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Re: Epistula
Posted on 22-Apr-2007 0:20:39
#41 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 13-Feb-2003
Posts: 3505
From: Italy, Perugia


Any news on Bourriquet ?


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Re: Epistula
Posted on 21-May-2007 23:04:17
#42 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

@Kicko & retro

Well you two will be pleased to know that I've got file transfer 50% working through the MSN plugin. That is, I can receive files from my Windows machine up to my Amiga via MSN through Epistula.

The general problem I have is that I've got to make the system robust enough so that I can use the same funtionality through Epistula with other plugins, i.e. provide common interfaces through epistula.library to allow any protocol to send Epistula a file.

However, I'm happy to say it shouldn't be too long before I have two way transmissions working.

I'm also pretty sure that the same protocol is used for avatars in MSN so that might make the June release too.


Regarding Arpeggio, I don't really see it being a contender for TuneNet's crown. The only reason I program applications on my Amiga is for me to gain experience of different methods/protocols etc.

One of those is too write an iTunes clone in MUI by creating new MUI custom classes, and too allow collection of tracks etc from the 'net. So it's mearly a learning exercise for me more than anything else.

If other people find it useful, i.e. a MUI music player, then fine, they can use it, but I'm certainly not trying to tread on anyone's toes.


OCS is still on the cards, and I've actually been optimising a nice new scrolling engine which I'm going to use for a smaller project/game which I'll release first just so I can get the engine right.

My donations pot is slowly building up so I can pay for some professional graphics for this one, and if I can actually pull the game off, it'll be a corker! Teaser: old Amiga game remake from 1991 using a classic marque that's close to my British heart!

Once that's out of the way, then I'll use the engine for OCS. No time frame yet though, as my first priority is to get the next version of Epistula out.


No, sorry, gave up on that one... as you can see above, I've got a few projects on the go already and I don't have any time left

Here's the changelog for Epistula. I've got a lot of notes scribbled down everywhere to add to this, as it's 2 months out of date here, and I can assure you that a few more features and fixes should be on here:


Epistula Instant Messenger - ChangeLog

* Epistula: Completely re-written to take advantage of unique AmigaOS 4
features such as AllocVecTags(), AllocSysObject(), DeathMessages etc.
This has resulted in a lot of code being moved, tidied up and even removed
where deemed unnecessary.
* Epistula: Compiles against newlib.library
* MSN: Completely re-written from scratch using a lot more thought and
planning, also uses all of the latest unique AmigaOS 4 features mentioned
* epistula.library: Simplified mechanism for sending messages to Epistula
which has resulted in a better maintainable library and something which
is easier for plugin programmers to use.
* Epistula: New toolbar for user and group configuration, which is provided
as an alternative to the popup menus.
* Epistula: User interface disgards any use of the Toolbar MCC and now
solely uses the NBitmap class for all images and buttons.
* Epistula: TearOffBay, TearOffPanel and CompactWindow are now used
extensively by Epistula and thus all functionality provided by those classes
is now inherited by Epistula.
* Epistula: Now possible to decide which new toolbars and panels you wish to
display on startup.
* Epistula: Fixed a bug when saving the global settings; if a string was null
a blank line wasn't added to the XML file, allowing strings to appear in
random orders in the settings pages. XML support needs updating!!!
* Epistula: Global panel at the top contains the alias and account details
of the currently selected plugin.
* Epistula: New feature allows the monitoring of a POP3 mailbox ia Epistula
and have it report when new emails arrive via the new global panel.
* Epistula: Where allowed by the plugin, and implemented in the plugin code,
you can select a 'Buddy Icon' for yourself in the plugin settings.
* Epistula: Auto away and message configurable per plugin after a specified
amount of time has elapsed.
* Epistula: Update alert available which will automatically check for the
latest version of Epistula.

* Epistula: Now compiles with -Wall -Werror and -Wwrite-strings thanks to
a lot of people who helped me out! Check the credits for names.
* epistula.library: Now compiles with -Wall -Werror and -Wwrite-strings
and has been significantly updated to be more robust.
* Epistula: New 'About' window which has some similarities to the about
window featured in YAM.

* Epistula: Removed all half-arsed attempts made to the code which would
have allowed Epistula to be released for anything other than AmigaOS 4.
That means that the -D__USE_INLINE__ definition has been removed, and message
ports, lists etc etc are all now created with IExec->AllocSysObjectTags()

-- Release 52.4 --

Last edited by Slash on 21-May-2007 at 11:07 PM.

This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 22-May-2007 4:28:04
#43 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
Posts: 5009
From: Sweden


Man i just love what you say about the filedirect. I hope when you release it i can finally say to my pc friends. Yes ofcourse you can send the file to me. Im using amiga man :) And i like that you will use "monitoring of a POP3" and which toolbars/panels to use on startup. I love small gui :) And avatars, smileys. maaaaan.
I hope everything would work nice when released :) Im counting days :) Finally i would have a good chat program.

EDIT: I just started to feel like Helgis hehe

EDIT2: I just love the Epistula status page. Makes people see whats on work and whats finished. Then we know something is cooking :)

Last edited by Kicko on 25-May-2007 at 03:31 PM.
Last edited by Kicko on 22-May-2007 at 04:28 AM.

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 22-May-2007 7:28:50
#44 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 4-Mar-2004
Posts: 397
From: Athens


Yes. That's great. I hope that epistula will be stable enough for being usable too. When this comes out a new donation from me will be on the way. Keep up the good work.

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 22-May-2007 20:22:02
#45 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 3005
From: Stockholm, Sweden


It's just amazing what you do ... this program is about to become
great! How about the more "basic" things like showing online users
only, or first on the list, move them around etc.... will it make it
to the next release as well?

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 3-Jun-2007 16:19:56
#46 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 19-Jun-2004
Posts: 5009
From: Sweden

No comments... i like june month... no hurry ;)

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 5-Jun-2007 7:52:01
#47 ]
Super Member
Joined: 8-Apr-2003
Posts: 1907
From: Saltdean, East Sussex, UK


From the change log, Epistula is sounding very nice indeed!
I'm also very interested in OCS, and Arpeggio has peaked my interest...

After a decade away from the scene, I am back!

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 14-Jun-2007 16:29:29
#48 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK


Small update for registered users; the bug/enhancement tracking and submitting section of the website is now up and running.

Feel free to submit enhancement ideas for future versions of Epistula if they're not already there.

This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 19-Jul-2007 11:10:26
#49 ]
Team Member
Joined: 31-Jul-2003
Posts: 11694
From: Kristianstad, Sweden

New homepage online

Site admins are people too..pooff!

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 19-Jul-2007 11:19:29
#50 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Mar-2003
Posts: 2209
From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


Could you download anything with Bourriquet? I added support for latest "server.met" file format but I couldn't download anything (with the OS3.x version I compiled)...

BTW, Epistula looks great

I guess that "custom" emoticons will depend also on file transfer.

Last edited by Crumb on 19-Jul-2007 at 11:24 AM.

The only spanish amiga news web page/club: CUAZ

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 13:58:51
#51 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK


There is now a beta release of the TOC (AIM/ICQ) plugin on the 'Bug Tracker' section of my website, obviously for registered/donation-friendly users only at this time.

If you have donated and don't have your personal keyfile (which will give access to the betas and bug tracker), please send me an email to remind me on, I've probably just forgotten.

Regarding Epistula, I take it that because no bugs have been reported that this version is fine and all that is needed is the remaining 'features' that need completed?

Also note that for some reason the automatic emails which are sent to inform users of bugs/updates etc aren't being sent any more. Don't know why, will try and sort it out soon, however the bug submission will still work, so please submit bugs for Epistula/MSN/TOC as usual.


If you're going to link to my website, PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAASE, don't link directly to the Epistula page ( but instead to the 'Projects' page as used above.

This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 14:22:39
#52 ]
Super Member
Joined: 2-Feb-2004
Posts: 1246
From: Pennsylvania, USA


I don't see any donation link on the projects page or the Epistula page. Where is it? Last 5 donations at the bottom left makes it look as though the page has been truncated at the bottom. That may not be the case but it looks that way in IBrowse.

X1000 with 2GB memory & OS4.1FE

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 14:58:47
#53 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK


What screenmode are you using? Looks fine in 1024x768.

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It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 15:29:39
#54 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11662
From: In the village


I don't see any donation link on the projects page or the Epistula page. Where is it? Last 5 donations at the bottom left makes it look as though the page has been truncated at the bottom. That may not be the case but it looks that way in IBrowse.

Same here.
Last line showing is:
Thanks to everyone who has donated to my AmigaOS 4

Entire page fits on one 1024x768 screen. No scroll bar. No "donate" button visible. addition I see a link for:
just above the line:
The last five donations were made by the following people

But no graphic on the same spot.


Last edited by number6 on 30-Aug-2007 at 03:35 PM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 15:54:34
#55 ]
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Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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I see a PayPal button right below your stated line (The last five donations were made by the following people).

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 16:09:07
#56 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


I see a PayPal button right below your stated line (The last five donations were made by the following people).

Between ^^that line and "Donor Amount"?


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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 16:23:08
#57 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
Posts: 686
From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK


Very strange! This is how it looks in iBrowse on my system:

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 16:28:12
#58 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Xenic and I are on dialup. Perhaps you use Lycos or similar?
modem site problem is all I can think of, since we have seen sites before that load partial data and/or corrupt data.


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 17:03:16
#59 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK



I don't know what sort of problems Lycos has for dialup but I don't use Lycos for anything, the only thing I can think of is that the list of donations and the counter are obtained from an SQL database using PHP and build dynamically when the page is loaded.

This fire is burnin' and it's out of control
It's not a problem you can stop, It's rock n' roll - GN'F'N'R

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Re: Epistula
Posted on 30-Aug-2007 17:21:02
#60 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 25-Mar-2005
Posts: 11662
From: In the village


I don't know what sort of problems Lycos has for dialup but I don't use Lycos for anything

I just gave Lycos as an example of course. Issue outlined here:


Perhaps you could test this if you are still on dialup, just to rule that out?


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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