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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 1:20:17
#81 ]
Joined: 31-Jan-2014
Posts: 49
From: Unknown


and then hope for the Tabor before 2018

2018 you reckon? So a few years before MorphOS x86 is released then.


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 3:34:52
#82 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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From: Right here...


As I have now my reply from Hyperion (even if I would have prefer that it will support users rather than support only his betatester, his first class users ?)

So now you have decided to piss on the beta testers?

Last edited by sundown on 25-Jan-2016 at 06:34 AM.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 6:29:36
#83 ]
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Joined: 29-Oct-2012
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From: Germany



tlosm wrote:

ndeed. What does it matter with the topic?

because are cocking us with something that you dont have ...

In which part of your parallel universe peoples cannot talk about things that don't have?

That's a logical fallacy, to invoke censorship. As usual...
Return in topic do another thread for emulator ... here we are speaking about real NG hardware

I'm perfectly in topic: it's about OS4FE. NOT about real hardware. NOT about "NG" hardware.

If you don't like, ignore my comments, instead of continually attacking me.



tlosm wrote:

Ok... i will stop reply the troller

Reported to moderators.



noXLar wrote:

you just proved my point.

what does "close cooperation" with cloanto means..

It means that this way Hyperion is using an already existing, and working well, digital download platform, provided by Cloanto, which is well known to the Amiga community.
and the digital download isn't just for emulation, it is available for all classic users.

Well, that's only in theory. Real "classic" users need an optical media to install OS4FE, which AFAIK is sold at the same price of the digital one. So, if you can wait some days for the delivery, you'll get the CD + support stuff, which is much better than downloading the ISO and printing yourself the manual and the CD.

Last but not really least, OS4FE was already available to "classic" users. So, people who wanted to buy and use it, presumably did it well long time ago, after that this o.s. version was introduced.

The digital delivery option arrived only recently, just after a while that WinUAE introduced support for OS4FE. Is it a coincidence? It's clearly not. Especially if you think that OS4FE is available in digital delivery format ONLY for "classic" users, which should be some order of magnitude quite below the total number of people which have "NG" hardware. Here I'm speaking of "classic" users which have real hardware.

You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to deduct that it was made intentionally by Hyperion to support customers which are using WinUAE to run OS4FE, which seems to be selling A LOT, if the numbers are reporting something like a 10:1 ratio between "classic" and "NG" platforms.

But the company still doesn't want to remove the 128MB system memory limit, refusing the introduce the already existing patch/branch in the master o.s. tree. Removing it will GREATLY enhance the OS4FE experience, as "classic" users can tell you. Which I've to remind to all that are regular, PAYING, Hyperion customers...

In short: it'll be very very good to have an update for this.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 8:48:36
#84 ]
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From: Karlstad, Sweden



sundown wrote:

As I have now my reply from Hyperion (even if I would have prefer that it will support users rather than support only his betatester, his first class users ?)

So now you have decided to piss on the beta testers?

One of the reasons developers refuse to post info here now is because of stupid comments like above.

I do understand his frustration.
I mean there is a LOT of trivial small bugs that has been reported right after FE was released which perfectly could have made their way into AmiUpdate to both fix the actual problems and give the users some kind of indication that the project isn't totaly abandoned.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 8:57:14
#85 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land


Sorry you can include my english in the worst and not in the good one.

feed the trolls as you want :)

Naaa, let him made his self monologue like usual against Os4 . Feeding him after 3 times is not useful for the cause is useful only for loose time.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 9:00:04
#86 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land


I can understand Guillaume too..
but there is one sure thing that everyone need to consider ... there are few people who working on Amiga OS , like on MorphOs . Every time one new machine come the forces are concentrate to the new machines and this means stop working on patching the old ... I hope more devs will join the Team .

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 9:00:09
#87 ]
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From: Germany

@tlosm: can you prove what I've written against OS4?

Your is another blind attack. And as well, reported.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 9:15:57
#88 ]
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From: Karlstad, Sweden



tlosm wrote:

I can understand Guillaume too..
but there is one sure thing that everyone need to consider ... there are few people who working on Amiga OS , like on MorphOs . Every time one new machine come the forces are concentrate to the new machines and this means stop working on patching the old ... I hope more devs will join the Team .

You can't compare the handling to what the MorphOS team does even though they are limited in developers aswell. They do a major release a year follwed by a "bugfix"/patch release the same year. Then you know there will be fixes soon for the reported problems.
They don't have anything in the system that resembles to AmiUpdate with the OS itself.

OS4 on the other hand doesn't have a straight track record how the stuff is released so you never know when/if a problem will be fixed. The good thing is that they do have AmiUpdate which can be used to push small fixes to the users but since that havn't been used at all except for the MUI-releases (which can't be considered a part of the system).

Last edited by Develin on 24-Jan-2016 at 09:16 AM.
Last edited by Develin on 24-Jan-2016 at 09:16 AM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 9:24:49
#89 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land


hey do a major release a year follwed by a "bugfix"/patch release the same year.

we know who are the devs of Mos , every one there is making new codes like are super umans
Im immagine their coding with 4 keyboard, 2 for hands and 2 for foots

I love Amiga and new hope by AmigaNG
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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 9:29:51
#90 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia

os4 managment fail itself one more time. keep it up ! :))

Nope, just mos devs follow strong logic and do things logical, without emotianal and radical chages, which in end need to support, and if you can not provide such support you should not integrate new stuff in the first place. I.e. like os4 managment group do: introduce amiupdate to deliver os updates, but even seems even never ever thinks that someone should support all of this all the time. only amiga.

Or how it was .. ah ! adding of bunch of images from "mediacore" unrelated to amigaos , but just make iso bigger :) that was cool too :))

Last edited by kas1e on 24-Jan-2016 at 09:33 AM.
Last edited by kas1e on 24-Jan-2016 at 09:31 AM.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 9:30:14
#91 ]
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Joined: 10-Jul-2005
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From: Unknown


The digital delivery option arrived only recently, just after a while that WinUAE introduced support for OS4FE. Is it a coincidence?

Just after a while? Support for OS4 in WinUAE was introduced in Autumn 2014.

can you prove what I've written against OS4?

I hope this is joke.

Your is another blind attack. And as well, reported.

And silly one.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 9:39:45
#92 ]
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From: Amiga land


only amiga
make it possible

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 10:15:20
#93 ]
Amiga Developer Team
Joined: 21-May-2012
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From: France



As I have now my reply from Hyperion (even if I would have prefer that it will support users rather than support only his betatester, his first class users ?)

So now you have decided to piss on the beta testers?

One of the reasons developers refuse to post info here now is because of stupid comments like above.

I didn't insulted Betatesters (neither you) in my post, so keep calm.

The facts are simply that standard users have a not supported system and betatesters receive fixes/updates since 1 year.
Therefore, yes, standard users are not supported !

Where is the insult ? Why do you speak of developpers ?
To conclude, you missed my point nevertheless I will not qualified your reply of "stupid"

Yes, X5000, Tabor... but as written earlier in this thread, betatested fixes since 1 year are for all platforms.

Last edited by zzd10h on 24-Jan-2016 at 10:27 AM.


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 10:24:05
#94 ]
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pavlor wrote:

The digital delivery option arrived only recently, just after a while that WinUAE introduced support for OS4FE. Is it a coincidence?

Just after a while? Support for OS4 in WinUAE was introduced in Autumn 2014.

Correct, but "just after a while" doesn't means immediately after.

When the PearPC JITer was used, OS4 emulation wasn't that good. It's only when Toni (and another coder, AFAIK) switched to QEMU that the situation changed considerably, and OS4 was more usable.
can you prove what I've written against OS4?

I hope this is joke.

Well, history should prove how this guy is behaving systematically against me.

You know very well this forum, and you claimed to be an historian, right?
Your is another blind attack. And as well, reported.

And silly one.

Silly? Is systematically attacking other users allowed in this forum?

In theory there should be a TOS, and I'm correctly using a tool which this forum requires to signal cases which are infringing it.

In theory...

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 10:54:01
#95 ]
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When the PearPC JITer was used, OS4 emulation wasn't that good. It's only when Toni (and another coder, AFAIK) switched to QEMU that the situation changed considerably, and OS4 was more usable.

PearPC (interpretive) was used since August 2014, QEMU followed in September 2014. Digital download of AmigaOS4 was introduced in December 2015, more than year after OS4 became useable in WinUAE...

Well, history should prove how this guy is behaving systematically against me.

I know posting history of you both. Don´t expect any sympathy from me.

In theory...

Never used report button myself, even in cases much worser than yours. We all are (mostly ) adult, we should bear some harsh words.

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Get boring like
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 12:05:39
#96 ]
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From: Suomi-Finland

Come on children. Do creative. Or should we put these whiners in a boxing ring.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 13:32:50
#97 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2012
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From: Amiga land



os4 managment fail itself one more time. keep it up ! :))

Poor Trevor, he is a really kind person and a he really belive in Amiga .

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 15:01:11
#98 ]
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Joined: 20-Oct-2010
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and then hope for the Tabor before 2018

2018 you reckon? So a few years before MorphOS x86 is released then.

Was that necessary?
BTW - MorphOS is ready for the X5000 , where is your OS?


Poor Trevor, he is a really kind person and a he really believe in Amiga .

Yes, Trevor IS a good man.
Pity he can only buy copies of OS4 for his systems, he would make an ideal owner for the property.

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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 15:26:37
#99 ]
Joined: 31-Jan-2014
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BTW - MorphOS is ready for the X5000 , where is your OS?

edit: Post removed for Personal Attack and profanity.

Last edited by Darrin on 26-Jan-2016 at 07:50 PM.
Last edited by CarasGhant on 24-Jan-2016 at 03:46 PM.


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Re: Hyperion : why no OS4FE updates since 1 year ?
Posted on 24-Jan-2016 15:38:11
#100 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



CarasGhant wrote:

and then hope for the Tabor before 2018

2018 you reckon? So a few years before MorphOS x86 is released then.

There will be no MorphOS x86 (32 bIt), but x64 (64 bit). And while this may indeed take a while, MorphOS ppc isn't dead in the meantime, nor renders uselss with the advent of MorphOS x64. But while ppc is a dead end (have you seen the poor results of the X5000?), x64 isn't.
It's a huge task to move to x64, which costs lots of "blood, sweat and tears" (and compability), but once done MorphOS at least has a chance for the future while those staying with ppc definitely haven't.


Last edited by Zylesea on 24-Jan-2016 at 11:17 PM.

My programs:
MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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