________
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 8-Mar-2003 22:49:41
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 1:36:43
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Joined: 8-Jan-2003 Posts: 3270
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If for personal preferences you decide to use this site instead of it is understandable but the personal remarks I have seen attacking Wayne are not really called for. He has a choice of how he sees best to run his site, just be thankful that there is an alternative if you dont't entirely see things his way. |
Agreed. And I think that is probably the feeling of about 99% of those who came over here in the last two days. I respect Wayne for all he has done, and do not blame him for doing what he has to do to keep his site going. I wish him sucess with the new sponsors. Most will probably agree. No hard feelings to Wayne, I just don't feel at home there anymore.
Prior to my stay at AO, I use to "live" at ANN. But for obvious reasons, I quit going there along time ago. It just wasn't worth wading through all of the bad stuff to get to the stuff that was worth reading. AO has started heading that way IMO. There will be plenty of people there to keep it going, but some of us are just looking for simpler times and places to enjoy our Amiga's and discuss the possible future of things without being attacked or trolled everytime we mention AmigaOne or Hyperion or OS4. I hope this site will continue to provide that sort of good environment.
As to that server.morphzone stuff.... Hmmmm. I don't know what that means other than that's apparently where AO is hosted now.
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 2:28:01
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003 Posts: 57
From: Unknown | | |
| Ooh another site for me to lurk on.
Hi all.
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 3:30:21
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003 Posts: 97
From: Canada | | |
| Ditto to all of the above (especially the no trolling policy). 
One note, You should change the favicon in the site root. All I see in my links bar is the big XOOPS 'X'.  _________________ Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this message are my own and not those of my employer.
-- Ray A. Akey (AKA HMetal) - Designer / Photographer - Photography Fan Community Forums |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 5:32:57
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Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 55
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Fact #1: This is an Amiga site. MorphOS fandom has no place here.
Fact #2: MorphOS is not an Amiga, but it has split the Amiga community.
Fact #3: I am sick to death of the MorphOS topics. For more on this, see Fact #1. |
by DaveyD on 2003/3/8 8:28:54
@CyberViking2000 Careful you don't start flaming! |
I thought I was stating absolute facts and not FUD?
Is this not a pro-Amiga web site? Yes? I thought so, and that is what I had stated. Does MorphOS belong here? I didn't think so, since this is a pro-Amiga site and not a pro-MorphOS site.
Has the MorphOS split the community? Of course it has. It's developers and supporters are some disgruntled Amiga users. If you don't believe they're digruntled with Amiga Inc., ask them and they'll tell you.
And I am tired of the pro-MorphOS topics dominating supposedly pro-Amiga sites and mailing lists. I hope that this site also does not slip into that mess.
And lastly, you missed my smiley on the message in question. _________________ Regards,
Vance a.k.a. CyberViking2000 -= Northern Light Videography =-  |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 6:55:03
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003 Posts: 65
From: Unknown | | |
| Hello!
Seeing it from the bright side: this page is possibly a fine sign, that AInc is up and running. |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 10:36:41
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003 Posts: 71
From: Oxfordshire, uk | | |
| Hello Mikey_C
I read your post on, and decided to check this place out. (I've just registered today - this is my first post).
I too have become tired of and ANN which have become over run by MOS fanactics, and anti-AInc fud-slingers.
So far I like what I've seen. The site layout is good and quite familiar (being xoops based like and I see quite a few names I recogise . Maybe I'll stay here a while. 
Anyway heres to the Community.
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 13:08:08
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Joined: 9-Mar-2003 Posts: 693
From: Uppsala, Sweden | | |
| Well, I'm here too. Won't stop visiting though, as outlined in another thread. That would be plain silly. . SlimJim |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 14:07:40
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 15:09:25
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 22-Jan-2003 Posts: 411
From: Edinburgh, Scotland | | |
| I think the idea is that it is simply a 'pro' site. I don't think Davey or the mods have a particular bias against any particular solution - they may have their favourites as we all do but I think the important part is that the angle is positive and we lose the notion of different camps which are irreconsilably pitted against eachother. People's personal leanings should be tolerated without attack.
If the forums are organised properly and everyone can come here and feel they are being catered for, I think the atmosphere will remain good and the stupid cyclical arguments will be minimalised.
Personally, I'm just as interested in the Pegasos/MOS solution as the A1/AOS4. I think both are exciting developments and worthy of exploration. I'm not interested in heavy politics or character assasination. _________________ Folding@Home Team AmigaWorld no: 33424 |
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Re: Hello Everyone - I like my new home! Posted on 9-Mar-2003 15:14:27
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Team Member  |
Joined: 5-Jun-2002 Posts: 2738
From: Belfast, N.Ireland | | |
| @HMetal
Good point about the favicon, I forgot about the default XOOPS favicon, probably because it dont see it for some reason.
Btw, you may have noticed that yourself and other Amiga Inc. members have their own rank on now, i.e. the five red squares and the text Amiga Inc. _________________ Join the Supporters Scheme and get your Supporter Tag |
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