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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 17-Mar-2019 0:24:54
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Super Member  |
Joined: 3-Mar-2010 Posts: 1970
From: Waterbury, Connecticut (USA) | | |
| @thread
for months i haven't really known what to think about all of the legal mumbo-jumbo. it seemed as if everything was crashing, and finally, i think it has. 
it seems that hyperion at this point has lost the good will of nearly everyone: its userbase, developers, partners, and even testers. if not for the efforts of A-EON and its partners to acquire key components from the OS directly from (usually) unpaid owners, we wouldn't have much of a future. the platform has languished for years now, and the lawsuits seem to be the final nail in the coffin.
i really like timothy, ben, and costel. they've always been immensely cordial and helpful to me personally, but it appears i am the exception to listen to so many. with the dismissal of steven solie from the development team, and the obvious conclusion that hyperion's behavior isn't going to change, it will just be the three of them by themselves in the near-future. i wish them good luck and hope it works out for them personally.
but the platform needs to move forward. so many excellent developers and testers have been able to regroup elsewhere as hyperion showed less and less interest in its own products and contributors over the past few years, so there can be a future. which is why i, for one, welcome our new amiga overlords, and look forward to helping them push the platform forward in any way i can. it's time we got the show on the road. i just don't think we can wait any more.

oh, and for the record, i'm interested in all kinds of astronomy. 
-- eliyahu _________________ "Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal." |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 17-Mar-2019 0:51:45
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 8-Mar-2003 Posts: 969
From: Unknown | | |
| @WolfToTheMoon
There are rumors that Hyperion asked some developers whether they're willing to do an Exec SG replacement.
They're not rumours. Thomas 'Thor' Richter publicly stated he's been asked to do that, but refused due to lack of interest. |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 17-Mar-2019 4:08:54
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 13-Jun-2005 Posts: 905
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| @number6
I understand the semantics used by a certain individual quite well. |
So perhaps you can decipher for the rest of us and identify who actually does control ExecSG. |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 17-Mar-2019 4:17:45
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11662
From: In the village | | |
| @ne_one
All I can say is avoid reading those who use A-Eon and Trevor as interchangeable terms. Also avoid those who use Acquire, Bought, Control, Owns, Licensed as interchangeable terms.
imo, Amiga Documents using the words "Trevor Dickinson" and "Owns" is closest to the mark.
#6 _________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 17-Mar-2019 12:31:09
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11662
From: In the village | | |
| @eliyahu
the obvious conclusion that hyperion's behavior isn't going to change |
I'd also be a tad concerned about the other story on Amiga Documents the very same day
In the latest issue of Amiga Future, Trevor Dickinson talks about Hyperion Entertainment's lengthy and expensive war against Amiga, Inc. and the resulting empty bank accounts and misappropriated funds |
#6_________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 17-Mar-2019 16:00:20
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11662
From: In the village | | |
| @number6
The recent confirmation of events now gives sufficient creedence to a firm review of the following further details:
#6 _________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 22-Oct-2019 13:01:41
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11662
From: In the village | | |
| @TrevorDick
A correction to all the scuttlebut 'news' that is circulating around ExecSG. A-EON Technology Ltd does not own ExecSG. Period!
TrevorD |
The Exec SG kernal is under development! Now the exclusive property of A-EON Technologies Ltd. |
Source October 21, 2019
So "Now" is the key word here?
#6_________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 22-Oct-2019 13:30:47
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 2-Nov-2004 Posts: 4229
From: Rhode Island | | |
| @number6
If it was ported to OS 3.x would it then be 3.4? :D |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 22-Oct-2019 14:07:52
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 21-Jan-2008 Posts: 6259
From: Unknown | | |
| @number6
So "Now" is the key word here? |
likely, but even then the "usual suspects", making assumptions upon what once again proves to be a sophistically convoluted information policy, have been proven right. good, i dont need to take part in there "usual suspects" ranks anymore (i hope). just an observation: "now" may be as twisted an expression in this, as in the other sentences context (a humpty-dumpty phenomenon revived?).
so as we know the kernel allows for trespassing 4gb memory limit (again, do they or do they not?) for something like private memory spaces for apps compiled against it, or maybe for some 80s style bank switching, yet any apps making use of it may be singled out as tech demos, except if they even exist. similarly supporting more cores may as well mean, to let them busy loop or just take action when pinged directly. at least no talk about smp anymore. |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 22-Oct-2019 14:34:11
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 25-Mar-2005 Posts: 11662
From: In the village | | |
| @thread
News item on Amiganews along with some history:
Also please note an AmiWest 2019 questions thread for non show attendees has been opened:
_________________ This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author. *Secrecy has served us so well* |
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Re: Amiga Documents scuttlebutt on Hyperion Posted on 22-Oct-2019 18:57:37
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 20-Aug-2003 Posts: 3353
From: Trondheim, Norway | | |
| @number6
Lol @ “kernal”... what is this... C64? _________________ B5D6A1D019D5D45BCC56F4782AC220D8B3E2A6CC |
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