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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 14:31:17
#181 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


Therefore, if we received the 10 june mail from you, we have nothing more to do than patiently wait. It's ?

Thanks for reply, i feel better, I'm not alone to wait and to don't have news :)


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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 14:35:49
#182 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


Thank you to everyone for your patience and for contacting us.

Due to nature of the production runs, it does take time to process each order. Last update was on the website 14 days ago. We have now updated website today.

Last edited by amigakit on 14-Aug-2012 at 02:41 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 15:13:24
#183 ]
Joined: 9-Sep-2004
Posts: 97
From: Pocasset, Mass


Thanks much! I'm truly glad to see our best vendor back talking about the next X1000's. Hopefully even better news soon.

AmigaOne X1000 owner

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 15:28:45
#184 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


Thank for reply but for this question...

"Therefore, if we received the 10 june mail from you, we have nothing more to do than patiently wait. It's ?"


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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 15:35:15
#185 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


Yes please await our email to you individually. You can pmail me here and I will check your status on the list if you wish.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 16:00:11
#186 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
Posts: 1077
From: France


Thanks !
Pm sent


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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 17:29:04
#187 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 20-Mar-2003
Posts: 6395
From: S.Wales


This is going horribly showily.. I was wondering if should buy a Sam460 instead, but that is not what I really wont.

Please remember that X1000 is not the only product that Amigakit sell and their team is quite small. They have to to assemble and test each and every system they sell including installing the OS and in some cases updating the BIOS. On top of this they also have to process all their other orders and some of the products such as leads and MAS players have to be hand built which can be time consuming.

I'm sure they are they are doing everything they can to get customers orders out as quick as possible.

I know it can be frustrating having to wait so long but it will be worth it in the end.

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 18:01:18
#188 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2007
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From: Northern Ireland


I agree, I think Chris is doing almost all of the tech work by himself.

AmigaOne X1000

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 18:20:00
#189 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


Please pmail me and Ill check your status on our customer list.

We have been delayed by many external factors over the last few months out of our control. Rest assured we did everything to speed the process up.

Several customers on this forum already have had their X1000s delivered recently and there will be more joining the ranks very shortly.


You are correct, a lot of the Classic Amiga products we sell these days are manufactured by ourselves and we also do a lot of Amiga repairs. This takes a lot of our time, but we serve the Amiga Community full time so every sale is very important to us.

Last edited by amigakit on 14-Aug-2012 at 06:23 PM.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 18:30:04
#190 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2005
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From: Belgrade, Serbia


Once again, thanks for doing everything in your power now, and in the future

OS 3.x AROS and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionalism. Learn it harder way!
SinclairQL and WII U lover :D

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 18:34:13
#191 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


Thanks for your kind words of encouragement.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 20:56:12
#192 ]
Super Member
Joined: 14-Apr-2003
Posts: 1797
From: nyc


Thanks for the post. I have a question though. After all this "What is X" hype and all the propaganada as X1000 as the best Amiga platform. Why in the world is it so hard to get? You would think for that price it would be available and ready to ship. This delay getting this machine into people's hands is so puzzling and I think has killed alot of momentum. People were very excited by X1000 project, and now ppl cant even get a machine even though they pre paid deposits? Boy some things with "amiga" never change :(

This x1000 needs to be IN STOCK and ready for purchase imho. Why is it not? At least a couple of units.

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 21:08:26
#193 ]
Amiga Kit
Joined: 28-Jun-2004
Posts: 2639


We have not taken any pre-paid deposits for the second production run to date.

The second production manufacturing run has already been completed. We have been receiving boards on a weekly basis as they are being quality tested by Varisys in sub-batches. We then in turn assemble the systems to customer's specification. We envisage distributing these systems ongoing until late Q3/2012.

Amiga Kit Amiga Store
Links: | New Products | A600GS

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 21:25:55
#194 ]
Super Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2012
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From: Norway


Im just guessing, but at that price id say having a idle stock sitting around hoping for a buyer
sounds like a expensive gamble. Espesially since the financial burden is carried by relativly few people.

I would be sweating bullets if I had 10-20 000 euros worth of hardware in stock hoping for a buyer.
Minimizing risk while trying to get the x1000 out as fast as they can seems like a prudent model to me given the uncertain Amiga market.

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 21:37:15
#195 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jul-2005
Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.



realize wrote:

Thanks for the post. I have a question though. After all this "What is X" hype and all the propaganada as X1000 as the best Amiga platform. Why in the world is it so hard to get? You would think for that price it would be available and ready to ship. This delay getting this machine into people's hands is so puzzling and I think has killed alot of momentum. People were very excited by X1000 project, and now ppl cant even get a machine even though they pre paid deposits? Boy some things with "amiga" never change :(

This x1000 needs to be IN STOCK and ready for purchase imho. Why is it not? At least a couple of units.

I think most buyers understand the reasons behind the wait for their X1000 delivery. It is just a few buyers who might not have been keeping up with all the news surrounding the production and assembly of each unit by A-Eon and AmigaKit, so they are uninformed.

In regard to your assumption that the X1000 should be in stock on some shelf of AmigaKit's warehouse, so they can just grab one and put it in a box for shipping to any buyer, that will probably happen, AFTER all the current buyers have their systems shipped to them.

It would most likely increase the already high price (depending on who you ask) of the X1000 if A-Eon and AmigaKit were to hire more people to assemble these computers faster, and I don't think anyone wants that to happen.

Personally, I think that the demand for this specialty computer that was only intended for Power Amiga Users & Developers, is much higher than anyone anticipated. Trevor has already announced that he and Varisys are working on another AmigaOne project, so hopefully their next computer design for running OS4.x (and probably other OSes, like Linux), will be completed and ready for production and sales to Amiga users, some time within the next year or two. I would guess that since Trevor and Varisys already have experience with the X1000, their next computer design should take less time to bring to market, but that is just an assumption of mine and only time will tell if my guess is correct.

If you want an X1000, I think AmigaKit is still accepting orders for them, so get your order in as soon as you can. The sooner you get your order in, the higher in the order of deliveries your name will be.

Typing this post from my X1000 and enjoying having one of the fastest Amiga's on the planet.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 14-Aug-2012 22:31:44
#196 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Dec-2004
Posts: 2678
From: Wellington

Quick update from me. As you know I try not to discuss internal business on the forums but to correct any misuderstandings.

I have personally prepaid for the complete extended AmigaONE X1000 production run. AmigaKit have not taked any prepayments from customers and to date have only asked them to register their interest. (Apart from one customer who insisted on making a full payment! You know who you are )

There were some minor logistical delays from Varisys set against the backdrop of rising PA-SEMI CPU (~100%) prices and other components. We decided to absorb the hardware price rises and not pass them on to consumers.

I'm pleased to report that AmigaKit are continuing to receive deliveries of Nemo boards from the second production run.


No, I don't need no reason, I'm just breezin'

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 15-Aug-2012 0:21:08
#197 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jun-2003
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From: Leavenworth, KS USA


I'm curious if it is still not possible to get just the motherboard? I would like to have an X1000, but I don't need anything but the motherboard. Got plenty of leftover parts from PC upgrades that I can use, and can buy any needed parts from NewEgg here in the states if I need them. I just can't justify the cost of the full system right now, but could probably make it work if I can get just the motherboard for a lower price....

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 15-Aug-2012 0:24:38
#198 ]
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Joined: 14-Apr-2003
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From: nyc


Thanks for posting. I think that its a good idea to be more transparant about these types of things as there is zero threat of "industrial esponiage" and the only people who need the info is potential customers. What we need is complete openess with the user base and the developers/companies behind OS4 sw/hw projects imho.

As far as the PA Semi chip costs this was forseen when it was discovered what cpu was being used so no surpise there. Though i'm sorry you had to absorb these costs.

I think we should all thank you for your generousity of spirit and financial backing for the cool X1000 platform. The thing is its needs to be an available product. Like Amiga dave said the fanboys will wait til kingdom come, but some casual ex amigans who heard about x1000 think its vapour if you cant buy one or go on wait lists or whatever. Its been 3 years now, and there Still people from the first batch of orders who dont have one?? Not good for building a new base of users. Or even sustaining the old base imo.

So lets move fwd, get the second batch out and lets have some systems in Stock please

(btw no i'm not in the market to buy one as i have the second best platform for os4 - a Peg2 oh the irony)

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 15-Aug-2012 1:43:17
#199 ]
Super Member
Joined: 26-Mar-2004
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From: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA


Just wondering how many production runs there have been. Trevor mentioned an "extended" production run and the "second" production run. I guess they're not the same thing.

X5000 / microA1(OS4.1 FE U2) / CodeBench / Imagine / Blender
Lightwave 2019 / Microsoft Visual C++

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Re: WooHoooo! AmigaOne X1000 to ship by years end!
Posted on 15-Aug-2012 2:08:28
#200 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 6-Sep-2004
Posts: 589
From: Rossendale

Dont forget, the only other hand built hardened PPC based computer you can get that could run AOS4, is from BAE systems, costs $200 Thousand, and is used to run radiation hardened spacecraft.

And Mars Rovers. 8)

Apart from the rad specs, Im sure I saw on the PA specs, that it actually has higher thermal tolerances than the over the counter Mil PPC used in Curiosity.

Go on, ask how much a Radiation Hardened version of the AX1000s CPU would cost, then show that to people who complain how much it is. 8)

Amiga. The ONLY Unmodified Home computer OS rated by NASA for ultimate mission critical applications.

Found out, NASA said that the EDL programs executed with errors no greater than 5 to 10 seconds. AOS properly setup can fully reboot a couple times during those periods. Temporary fault? What temporary fault.

As for XMOS. Has anyone else realised that that chip can time a radar pulse thats shorter than the computer, per clock phase? You have a multichannel detector that even without phase discrimination can measure your distances from maximum to under a meter without recalibrating.

Dammit people, you are complaining about a machine that given the time and effort and money is equal to most things other countries spend millions on putting on other planets.

Maybe we would get more use out of them, using them on the asteroid mining and transport units.

Just dont forget. Dont go back for the cat.

The older and more respected a scientist is, the longer it takes to prove him wrong.

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