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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 7-Nov-2018 22:43:43
#121 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


I'm still waiting & know if Daniel (Daytona) is involved we will eventually get a quality product!

Now if Daytona isn't still involved then I want my money back asap

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 7:49:49
#122 ]
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Daniel is the only one involved in converting wings to amiga he is building it from scratch . Everything includer renderings etc are renewed or fixed from the pc version . He did find alot of bugs inside the pc source files and fixed them.

Thats why it also takes this long. Its not a port like others but a totaly rebuild of the game.

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 8-Nov-2018 8:17:05
#123 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


good to know & I'm 100% fine with waiting until he's happy with it and ready for release

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 21-Feb-2019 9:48:02
#124 ]
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From: Cheshire, England

so its been a year and 3 months since its "pre-release", the last update on the project that I can see was around 6 months ago on just doing the final end scene.

it would be a crime that if its so close to completeion for it not get a release. Anyone have any news?

cinemaware never got in touch with my message and now it semm the account area of the site is no longer working

I think Im kissing my good will pre-order £50 good bye.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 25-Feb-2019 13:15:40
#125 ]
Joined: 13-Feb-2018
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What, they haven't got their 300 orders yet? Can't anyone see what's going on? The user base is getting smaller every day. One programmer is bravely "remastering" Wings? Huge teams of software developers are needed to keep up with marketing choices, browser updates and hardware development that always seems to leap out ahead of software. Don't hold your breath waiting for any Tabor's either, there'll never be one! The beta testers already have theirs, that's the entire market!

If I had an X1000 and only used it once every six months because it's already obsolete, I'd have sold it long ago. Most people aren't even buying computers anymore. Look around you next time you're in Wal-Mart, they're all walking around like zombies staring at their "devices" while their thumbs fly furiously over the virtual keyboard. There's your real competition. My friend's computer repair store went out of business because he couldn't sell any used computers and didn't know how to repair these "devices". That'll be the day I pay $2000 for a game playing Amiga! (and damn few games too!)

I have 3 or 4 computers running all the time, each one doing something different. I edit video, render Lightwave projects, surf the net, watch football and movies on YouTube, make my own cooking show (Jefferil) for Facebook and YouTube and right now I'm getting ready to play some "Slam Tilt Pinball", but not on any Amiga! I use a Raspberry Pi for that because it's faster, up to date, and has all my favorite games on it. Only my Amithlon is fast enough to do anything practical. I was impressed by Art Effects 3, and had never heard of it before! Yet I was severely put down in Facebook by some jerk who's telling me that my Amithlon isn't an Amithlon at all, but some bogus imitation! (It's just emulation was the whine!) I bought it from the Mambo man who writes an Amithlon blog fer chrissakes! Other than Art Effects, it's inferior in every way to it's own small XP partition onto which I have shoehorned Lightwave 6.0, Adobe Premiere, Vista Pro 4.0 and Quake II. The only Amiga reason I keep it is for the USB support so I can move a 32 Gb USB stick back and forth from Amithlon to Raspberry Pi, to Gateway Laptop, and Dell Optiplex.

I bought my first computer in 1984 just in time to watch the fools cling to their dying 8 bit machines, thinking that was the only computer they would ever have to own (like buying a house) while Apple, Atari and Commodore expected their 30 million 8 bit users to upgrade to newer 32 bit machines. Well they wouldn't, and clung desperately to their slow, obsolete hardware as the software marched on ahead of them to 32 bit platforms! What happened to "Family Computing" and "Home Computing"? History is repeating itself, it's just taking longer this time!

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 27-Feb-2019 20:06:05
#126 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada

be nice to hear from Daniel (Daytona) on this but I know he's a busy new daddy and like I said above I trust as long asd he's still involved we will eventually get a quality product!

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 11-Mar-2019 15:36:11
#127 ]
Joined: 9-Sep-2004
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From: Pocasset, Mass


I'm another one who is waiting (im)patiently for a while now.

I think that in a way the wait for Wings has been so long that I'm starting to wonder if I should support developers anymore.

I happily supported Lyle Hazelwood on his sound projects, and am very satisfied with his fine work. I bought Hollywood, even though I likely won't use it much, just to help an Amiga developer. And of course, I ordered Wings, but now I'm beginning to wonder if I should support anything further.

The wait has just been years longer than what I thought it would be. A shame, a real shame.

AmigaOne X1000 owner

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 11-Mar-2019 17:01:45
#128 ]
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I think that in a way the wait for Wings has been so long that I'm starting to wonder if I should support developers anymore.

The wait has just been years longer than what I thought it would be. A shame, a real shame.

I've been thinking the same some time now.

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 11-Mar-2019 18:22:17
#129 ]
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They should have offered it to digital download.

I don't want to pay box and posters, as they eventually go to dumbster. Zero interest to them.

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 7:17:14
#130 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


They should have offered it to digital download.

Yes. I find it strange that on the one hand they needed to secure a certain minimum amount of sales to get the project covered, on the other they didn't provide the easiest way for people to chip in. A slightly cheaper download option would IMO have attracted supporters who (like myself) don't often play games but make a point of supporting native NG software. Plus, as you say, not everybody cares about boxed editions or extra goodies.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 9:28:07
#131 ]
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The physical releases also have importing costs, which could be quite significant depending on the price.

This is just like television, only you can see much further.

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 9:55:27
#132 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 11-Aug-2005
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From: UK


A slightly cheaper download option would IMO have attracted supporters who (like myself) don't often play games but make a point of supporting native NG software.

It's a shame this went down the way it did. We're better off supporting 'real' products delivered within a feasible time frame like Tower57, Worthy and Tanks Furry!

Last edited by BigD on 12-Mar-2019 at 10:44 AM.

"Art challenges technology. Technology inspires the art."
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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 20:39:48
#133 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada


this was to pay Daniel (aka Daytona) to port over the game to AmigaOS4.1 but it turned into basically a complete rewrite which he promised to complete on a spare time basis as the money he got from developer was quickly eaten up.
Here's the latest vid update

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 21:12:53
#134 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Czech Republic


this was to pay Daniel (aka Daytona) to port over the game to AmigaOS4.1 but it turned into basically a complete rewrite which he promised to complete on a spare time basis as the money he got from developer was quickly eaten up.

Yes, I know that. But it doesn't explain why a download version was never offered as an option, to entice additional backers and acquire more money to pay Daniel.

The Rear Window blog

AmigaOne X5000/020 @ 2GHz / 4GB RAM / Radeon RX 560 / ESI Juli@ / AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 22:28:58
#135 ]
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Is the PC version full off bugs and unplayable or something ?

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 12-Mar-2019 22:30:09
#136 ]
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Yes, most NG owners do use Amistore I think, so why not put it there.

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 14-Mar-2019 5:25:26
#137 ]
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guys I reached out to Daniel and he was kind enough to give me the latest update below:

"Wings: it is almost done since months. Beta testing had already been started but then the project fell into hibernation again 😕
What remains to be done is bug fixing (mostly dogfight AI related; some airplane model LODs need extra love; some other minor stuff), the Compositing render path (all the rendering layer had been rewritten during the project, and the Compositing backend has not been fully reimplemented yet) and some details here and there.

Before anybody asks: no, I have not taken or seen or wanted even a single dime of those preorders so far, when the game is done, then and only then I'll request my share.

And no, the game has not been released yet. There exist packages for people who asked for a CD which only contains a dev demo build from about one year ago.

It is preorders so if people dont want to wait longer they can cancel it and get their money back.

It is done when it's done. I and only I will say when. Any news on that from other sources is nonsense.
Sorry that this has become a neverending story but it is as it is.

Unfortunately this is one of those seldom projects for which I have heavily underestimated the workload (yesyes, T57 too but thats a different story, there the "port" became half of a rewrite because of bad original code).

Wings is no port in the sense that you have some rather portable C code.

It is a game written from scratch with only a pile of partially incomplete or broken or faaar too heavy assets and a few js scripts and such as base. Plus an exe and some youtube vids to check out how it should work and look like.
The conversion and downstripping of the hundreds of 3D models took muuuuuuuch more time than I had thought. So did level "conversion" and especially the testing etc (countless maps you all have to check for little issues caused by buggy original data or because you missed subtle details)

If you spend month after month with sth like that, workflow and motivation doesn't become better 😕And other projects are to be done as well.And other projects are to be done as well.Both for a living and for Amiga.
Anyway, on some day it will be done. I won't trash a project that has costed so much sweat and has come so far."

so it's 'almost' done but done only when it's done and I for one am very fine with that considering Daniels track record with various successful Amiga projects

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 14-Mar-2019 9:35:05
#138 ]
Joined: 4-Sep-2006
Posts: 37
From: Cheshire, UK


That's good news, thanks for checking with Daniel!

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 14-Mar-2019 9:38:38
#139 ]
Joined: 4-Jul-2005
Posts: 55
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Thanks for getting a status from the source to kill off rumors.
And great to hear it's not dead, only delayed quite a bit


Thomas Graff Thøger

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Re: Wings Remastered Released?
Posted on 14-Mar-2019 11:01:30
#140 ]
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From: Cheshire, England

good to get an update, I dont have any thing ageist the developer, (lets face it the Amiga world is not best market to screw over to try and get a quick buck from) I think it more the publisher I worrying about.

this line however...
"it is preorders so if people dont want to wait longer they can cancel it and get their money back."

is not true,I have sent a few email and no response, plus I cant help but feel maybe the beta of game could get released to pre-order customers (even just as a download), like he admits its taken longer than he thought, an update / patch is going to be have to be released/made any way to the people who where lucky to have bought the game a year plus ago anyway. so why not release it in current state, specially so he can get paid now, and continue to work on it and improve on it later.

I not holding my breath for it anyway. But still I do appreciate developers still working in the Amiga scene, and it one of them I dont want to attack him or anyone left in the Amiga scene, where too small to do that now anyway to risk more developer/publisher leaving, but at the same time I just hope he and the publisher understand some of our pre-order concerns.

Last edited by amigang on 14-Mar-2019 at 11:03 AM.

AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio

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