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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:05:58
#801 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
Posts: 3999
From: Unknown



it's a PASemi electra modified (obviously) mobo

check here:

i suggest to zoom the image and note some identical things.

The Nemo board is a complete new design, tailored to our specifications. I don't know what "identical things" you see here. Big deal, there are memory slots on every board, PCIe slots on every board, power connectors on every board. About the only thing in common is the CF card position, but that is always there since some cases have a front slot for CF cards. Everything else is on different spots.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:06:28
#802 ]
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Joined: 10-Mar-2003
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From: Derbyshire, Great Britain!

Snowing tons here so can not make it to work Good day for a snow day, just hope my net connection is not effected

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Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:08:07
#803 ]
Joined: 8-Jun-2003
Posts: 51
From: Athens, Hellas/EU The_Land_of_The_Gods

I'm at work right now and I'm eager to know more, so what time shall we expect the next piece of the puzzle? (Central European Time preferably)

So we must exercise ourselves in the things which bring happiness, since, if that be present, we have everything, and, if that be absent, all our actions are directed towards attaining it

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:09:52
#804 ]
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From: Poland


You must admit that the last few days have been kinda fun.


We will stay sensible and practical - we always do - but let us take this new step with some positivity and just that - a first step - not a PC/Mac killer overnight. Let's work with it and not against it as it has a chance of giving us what we want in the end.

I'm positive in my own way. That still includes critical thinking and asking question. I was just guessing different move (I bet everyone on this site has their own vision of Amiga, right?) and that's why I'm not that impressed. It's my right.

As I said: I'm waiting for full frontal (hope the case will be sweet) and some test from people who will put cash on the table. Maybe eFunzine will order one or two for Polish customers and I'll be able to lay my hands on it?

OpenWindows Initiative. Port PS3 hardware to bananas. For free. Join today and receive expired $50 cupon from AI!

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:11:13
#805 ]
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From: Athens/Greece


Me too. As if we don't know the weaknesses of the system (amiga as a computer, meaning hardware+OS+software). And when one of those (new AND powerful hardware) is eliminated they start complaining or being skeptical for other things "What about the price", "What about SMP", "What about this, that", the catalogue is endless.

Whoever thinks that A-EON will produce 1.000.000 machines in order to lower the cost must be dreaming. Whoever wants right now, a SMP OS + Extreme H/W + Lots of apps should buy a pc. Nothing more, nothing less.

And something more, how many of all these saying that AOS or MOS or AROS doesn't have the x,y,z of the super utility / suite has bought the original on the pc and not installed a pirated version? Because, if you are gonna make a fully functional pc with all the major apps on it, be ready to spend thousands of euros, and not only 2.000 euros or 3.000.


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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:12:36
#806 ]
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From: Italy

professional use...anything..?

Well since you asked about even a "single" professional use, a north european company (posted the news here) uses Sam for professional interactive didplays they sell for the Dental industry (OS4.1 installed, interactive part done in Hollywood).
and funny flamewars.

Fuled by well known naysayers that abandoned Amiga years ago no less...

SamFlex Complete 800Mhz System + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 4
Amiga 2000 DKB 2MB ChipRam GVP G-Force040 Picasso 2 OS3.9 BB2
AmigaCD 32

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:14:52
#807 ]
OS4 Core Developer
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To follow, begin where Nemo entered into a rage (M)editerranean Sea (maybe?)

When I saw the riddle, I guessed "Mysterious Island"... It's been ages since I read Jules Verne's books :$

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:15:53
#808 ]
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From: Poland


This is offtopic, if you want to continue this talk, there's PM for that.

OpenWindows Initiative. Port PS3 hardware to bananas. For free. Join today and receive expired $50 cupon from AI!

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:19:58
#809 ]
Joined: 13-Dec-2005
Posts: 98
From: Warmenhuizen


When the news comes out, there is only one machine I can write/publish that news item with, obviously. Why didn't I think of that earlier!

*gets his SAM with AOS4 out of the closet*

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:21:44
#810 ]
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From: Unknown


People said same things when it came to public information that, then new to us, Samantha board will have FPGA. Did someone used it for something, anything? Maybe Hyperion has some awesome demo that will display ability of this new silicon that lives on MAP board. Maybe it's OS4 that would be able to utilize it from kernel up to user land?

That is true, some people have a tendency to cheer for any new things.
From my point of view a FPGA is a cool device that will be fun to do old stuff with, some custom gimmicks, but it will not lead to any dramatic changes in the computer history.

But introducing a transputer type of hardware might. It can give a radically different computing power especially if the OS allows flexible use of it, and if the hw is expandable

My 2 cents

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Re: Time
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:22:38
#811 ]
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From: Athens/Greece


Clock is ticking...


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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:22:47
#812 ]
Joined: 13-Dec-2005
Posts: 98
From: Warmenhuizen


Silly question, and may have been asked already - but does the board fit into a standard (micro)ATX case? The board layout is obviously quite different, but will the back ports and expansion slots still line up in a(n) (micro)ATX case?

I'm asking because I dislike towers, and I have the suspicion that the default case will be one. I prefer desktop cases :).

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:23:25
#813 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 1-Sep-2003
Posts: 2100
From: Czech Republic



Thom_Holwerda wrote:

When the news comes out, there is only one machine I can write/publish that news item with, obviously. Why didn't I think of that earlier!

*gets his SAM with AOS4 out of the closet*

Now that's what I call ATTITUDE!

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
SAM440ep-flex @ 667MHz / 1GB RAM / Radeon 9250 / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:23:31
#814 ]
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Joined: 24-May-2005
Posts: 194
From: De Keistad, Netherlands



When the news comes out, there is only one machine I can write/publish that news item with, obviously. Why didn't I think of that earlier!

*gets his SAM with AOS4 out of the closet*

The Sam should not be in the closet but on your desk, using a RDP connection to a pc to fill in for some gaps in he OS4 software

Last edited by Mr-Z on 05-Jan-2010 at 10:23 AM.

Amiga is additive coz it is fun to use

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:24:53
#815 ]
Team Member
Joined: 2-Mar-2005
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From: Poland


"What about SMP"

I understand that this board has SMP-able CPU? That would mean Hyperion has added this to AmigaOS4, this will impress me when demonstrated. If they did it without breaking "old" Amiga applications I would be super impressed.

OpenWindows Initiative. Port PS3 hardware to bananas. For free. Join today and receive expired $50 cupon from AI!

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Re: Time
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:24:56
#816 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

about CPU

So, that AMCC variant of Titan monster began sampling too late for Nemo.
But perhaps there has been some (roughly pin compatible) PA semi prototypes available before that???

Not too long wait any more....

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: Time
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:25:19
#817 ]
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"In 20000 leagues Nemo entered into a rage (anger) and a storm (which could be interpreted as "rage") at co-ordinates long 105, lat -15, although as this is the middle of the bloody Indian Ocean, and doesn't fit with any of the chip numbers I've seen mentioned, I can't see why this would help."

Hmmmm, Amiga India?


"The allusions to transputers and the possible involvement of Dave Haynie are interesting (although he wasn't too complimentary regarding developments over the last decade)."
Dave Haynie had the AAA nearly ready then! Could it have anything to do with it??


"The Straits of Torres?"

Hi-Torro anyone?

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:26:45
#818 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2003
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From: Valencia,Spain 8-)


I think they already confirmed that the board is full-ATX in size.Although the hints point to a full computer instead of only a motherboard, i do hope that people can choose to buy the motherboard alone, since the aesthetics on the case may be loved, or hated.

I personally would settle for a tower with a big transparent window just for the sake of it

Cuida tus piedras gordas.

A1200/030 32Mb

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:29:43
#819 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


"I understand that this board has SMP-able CPU? That would mean Hyperion has added this to AmigaOS4, "

I think not yet.
But I bet the CPU can run operating system per core.
We would then have 4.0+Linux or 4.0+4.0 running side by side.
Later we might have SMP capable AOS5.0 that runs legacy AOS4 apps in a sandbox.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: MAP == Part 2
Posted on 5-Jan-2010 10:30:59
#820 ]
OS4 Core Developer
Joined: 14-Jul-2003
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I do not want polemics


I have a Sam. Did you include the custom chip means that Sam will not be + supported?
Support Sam will stop only at version 4.1.

What makes you think so? Even after the SAM came out we are still updating (and plan on updating) AmigaOS for the AmigaOne; with your logic, we would have stopped doing that the moment that the SAM version came out. The inclusion of custom hardware doesn't have any bearing on this; if you look at SAM and AmigaOne, they're very different machines with very different onboard hardware.

Gone are the relationships with Acube? Will no longer support future machines and / or tabs (see eye-motion) created by Acube?
This info, I just wanted to know how to send my hard-earned savings in the near future.

What makes you think so? When we released a Pegasos version, did you suddenly think Hyperion has abandoned all relations with ACube in favor of Genesi? Probably not. Why would you think that there needs to be an exclusive hardware partner?

I am clearly not speaking for Hyperion, but so far there has been no change in their relationship. What ACube hardware will be supported (I have to admit I don't know what eye-motion is) or not is up to Hyperion and ACube to decide, but Max is on the core developer team, and the SAM clearly aims at a different market than, well, the new machine.

I hope this answers your question.

Seriously, if you want to contact me do not bother sending me a PM here. Write me a mail

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