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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 20:33:13
#41 ]
Super Member
Joined: 4-Feb-2004
Posts: 1561
From: Unknown


I agree, what are people afraid of here REALLY ??

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 20:44:36
#42 ]
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Joined: 16-Dec-2003
Posts: 1050
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make it small fast an cheap..

anyway it might be the secret amiga os 5.0 (five) from amiga inc

but it dont think that my self. how many pices har amiga land ind now.

amiga classic
amiga classic with ppc
amiga one/samt ( os 4.0 ) with i see as the futhure.the time for classics is over time to move over.
amiga de

as fare as i can remember dident gateway2000 make some new os with the unix crew with was allmost finish. way dident the use some code from that to os 4.0 insted of 3.5/3.9 only

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 20:59:32
#43 ]
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From: New Zealand


Time will tell if AROS disappears. Somehow I don't think that it will just drop out of site.

I'm actually curious as to what this Anubis will be. Like the OS 4.x community, AROS developers are also interested in moving toward an OS with all modern features (e.g., memory protection, SMP, etc.). Seeing as this will break source compatibility, and making a sandbox is going to take quite a bit of effort, leveraging the core of a Linux kernel does sound like a good place to start. How about waiting until the Anubis team have more than a logo on display to the public.

On a side note, they're using Silverstripe as CMS, the same one that my site uses.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 21:47:18
#44 ]
Joined: 26-Oct-2004
Posts: 58
From: Unknown

I like this idea. The great elephant in the room in Amigaland is the concept of the "big leap".

The "big leap" is nothing less than designing a new but incompatible API with the Amiga spirit embedded into it.

It looks like Anubis developers just want to concentrate on the big leap. That's the really difficult part, because this "Amiga spirit" concept can be very tricky to grasp. Some people will reject the result inmediately, not because of technical de-merits, but because this strong sense of identity that amigans have. It's gonna be personal all the time.

They want to use Linux because they seem to understand that the PC platform is not only the hardware but also the drivers that vendors make. They cannot use Windows, so the second natural choice is Linux.

They want to concentrate in the funny part.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 22:05:13
#45 ]
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It is hard (if not impossible) to define the "Amiga spirit", so I have to wonder how many Amigans will accept Anubis (there were enough arguments about MorphOS vs OS4, and they are almost identical by comparison). Especially being built on a Linux kernel!

I have no idea how many active AROS developers are working on Anubis (and so presumably abandoning AROS due to limited time), nor how many remain. I hope that we will find out.

I also wish them good luck with Anubis, because they will need it. If they are working on something they find interesting (rather than a slog as maybe AROS may have become), then maybe they will make faster progress than AROS...

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 22:26:14
#46 ]
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From: Atlanta


Anyone here ever use Matt Dillon's DICE C compiler?

Yes, a very long time ago for a few small programs before moving on to SAS/C. II may still have my disk and manual around here some where.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 22:41:30
#47 ]
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ChrisH wrote:
I have no idea how many active AROS developers are working on Anubis (and so presumably abandoning AROS due to limited time), nor how many remain. I hope that we will find out.

I also wish them good luck with Anubis, because they will need it. If they are working on something they find interesting (rather than a slog as maybe AROS may have become), then maybe they will make faster progress than AROS...

Such speculation is not helping ChrisH. AROS development isn't going to stop any time soon. All you can say for sure is the two AROS developers mentioned in the AROS Show blog will be working on Anubis.

Last edited by HenryCase on 09-Nov-2008 at 10:42 PM.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 23:00:33
#48 ]
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Generally I like the idea (not a new idea and not very innovative though, but still a good idea). Question will be how much Amiga will it be in the end? And how much *nix will be in there?
MorphOS and AmigaOS4 are somehow in trouble (stuck to ppc (which I stll like a lot and haven't given up yet) and other limitations (which may also seen as strengthes)), and while I like these systems and support them, I think it doesn't hurt to look for alternative approches.
There's not much to lose, but rather to gain...
AROS (x86) isn't binary compatible anyway (and *I* have my serious concerns that a transparent 68k emulation will ever find its way into AROS) , thus why stick with teh Amiga limitations and don't do soemthing new?
MorphOS and AmigaOS4.x are different, they succeed the 68k line directly. In case of MorphOS I am still waiting for the QBox - the new approach of MorphOS. I guess Anubis may become something similar that the QBox should have become (and maybe will become one day).

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 9-Nov-2008 23:23:24
#49 ]
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Generally I like the idea (not a new idea and not very innovative though, but still a good idea). Question will be how much Amiga will it be in the end? And how much *nix will be in there?

Think about balance between UNIX and OS X. You can do evertything (OK, almost) that's UNIX-y in OS X, but you don't have to. I think with OS X this balance is perfect (still, I'd rather use Linux for when it comes to work and use OS X as home system) and if there will be something Amiga like with all UNIX goodness, I'm sold.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 0:27:32
#50 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia

[Sorry, context error. Post made no sense, thus deleted]

Last edited by umisef on 10-Nov-2008 at 12:28 AM.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 8:22:29
#51 ]
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C'mon that's not only incorrect but just plain silly.


Anyway AnubisOS needs our "good lucks" and I hope that they know what they are doing. I wish all the best with this project.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 10:34:43
#52 ]
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I have no idea how many active AROS developers are working on Anubis (and so presumably abandoning AROS due to limited time), nor how many remain. I hope that we will find out.

It's a handful, not sure how many of those will continue with AROS. Wonderful thing for Anubis OS, supposedly two major AROS developers who left for Linux (one left a good two plus years ago) will be active Anubis OS developers. I expect to see more former AROS developers to get involved with Anubis OS as it goes forward in development. New developers are of course, always welcomed.



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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 10:52:53
#53 ]
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Do we really need another OS?

Why they don't uset this time to develop for OS4?


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 11:00:49
#54 ]
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From: Melbourne, Australia

Have you guys figured that the hardest part of AROS is probably adlready done?
What's there to wait for? Some seldom used APIs? Some more apps? Do you expect people interested in OSes to spend their days porting apps. Other interested parties will/should do that.

Right now, with the recent complete audit of the Amiga API, you can see exactly what is lacking. It is grunt work from now on in, and probably not particularly challenging for these core developers.

It therefore seems appropriate that the core devs would move to the next challenging step(which is better than leaving entirely). The big leap to a more modern AmigaOS-like system. Why should they be forever bound to an ancient API? How is that a reward for their enthusiasm and support? Supporting any programming effort, is never as much fun as creating a new one. AROS when complete, will, by definition, always lack modern OS features. Only a merging of Anubis and AROS can take it further.

AROS as an OS, isn't really going to improve much. Only new apps are needed. But for that to happen you need an OS that you can use every day to build a critical mass of users/devs. That looks like what they are trying to create, something more comfortable. The vast majority of AROS enthusiasts probably run AROS hosted anyway, so it's hard to imagine that the Anubis OS won't be used as a hosted environment. I can't see the devs kicking their own brainchild to the curb. This developement doesn't hurt AROS at all. It creates a logical separation between legacy and a more modern architecture. The missing AROS libs will be filled in sooner or later.

I really don't understand all the whining. Why do we need yet another OS? Well, point me to the other AmigaOS-like system, that is open source. You can't. So there you go. They're doing it because they can!!!

Last edited by BigBentheAussie on 10-Nov-2008 at 11:07 AM.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 15:44:49
#55 ]
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From: London(uk)


AROS are now working on a new "Amiga inspired" OS called Anubis:

if its a another unix/linux than im out of here no thanks.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 15:48:13
#56 ]
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if its a another unix/linux than im out of here no thanks.

Unfortunately it is...


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 15:57:40
#57 ]
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Why look at Anubis and AROS competing? They both aim to serve a slightly different section of the Amiga community. There are some former AROS devs coming back to work on Anubis, but that's not the same as saying AROS development will stop, because there are no signs of that.

That's the way I see it, MS Windows or a XWindows enviroment.


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 16:05:30
#58 ]
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Good luck to the Anubis OS team.

Personally I don't really give a S##t about what kernel is used. System just have to be Amiga like to me as a user. If it isn't, I'm not interested.

Right now OS4 is good enough for me but if/when my XE breakes I will need new hardware and I would like something better than the SAM.
I would also like something portable, so Anubis might be interesting when I need new HW. Of course AmigaOS 4.x might be ported to other hardware by that time, we will see.

But doesn't Anubis OS seem like Gatesway idea, re-invented??


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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 17:33:51
#59 ]
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Based on a customized kernel, not a derivative of the entire operating system.

In the end, this will amount to another counter-productive religious argument.

Let's be real: investing resources in preserving compatibility with 15 year old software is ridiculous and failing to leverage the contributions of the vast Linux community is beyond comprehension. Add to that the fact that inexpensive, capable hardware is an ongoing concern and you have a recipe for disaster.

This should have been done long ago.

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Re: AROS splits (goodbye AROS?)
Posted on 10-Nov-2008 19:56:47
#60 ]
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They are not doing it because they want to make a "just-another-linux-distro"
I never thought of Anubis when I first heard of it in that way, because simply
that would make no sense !

AmigaOS or MorphOS on x86 would sell orders of magnitude more than the current,
hardware-intensive solutions. And they'd go faster.-- D.Haynie

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