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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 7:05:41
#501 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


>That's the complete BoM of my PC...


>TOTAL: €852,41

To me it seems like low price price for such HW.
I get €800 for much weaker parts from big finnish shop.
(so, next x64 buy I definitely should do from elsewehere...)

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 8:19:07
#502 ]
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it seems general the smaller the country the more expensive everything. I read that one economic explanation is that on smaller markets there is much less competition and less competition means higher prices. Similar is even the case in smaller countries next to germany. In short: buy it abroad-

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 8:29:32
#503 ]
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I made the Lame test and outperformed all SAM models

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 8:35:37
#504 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

-current leading OS are not perfect for everyting for every use
-current commercial OSs are built to make money not to be perfect for user

So, there is room for even better OS.
-easy to use
-easily controllable
-fast and efficient

But our niche do not currently have a working roadmap or resources to become the better OS that the world needs. So, thinking about our OS to become "leading general purpose OS" again in our lifetime is silly. Better focus on things that are doable.

But, (IMO again), we could/should have a roadmap how to become the leading OS somewhere/anywhere/everywhere.
Then we can have a better future. We all can do tiny things towards the goal/vision far in the future.

Ok, I wasted too much energy. and

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 8:53:15
#505 ]
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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 11:37:20
#506 ]
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cdimauro wrote:
CPU Intel i7-4970K: €344,36

Are you sure you don't mean 4790k because I can't find 4970k?

Using: One Commodore C64 - One Commodore Amiga 500 - One Commodore Amiga 1200 with BVision and Blizzard 68060 with PPC coprocessor running Amiga DOS - One Hellbillylitre Amigatwox86x64x6000x running Windows7

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 11:46:17
#507 ]
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People spend xx thousands of dollars on old cars, stamps, electronic gizmos, the list is endless.

The X1000 and now even talking about X something newer isn't exactly like a old car, its a low end standard PC where the manufacturer has just switched the x64 CPU to PPC.

Using: One Commodore C64 - One Commodore Amiga 500 - One Commodore Amiga 1200 with BVision and Blizzard 68060 with PPC coprocessor running Amiga DOS - One Hellbillylitre Amigatwox86x64x6000x running Windows7

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 12:17:58
#508 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland

Originally Amiga had special powerfull HW and optimized OS to use it.

HW wise PC mainstream went ahead in mid 90's.
OS wise PCs gained some amiga features and developed some of "their own".

Nowdays the HW is a lot more capable than old Amigas and no small niche can beat the mainstream HW R&D.
But what can be done is to make better use of the HW power available. (just hard to get the documentation)

btw, IMO, that forces the use of CUSTOM build from mainstream components.


I would say classic Amiga is like VW Beetle. (own unique design etc.)
x1000 is like VW NewBeetle. (not a low end standard car, even if uses standard car components + extra trailer hook, it's anyway a new design)

((too bad the knob of the trailer hook is X shaped, not too easy to use))

I do not like NewBeetle as it is nothing like the original real Beetle. (newbeetle is like WinUAE Amiga on a Windows computer)

But my SAM is very much like my A4000 because it uses the same OS, I like it, even if components are from Telecoms and old PCs. (but it could also be far better ofcourse)

IMO: It is realistic to re-use standard components and the favorite OS to get modern (>=half) Amiga feeling.

Last edited by KimmoK on 15-May-2015 at 12:23 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-May-2015 at 12:20 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-May-2015 at 12:20 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 12:22:22
#509 ]
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there is the general question if producing custom hardware today makes sense at all but as long people want new PPC hardware there is no alternative (or like MorphOS team did up to now supporting old Macs)

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 12:26:26
#510 ]
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From: Rome, Italy


I have no SAM, so I cannot compare them. But WinUAE on a good PC can even outperform your SAM, according to some tests which were made (mostly by pavlor).

Current emulation has many limits and OS4 emulated is not officially supported, thus for me the real thing has certainly a different and unique feeling.

If you are happy with your PC, superior machine with the best design and speed and everything, why you need to boot into (some form of) Amiga to (as you stated elsewhere) have some fun?

SAM440EP-FLEX @ 733 Mhz, AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 12:27:45
#511 ]
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From: Ylikiiminki, Finland


IMO: to me it seems it needs to be custom, so that it can be supported / utilized in optimal way.

(or it can be semi-custom, some selected motherboard that is targeted and enough volume bought before production runs out)

(so, I'm still not 100% convinced that "buying" the "HAL" (host OS) from M$ or Torvalds is the best possible idea, it would be required if "most of the x64 HW" is the suppport target)

Last edited by KimmoK on 15-May-2015 at 12:30 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-May-2015 at 12:29 PM.
Last edited by KimmoK on 15-May-2015 at 12:29 PM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 12:31:13
#512 ]
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Tbh ... people ... are "a waste of space/time/money".

There, I improved it for you.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 12:33:53
#513 ]
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From: Work


Hehe. A colleague of mine phrased it like this the other day:
He has the right to voice his opinion, but we have the right to consider him a right prick for having that opinion.

Freedom of speech, baby.

And I agree, talk IS cheap. As it should be. It should actually be FREE!

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 13:59:45
#514 ]
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I would say classic Amiga is like VW Beetle. (own unique design etc.)
x1000 is like VW NewBeetle. (not a low end standard car, even if uses standard car components + extra trailer hook, it's anyway a new design)

((too bad the knob of the trailer hook is X shaped, not too easy to use))

I do not like NewBeetle as it is nothing like the original real Beetle. (newbeetle is like WinUAE Amiga on a Windows computer)

But my SAM is very much like my A4000 because it uses the same OS, I like it, even if components are from Telecoms and old PCs. (but it could also be far better ofcourse)

IMO: It is realistic to re-use standard components and the favorite OS to get modern (>=half) Amiga feeling.

I like the Amiga because it had a large user share. Many software companies supported it, can you remember that btw?

Using: One Commodore C64 - One Commodore Amiga 500 - One Commodore Amiga 1200 with BVision and Blizzard 68060 with PPC coprocessor running Amiga DOS - One Hellbillylitre Amigatwox86x64x6000x running Windows7

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 14:08:00
#515 ]
Joined: 20-May-2010
Posts: 36
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agami wrote:
@thread, and particularly @TheBilgeRat and @kolla

Part of me is sad that y'all can't see the gems hidden within AmigaOS.

But another part of me is pleased because I know non of you bit@#es (said with affection) is going to beat me to market.

Hey, man, more power to ya! :)

I'll give most anything a try once, as long as the buy-in is reasonable.

BUT, to be fair, I do see the hidden gems in AmigaOS...AmigaOS3.1 and below. On actual amigas.

Last edited by TheBilgeRat on 15-May-2015 at 02:18 PM.

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 14:18:37
#516 ]
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From: Somewhere in Spain


Yeah UnARC Amiga's extractor is more capable than WinZIP probably.It's very fast and responsive.

About the thread I think as you that nothing is impossible and that if Amiga has resistance over these years we can have expect something better in the future for the Amiga.

I am not in loans or payments but I can say and I believe that after these year of suffering with small commercial software releases and possible bankrupcies and strange things happening on our machines we hope for a best future for our Amigas and if we all unite and forget little spoken wars we can make something greater because this community is amazing.

I hope so it could be.

Dreams can true like the song from Hammerfall.

AMIGA 500 1.5 MB ACA500/ACA1232 accelerators
AMIGA 500 German
CD32 unexpanded
Amiga 1200 Tower on AmigaKit since years
AMIGA 1300 030/50 Mhz/32 MB WB 3.9 with lots of games&demos

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 14:20:55
#517 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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Part of me is sad that y'all can't see the gems hidden within AmigaOS.

LIst them (succinctly).

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: How to make Amiga OS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 14:31:51
#518 ]
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From: Somewhere in Spain


I think Morphix all of your points are very important but I will focus specially on stability (a work on the hands of Hyperion of course) and create at least 3 or 4 games stunning so the people can see the possibilities of the Amiga.

Can any company focus on the creation of these games?

It could be a 3D shooter,a raciing one and other 2 games based on the great Amiga legacy like a new Lemmings or Lotus 4 for example.

That's my ideas for now

Somoeone said the Amiga is a 32-bit machine even today.

Is the AmigaOne-X1000 a 32-bit machine? It seems very strange to me because even the Amiga 500 has 32 bit functinalities I think,how can it does the x1000?

Last edited by newlight on 15-May-2015 at 02:49 PM.

AMIGA 500 1.5 MB ACA500/ACA1232 accelerators
AMIGA 500 German
CD32 unexpanded
Amiga 1200 Tower on AmigaKit since years
AMIGA 1300 030/50 Mhz/32 MB WB 3.9 with lots of games&demos

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 16:41:40
#519 ]
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Joined: 12-Jun-2012
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From: Norway


The X1000 and now even talking about X something newer isn't exactly like a old car, its a low end standard PC where the manufacturer has just switched the x64 CPU to PPC.

Who are you or I to define what constitute a hobby or enjoyment for others? Or the value of it?
I join YOU in the camp that thinks its far to expensive to our liking vs what you get, but that doesnt make our pov the only truth overall.

There are people that cant praise AOS4.x and the PPC hardware enough.
There are people that cant critizise it enough.

I perfer Daniel/Cherry Darlings method of pointing to weaknesses without the subjective snipes/ridicule, rather that offer no constructive feedback/usefullness.

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Re: How to make AmigaOS a leading operating system?
Posted on 15-May-2015 19:50:01
#520 ]
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Overflow wrote:
Who are you or I to define what constitute a hobby or enjoyment for others? Or the value of it?
I join YOU in the camp that thinks its far to expensive to our liking vs what you get, but that doesnt make our pov the only truth overall.

I see it as mispriced. The Commodore Amiga hadn't such prices that were out of proportion with the general market at the time.[/quote]

Using: One Commodore C64 - One Commodore Amiga 500 - One Commodore Amiga 1200 with BVision and Blizzard 68060 with PPC coprocessor running Amiga DOS - One Hellbillylitre Amigatwox86x64x6000x running Windows7

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