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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 0:16:37
#301 ]
Super Member
Joined: 18-Jul-2005
Posts: 1732
From: Lake Shastina, Northern Calif.


MorphOS developers aren't fighting with anyone, and why in the World would any of them want to take ten steps backward and work on AmigaOS4.x, instead of their current work on a superior OS known as MorphOS? It is the fanatics that do all the fighting, and when untrue statements by some of these fanatics are made, one or two of the MorphOS developers takes offense to the lies that are being spread around, so they respond to correct and stop those lies from being spread further.

There was a time long ago, when some of the MorphOS developers were more active in the conflict with either AmigaOS4.x developers, or fanatics, who were making statements that in the MorphOS developers opinions were untrue, or inaccurate, but that has not been the case for many years now. I rarely ever see any responses by any MorphOS developers these days to the few fanatics that continue to perpetuate the Red vs Blue war. MorphOS developers are too busy turning out new versions of, IMO, by far the best Amiga inspired OS we have available for use today on any platform.

I can understand your thinking that it would be advantageous for AmigaOS4.x to gain so many truly talented programmers, but what would be their motivation, just to say that they now have the opportunity to work on an OS that bears the name "Amiga"?

Sorry, that is no longer important to most MorphOS Developers, and with the memory of past conflicts between both parties, as long as Hyperion is the owner of AmigaOS4.x, the MorphOS developers will never consider working on AmigaOS4.x.

If you want all programming resources to be working on the same OS, why don't you talk all of the AmigaOS4.x developers into abandoning Hyperion and the slow progressing AmigaOS4.x system, and into joining the MorphOS Development team?

Last edited by amigadave on 08-May-2015 at 12:20 AM.

Amiga! The computer that inspired so many, to accomplish so much, but has ended up in the hands of . . . . . . . . . .

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 3:25:57
#302 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 28-Nov-2005
Posts: 500
From: shanghai

why in the World would any of them want to take ten steps backward and work on AmigaOS4.x, instead of their current work on a superior OS known as MorphOS? It is the fanatics that do all the fighting

oh, the sheer neutrality and moderate tones of our peacekeepers!

Last edited by resle on 08-May-2015 at 03:26 AM.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 4:13:56
#303 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
Posts: 5120
From: Right here...


oh, the sheer neutrality and moderate tones of our peacekeepers!


Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 4:31:24
#304 ]
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Joined: 10-Jun-2010
Posts: 561
From: Mobile, Alabama, United States

Well then, I like it back here.... ten steps back.


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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 5:18:07
#305 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Mar-2004
Posts: 2168
From: Australia

Heh, kinda funny reading non-developers proclaiming who has the best developers

There's talent in all camps. Personally I'd put the likes of Dr.Schulz, Toni Wilen, Jason McCullum, Deadwood, Neil C, etc. against the talent pool available to MorphOS any day.

Not to suggest one group is more talented than another, but this blind faith mantra of many MOS users of "we has the best developers" is akin to sticking your head in the sand, and happily keeping it there.

Of course though, it's generally done by fanatics rather than those who bother to open their eyes and really look around, but it's amusing nonetheless.

n.b. Im aware Ive probably misspelled half the names above. Sorry about that to those involved. Also, sorry to those I've excluded. I simply used some of the names known better to the general amiga-oid population, rather than just listing AROS developers.

Last edited by fishy_fis on 08-May-2015 at 05:23 AM.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 5:33:44
#306 ]
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Joined: 30-Aug-2003
Posts: 5120
From: Right here...


Heh, kinda funny reading non-developers proclaiming who has the best developers

Agreed, a fanatic calling others fanatics


Your post was a little over the top don't you think?

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 6:22:13
#307 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 14-Mar-2003
Posts: 5211
From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


"Well, only dead fish swim with the stream."


SPAM, re "only dead fish..." , for Amiga user:

Last edited by KimmoK on 08-May-2015 at 09:15 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 8:07:01
#308 ]
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Joined: 14-Feb-2006
Posts: 1134
From: Kingston upon Hull, UK



KimmoK wrote:

"Well, only dead fish swim with the stream."


That little idiom made me chuckle too.


Thankyou for giving me my first smile on what is otherwise a depressing day in the UK. If only we had a political equivalent of The MorphOS Team, or AROS.. Instead we have to cast our votes between three Hyperions and a couple of Amiga Incs.

/sigh, and sorry for bringing up politics in an otherwise gentlemanly and respectful forum (comparatively).

Last edited by Boot_WB on 08-May-2015 at 08:15 AM.
Last edited by Boot_WB on 08-May-2015 at 08:12 AM.
Last edited by Boot_WB on 08-May-2015 at 08:09 AM.

Troll - n., A disenfranchised former potential customer who remains interested enough to stay informed and express critical opinions.
opp., the vast majority who voted silently with their feet.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 8:15:02
#309 ]
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Joined: 12-May-2010
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From: Unknown


I hope not that a new "x is superior to y" debate after "Aros vs. AmigaOS" starts.

There are always the same phrase. One side says "our OS is the only true Amiga successor", the other side says "We are simply the best, our OS is the best, our developers are the best, we are too good for this world". Sorry both "are not the best", perhaps you could say that MorphOS offers the best solution as a package but that is all. There is almost no new software for MorphOS and it is not the best in every area. AmigaOS has its known flaws too. And both are tied to a dying hardware platform that today noone else uses (at least not for a desktop).

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 8:15:59
#310 ]
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Joined: 12-May-2010
Posts: 6472
From: Unknown


Yes the results are somehow surprising

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 8:29:44
#311 ]
Super Member
Joined: 1-Sep-2004
Posts: 1962
From: Suomi-Finland


For Kids the Amiga is perfect. Just put Colour it or DPIV on. They learn the idea in minutes.
I'm a kid and happen to have 2+5 years AmyGirls that Love to draw.

As seen the logic is very important. Trying to make in scale some building pictures in inkscape, many hours. In DP it was a few minutes.

We have a lot of people getting older and have to help banking or others that moved to the net.
They do not wan't to do anything else. I like complicated sometimes but it could be an option.

Golden Products.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 8:36:01
#312 ]
Super Member
Joined: 1-Sep-2004
Posts: 1962
From: Suomi-Finland

I agree the most. MOS and OS4 sharing the inventions together and making a killer product for US!

For the old XE below my desk and for the new Ones could buy. Trevor?

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 9:24:19
#313 ]
Regular Member
Joined: 12-Jun-2013
Posts: 437
From: Unknown

Well I reread actual statements made by Hyperion which
weren't that many and I'm sad to say that I mostly posted
based on misquotes.

Seriously , if nobody sees any value in Amiga brand when
wanting to get new users aboard then I'm completely lost.
AmigaOne X1000 wouldn't sell 10 % of what it did if it wasn't
labeled as Amiga to the world at large which was double
edged sword probably because not all who would still want
to use Amigas for basic computing needs follow forums
or even know that they exist.

Some people were disappointed in AOS4 because "I had to
use UAE to use things I want" , some others because it wasn't
comparable to Windows 7.I didn't understand what people
really expected of Hyperion regarding driver support so I
assumed that millions or billions were given but as we can see
now that wasn't the case and Hyperion did say that there will
be no big comeback (realistic) , it was AEon that attempted
the big comeback while Hyperion kept silent and got more than
200 less than 2000 worth of AOS4 sold (not that much).

As far as I know it's up to hardware manufacturer to supply the
drivers.Windows is exception where Microsoft uses "driver
signing" as good way to bully hardware manufacturers into

My opinion was that if you are gonna make dual-core Amiga you
might as well pay some guys from Taiwan to rewrite the OS to
support it which would probably be even bigger investment then
making hardware itself.

Last piece of sanity (off course , subjective opinion) is SAM 460
in cost reduced version.Right way was to invest in AOS4 itself
and consider port to different CPU and that was what most of
tech sites predicted before hardware details of x1000 were
released and reviews were more than little cruel.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 9:38:27
#314 ]
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Joined: 4-Apr-2014
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From: Unknown


we just should find ways to stop the community from shrinking

€3000 systems^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H


Right there!

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 9:42:52
#315 ]
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fishy_fis wrote:
Heh, kinda funny reading non-developers proclaiming who has the best developers

Also kinda funny reading non-users (of anything, be it OS4, MorphOS or AROS) proclaiming which is the "best" OS and actually suggesting that the developers of the other OS's should abandon their own work and join this one instead...

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 9:46:35
#316 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 3005
From: Stockholm, Sweden


That was lots of lies and fantasies. I've been here all the time so I know the truth and that itsn't what I'm reading here.

Anyway, point being that it's better with one successfull OS than two unsuccessfull. I see that you like MOS and don't want it to be taken away from you and I don't think that you got anything to worry about.

I got MOS on my PowerMac here... all the talk about "superior" is fanatic, I agree. If you had an open mind you would say how it really is and how it really is is that both MOS and AOS 4 has its strengths. While you like MOS better I don't and I'm not "fanatic" because of it. People are different and like different things. Also if you've read psychology you would know that the one calling other people names are often reflecting on themselfes meaning that you consider yourself fanatic but don't want to admit that and instead of admitting it you call others fanatic and point fingers.

Right now I'm typing this in Windows 8. As I've said before I like to play around with different OS:es and some I like better than others and you obviously got an issue with me liking AOS 4 over MOS but calling me fanatic because of that is just childish. Grow up.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 9:52:34
#317 ]
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From: Unknown



PR wrote:
I agree the most. MOS and OS4 sharing the inventions together and making a killer product for US!

There is actually nothing in OS4 that MorphOS need or wants or could benefit from. It already is the killer product for YOU!

The first thing the MorphOS developers would do in a joint with OS4, would be to throw away everything "OS4", because all the counterparts in MorphOS is already better and unlike OS4 it is not contaminated with third party IP. Then they would have to let the OS4 developers go, because they are IP contaminated as well.

And then they would be back with MorphOS developers developing MorphOS. Like it already is! You see?

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 9:57:33
#318 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2013
Posts: 437
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Sorry to say this but compared to Windows even
Morphos is way way too far behind for more than
obvious reasons ...

All 3 Amiga like OSes are trying to hit target moving
at the speed of light.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 10:11:37
#319 ]
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Joined: 4-Apr-2014
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Why are you sorry to say that?

Did I or anyone else try to compare MorphOS with Windows here?

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 8-May-2015 10:35:58
#320 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2004
Posts: 1962
From: Suomi-Finland

OK. MOS Is The Best and it Rulez the World. I Only use OS4 as it is true Amiga. Mos Users are all old Atarists and Apple fanmen. This is an Amiga site. Please don't fight. Joke intended.

If You don't make an agreement, I'll go only Classic+Win7. Think about that.

What about contacting one good printer mark to support. I think many would buy one + a driver.

A Really Pretty Please for all: Here Going to do something constructive and stop this bullthread.

Im Out.

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