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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 12:58:04
#261 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 16-Mar-2004
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


I don't think OS4.2 is anywhere close. At Neuss one of teh Frieden bros said something about multicore support and it didnt sounded like all rosy and soon ready. Quite the opposite. There is a kernel that supports multiple core inan artifiacial surrounding and no word about compability.
And Gallium, well, another dream...There's talk about is since ages, but no real progress.
Buying a Tabor now for OS4.2 with SMP and Gallium would be as wise as byung an x64 system now for MorphOS NG.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 13:03:33
#262 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



acefnq wrote:

Why would one invest in MOS? Where is that road map? Forgive me but isn't MOS also only PPC???? Or is it available on cheap x86 or ARM and I missed something??

Of courdse there s a road map. MorphOS will switch to x64. But it will take a while (read: a few years - my guess: 2-5 years). In the mean time you can continue to enjoy MorphOS on quite many ppc systems (as yu already are doing).

Last edited by Zylesea on 14-Oct-2015 at 01:16 PM.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 13:20:43
#263 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2006
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From: Adelaide, South Australia


Thank you. I agree. Not sure where you got your official road map for MOS but I agree it is being discussed and maybe even worked on. Last I heard they were looking at ARM.

I really admire what MOS has achieved (I am an Amigan from inception and remember well the dire situation that started MOS), I personally prefer AOS4 but I run MOS on G5 and 2 x G4 as well. AROS is on my PC. As an Amigan I am proud to talk about any of the flavors.

There are a number of hardware experts in our forums who can discuss, debate or notify about various technical shortcomings and those discussions are interesting and informative but I hate ridiculous bagging because some hardware doesn't suit one camp or another.

Constructive criticism should always be presented and accepted in good faith. Meaningless dribble from the same parties time after time becomes tiresome.


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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 13:20:57
#264 ]
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That said, instead of buying every piece of hardware you can find; maybe spend a fair share of your money on software?

Yes software support are very important. Thanks for a good advice

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 13:34:45
#265 ]
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While I DO agree with you that performance is an unknown factor, don't you think telling people they are "stupid" or that they should "shut up" is a bit much?

Don't twist my words. I didn't tell him HE was stupid, I told him what he SAID was stupid. And I meant it in a friendly tone.

And on the matter of shutting up - yeah I really think you should shut up trying to convince people NOT to buy this new board before we even know the details about it.

You say you don't like Hyperion - fine I can follow you to a certain degree there, but you are harming Trevor and everybody else working for the resurrection of this platform. Including the happy guys who is just happy about a new entry level motherboard.

And curious people returning will perhaps think it's not worth it because of your negative comments, so yeah it's better to shut up.

On Planet Boing Trevor is God

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 13:38:26
#266 ]
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Maybe this board is a while off and designed to run OS4.2.

the question is what it takes to design something towards a fairy tale, when even the involved seem not to know how and where the path exactly leads or ends. seems pretty visionary.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 13:40:27
#267 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



acefnq wrote:

Thank you. I agree. Not sure where you got your official road map for MOS but I agree it is being discussed and maybe even worked on. Last I heard they were looking at ARM.


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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 14:05:42
#268 ]
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you have bought something from A-eon or Acube or at least "classic" using UAE?

Next month I will buy AmigaOS 4.1 final for classic and run it via UAE

Later on I will buy a used SAM or this new small mini-itx board. It will be great fun to be back playing with the new AmigaOS via both software and hardware.

Why dont you just sell your PC and buy 2nd hand SAM now?

Dont say you have no money.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 14:27:04
#269 ]
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From: N-Space


Yes, indeed. If I were in the market for a Mini ITX board for Linux I'd get something like this and save a bundle of money. The Tabor is only interesting to me because it will run AmigaOS 4, and only then because of the limited choices available.

That answer only increases my discomfort.
I mean, I've known for a LONG time that things have gone wrong, but WE seem to be contributing to this and that is discouraging.

Please do explain your discomfort! I don't really understand what your concern is.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 14:30:55
#270 ]
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bison wrote:

The Tabor is only interesting to me because it will run AmigaOS 4,

Will it?
Do you have links to prove this assumption?

It is indeed an assumption, but a reasonable one I think. It certainly is not a cost-effective solution for any OS that runs on more mainstream architectures. There may be uses that I have overlooked -- if so, please enlighten me!

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 14:34:46
#271 ]
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There may be uses that I have overlooked -- if so, please enlighten me!

maybe it could be used to stuff a hole in the roof almost as cost effectively as for computing;)

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 14:53:26
#272 ]
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sorry, double post.

Last edited by wawa on 14-Oct-2015 at 02:57 PM.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 14:56:24
#273 ]
Elite Member
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given your setup you might try out mos. other than that you simply need contemporary solution and leave the amigas to what they are designed for and good at. if not uae, then genuine hardware seems to be still one of the most cost effective solutions.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:00:19
#274 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 5-Apr-2007
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From: Zurich, Switzerland


Thanks for the "stupid" part.

How do you know, that I don't know? Perhaps I know...

Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:04:16
#275 ]
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From: Zurich, Switzerland


You are right in your thinking, but you make assumpions about what you've seen on pictures or in Neuss.

Just ask ACube for AmigaOS benchmarks - that is at least what's important, right?

There is still no official information from ACube, that they replaced P1022 with a T104X. Just wait...

Sometimes we give people a lot of credit just because they're writing nice sentences even if it isn't adding up to much.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:12:47
#276 ]
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I've even dared to consider an x86 flavor of Linux (yes, I've used it before. At least it has printer support).

It also has UAE-FS.

I haven't tried this yet, but it's on my list:

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:21:31
#277 ]
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It also has UAE-FS. I haven't tried this yet,

i have, on different linux distros, when i was compiling and testing aros 68k. afair i wasnt able to enable jit (you have no easily accessible option). all in all its much slower to work with and harder to handle in comparison to winuae, it comes nowhere near it. which is probably the reason that experienced developers such as thor have a bad opinion about the state of usability of emulation, especially as far as testing and bug fixing matters.

sorry to say windows is the best option to run amiga code at maximum speed.

Last edited by wawa on 14-Oct-2015 at 03:22 PM.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:33:49
#278 ]
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Joined: 13-Oct-2015
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From: Stockholm, Sweden



acefnq wrote:

Thank you. I agree. Not sure where you got your official road map for MOS but I agree it is being discussed and maybe even worked on. Last I heard they were looking at ARM.

I talked to Mark "Bigfoot" Olsen at Neuss ands he said he has been working on "MorphOS NG" for quite some time now. But progress is slow due to other priorities, both within MorphOS and in life in general. They have not decided what processor to use yet, but it will be 64 bit, have MP and SMP and it will break 68k/PPC compatability. I got the impression that the reason they havn't decided which processor to use is because they don't need to at this moment since this new version lives within an virtuel environment only right now.

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:51:48
#279 ]
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Joined: 18-Dec-2007
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i have, on different linux distros, when i was compiling and testing aros 68k. afair i wasnt able to enable jit (you have no easily accessible option). all in all its much slower to work with and harder to handle in comparison to winuae, it comes nowhere near it. which is probably the reason that experienced developers such as thor have a bad opinion about the state of usability of emulation, especially as far as testing and bug fixing matters.

I was afraid that might be the case. I'm still hopeful that the situation will improve. That it runs AOS4 at all is impressive.

sorry to say windows is the best option to run amiga code at maximum speed.

Windows is a non-starter for me. I haven't used it on any system that I own since 1999. Sometimes I use it at work, but only because I'm getting paid to do so.

Last edited by bison on 14-Oct-2015 at 03:53 PM.

"Unix is supposed to fix that." -- Jay Miner

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Re: New hardware: PPC-Motherboard A1222 "Tabor" by Acube/A-eon
Posted on 14-Oct-2015 15:51:54
#280 ]
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in the newest 64bit version of FS-UAE JIT is automatical activated. I tested Windows not Linux but I assume it is the same there.

in older versions JIT was activated with putting "uae_cachesize = 8192" in special configuration. Standard was no JIT.

Last edited by OlafS25 on 14-Oct-2015 at 03:57 PM.

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