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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 22:03:08
#321 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


wawa wrote:
.... at least i dont see morphos users complaining about updates, but i see os4 supporters do that finally.

true point or from another angle maybe MorphOS users are savy enough not to post their issues here eh

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 22:13:21
#322 ]
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true point or from another angle maybe MorphOS users are savy enough not to post their issues here eh

since you are member on morph zone, arent you, you would know yourself how much communication on updates or complaints about lack of those there is on part of morphos users.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 22:32:10
#323 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


I don't think I am the only user who believes that Hyperion intentionally delayed the release of the first public version of AmigaOS4.x, and meant to take the rights to AmigaOS4.x away from Amiga Inc. from the very beginning when their contract was created with specific wording (which Bill McEwen was too ignorant to realize).

Yes, their actions seem obvious in retrospect.
And Bill may have had his issues, but I do think he meant to see the ACKSystems designs through and OS4 running on them.

The specs for the X1000 obviously draw from the high end system that was announced.

While I'm fond of Trevor, I can't help but feel he is dealing with the devil himself to carry on the Amiga name.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 22:34:48
#324 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


People rarely complain about _lack_ of updates there. Usually people say they want this or that, and if it is a genuine problem or something that is going to be released then the developers comments on it. But a lot is just wishful thinking or too much work. In these cases the developers are usually quiet, unless they feel a need to tell people something is not going to happen.

Generally the AOS 4 community is very good at praising and encouraging anyone who does something constructive, while the MOS community is not. But the MOS community is better at getting feedback from the developers than the AOS 4 dito. IMHO.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 22:35:17
#325 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


MorphOS users are savy enough not to post their issues here

Well, not to brag, but sometimes we can contact specific developers with our concerns.
And patience doesn't hurt.

We have never been promised anything we didn't eventually get.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 22:53:09
#326 ]
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iggy wrote:

I don't think I am the only user who believes that Hyperion intentionally delayed the release of the first public version of AmigaOS4.x, and meant to take the rights to AmigaOS4.x away from Amiga Inc. from the very beginning when their contract was created with specific wording (which Bill McEwen was too ignorant to realize).

Yes, their actions seem obvious in retrospect.


Yet, that's not how it went, and what happened is actually pretty well documented in the proceedings of that pesky little lawsuit, open for all to read.

It was really a standoff, after one party failing to fulfill its contractual obligations, "transforming" its business entities ... making it all somewhat confusing, and another party tryin' to move ahead anyway, working in a context where the initial premises of the contract were no longer valid, and negotiations about said contract going nowhere, until things got really ugly.


Last edited by jorit2 on 07-Feb-2016 at 11:01 PM.
Last edited by jorit2 on 07-Feb-2016 at 10:59 PM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 23:29:34
#327 ]
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"transforming" its business entities ... making it all somewhat confusing

My recollection of the word from the judge was "disturbing", but a matter for a criminal court as opposed to a civil action. So I guess since there was no criminal action taken history will indeed show it as merely "confusing".


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 23:36:52
#328 ]
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number6 wrote:

"transforming" its business entities ... making it all somewhat confusing

My recollection of the word from the judge was "disturbing", but a matter for a criminal court as opposed to a civil action. So I guess since there was no criminal action taken history will indeed show it as merely "confusing".


The judge could base his wording on documents and evidence available to him/us, which was not available to us at the time it happened.


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 23:41:33
#329 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


that's not how it went

I'm fully aware of the Amiga Inc Washington, KMOS, Amiga Inc Delaware transfers.
That doesn't excuse Hyperion's perpetual foot dragging when it came to releasing the product.

It was clearly an asset grab and the delay in moving forward was one more nail in the coffin.

Yes, Bill's claim to ownership of all the assets was threadbare.

But all the legal wrangling that has gone on has merely helped legitimize equally threadbare claims.

Cloanto owns OS3.1?
Since when?
They were just a licensee.

Bill still owns the Amiga name?
To what end?
He can't build machines with any real connection to the legacy.

And Hyperion?
Ben is damned lucky that the Frieden brothers pulled it off.
Of course, how much of the OS the brothers now own is a good question.

Aeon's progress has been somewhat heartening, but their intention to build the crippled Tabor board treads on the market of their supposed strategic partner Acube.

It really is all cursed.

BTW - If you think the corporate shuffle was questionable, you haven't been paying attention to how things are done these days.

For example - The transfers of the AT&T name alone are enough to make your head spin.
The current entity using that name has no relationship what so ever to the company I knew growing up.

Take a look at the State I'm from.
Trust me, we know the corporate shuffle here since a sizable percentage of the US' corporations call this little State home.

Last edited by iggy on 07-Feb-2016 at 11:47 PM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 23:42:33
#330 ]
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Joined: 25-Mar-2005
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From: In the village


Going way off-topic now, but obviously I refer to this for those who weren't here for this wondrous event:

Hyperion accuses AInc of coorporate fraud


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 7-Feb-2016 23:54:24
#331 ]
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It was clearly an asset grab

I still disagree (about this little snippet) and all I can offer you is what I believe to be true.


It really is all cursed.

That's hard to argue with.


BTW - If you think the corporate shuffle was questionable, you haven't been paying attention to how things are done these days.

For example - The transfers of the AT&T name alone are enough to make your head spin.
The current entity using that name has no relationship what so ever to the company I knew growing up.

Take a look at the State I'm from.
Trust me, we know the corporate shuffle here since a sizable percentage of the US' corporations call this little State home.

Aaaah Delaware ...


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 0:07:29
#332 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


Yeah, we have a LOT to answer for in this little State.

Did you know one of our plants in Delaware City made the most dioxin laced Agent Orange produced during the Vietnam war?

Then there is our legacy of segregation.
Little known fact, students from our Black College (now Delaware State University) sued the University of Delaware in the early '60s for admission on the grounds that the schools WERE separate but not equal.
It helped pave the way for the final desegregation of all public Colleges and Universities in the United States.

You can bet there are folks at my old school that don't want that brought up again.

And then there is DuPont...

Last edited by iggy on 08-Feb-2016 at 12:13 AM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 0:19:10
#333 ]
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iggy wrote:

Yeah, we have a LOT to answer for in this little State.

Did you know one of our plants in Delaware City made the most dioxin laced Agent Orange produced during the Vietnam war?

Monsanto ?

And then there is DuPont...

Monsanto and DuPont ... two of my "favorite" companies :-/ (for various reasons)


Last edited by jorit2 on 08-Feb-2016 at 12:19 AM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 0:35:24
#334 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


I had high hopes for Dupont when they decided to focus on agribusiness.
Although the Benelate lawsuits were disturbing.

But their history of developing chemicals without sufficient regard to their potential hazards is obvious.

Case in point tetra ethyl lead. Nasty stuff. Developed right in my area.
Workers exposed to the chemical during its development were frequently sent to local hospitals where the doctors were informed that they were 'dye workers'.

Then there is Teflon. It was discovered as a powder and early on it was known how toxic it was if highly heated as researchers accidentally got it on the cigarettes they smoked.
Fluorocarbon poisoning anyone?

Dupont and Monsanto, huh?
Patenting genetic sequences (amongst other things).

Then again, the family has been good to us.
They helped fund the previously mentioned Black College, built hospitals, roads, plants, provided jobs.
And I met our former Governor 'Pete' Dupont when he was in office (a real conservative - unlike Reagan and Bush).
I am not even a conservative, but I have a measure of respect for him.

Addendum - Sorry, WAY off topic.


Last edited by iggy on 08-Feb-2016 at 12:45 AM.
Last edited by iggy on 08-Feb-2016 at 12:36 AM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 0:45:09
#335 ]
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favorite was between quotes, suggesting sarcasm ...
I should have been more obvious I guess

I am definitely NOT a fan of Monsanto ... patenting genetic sequences, and the havoc they wreak, (ab)using those patents, on agriculture worldwide ..., is just one of the gripes I have with them.


erm ... are we still at least somewhat on topic ?

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 0:48:10
#336 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


erm ... are we still at least somewhat on topic ?

Only in a sidereal kind of way.
I just went way overboard explaining how a hick from a tiny little State could grow up understanding corporate skulduggery.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 0:54:58
#337 ]
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Self correcting here to be accurate after finding my initial post about this:

The word used was "troubling", not "disturbing". heh.

Judge Martinez quote

A page later corrected to "potentially troubling". sheesh....

I won't argue whether one word is an indication of being more serious than the other.


Last edited by number6 on 08-Feb-2016 at 12:59 AM.

This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 1:02:53
#338 ]
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From: Bear, Delaware USA


"potentially troubling"

Funny, I have been thinking that about business and politics my whole life!

As I'm sure you are all aware, it just gets worse each year.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 7:46:26
#339 ]
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Why in the world are you guys derailing this important thread talking about teflon.. cmon man.

im still awaiting ANY kind of answer from ANYONE having to do with the OS4 project when is an update coming? What are they working on? etc.

btw as far as the Morphos devs go they are actually VERY communicative both on forums and the official mailing list. Where even the founders like Laire and CyberFrank answer emails! They also have an active irc channel where you can reach them and others!

Now nobody speaks for os4?

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 8-Feb-2016 10:12:51
#340 ]
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"Now nobody speaks for os4?"

Cyborg still replied for OS4 in page 3 of this thread


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