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Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 18-Apr-2020 23:17:22
#1 ]
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Joined: 26-Apr-2004
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From: Sofia

after a long absence from the Amiga, I am finally back into it and I am very happy now to be able to post this from my AmigaOne X1000. I also have microAmigaOne, but I didn't check if it still works. Anyway, I was able to boot and connect to the Internet with my 2013-era software/hardware Amiga X1000 and I am looking to upgrade it with the latest and the best combination and the price and money for this is of no issue. In fact yesterday I purchased a Blackmagic DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G framegrabber, which is the most expensive option, just to be able to record the output from my Amigas.

I've checked my AmigaOS version and it is AmigaOS Release 4.1 - Update 6 (2012), but when I go to AmigaKit site I can't see them selling AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition anymore, so I can't buy it. Is there any other online shop that still sells AmigaOS 4.1 FE? Also, I shall buy the Amiga Enchancer Software, I have enough in the PayPal, so that won't be issue. But I am not sure if the Enchancer Software will work with my old AmigaOS 4.1 version?

Regarding the hardware, I want to upgrade the memory to the max (2GB) because now I see in Workbench 228MB graphics mem and 762MB other mem, so I need either a single 2GB stick or another 1 GB module to add. I saw I have free memory slots on the motherboard. Which is the best and fastest memory stick to buy?

Another upgrade I want to add is the best possible supported by AmigaOS 4.1 graphics card, with 4K output. Which card shall I look for?

Any other upgrades that will enchance my Amiga experience will be welcome too, like SSD hard drive. What is the biggest SSD that the AmigaOne and AmigaOS 4 supports?

What other cool upgrades are possible and supported? Like USB 3 interface cards for my Memory Card reader, newest controller pads, or may be even other boards inside the Amiga, because right now it seems almost empty?

Right now for Internet connectionI am using the Ethernet card that come with the machine, but I read sometime ago that onboard Ethernet driver is availble, where I can download it?

Here are some of the troubles/issues that I had before being able to get online and post this message.

1. I tried HDMI output with HDMI cable from the machine to the DeckLink framegrabber, but it booted to blinking cursor and freezes (everything freezes - keyboard, mouse, power button). After using some old tricks like removing the battery and placing it back, I was able to boot with DVI cable output flawlessly, but this was very strange. I also wanted to use direct HDMI cable to the framegrabber for recording, but it seems now I have to use some DVI->HDMI or DVI->SDI convertors. Also I don't know if the newest AmigaOS version has the Audio through HDMI issue fixed? Or shall I record the sound separately via analog cable, which will introduce possible desynch while recording?

2. I booted into my AmigaOS 4.1 install, but then I got 2 DSI error windows from the HID interface for my HP Pavilion Gaming Keyboard 500. This is mechanical keyboard with some lamps on it, and I am not sure why it induces these errors. After hitting ignore, the windows reapper, so I have to choose Kill App. Anyway the keyboard still works as seen here. Will newer AmigaOS versions fix this?

3. Regarding the browser, first I tried IBrowse - 2.4 which was installed on my machine but it was not so good experience, images were not loading and the pages were mostly messed up. I then tried OWB which was giving me some SSL errors, so I had to close it. Third I tried Timberwolf and it worked okay, but then it freezed on Google Translate page, so I had to reboot the machine. Then I tried OWB again and it works fine, even if I receive some SSL warnings and have to choose unsecure connections. At least the pages layout is correct with OWB and Timberwolf, regardless of their very old versions I have installed.

4. I tried the first Workbench menu "Update software...", which made AmiUpdate to update itself, but then it sees no software for update, even if the machine didn't get any in the past 7 years. What servers shall I configure for it to get the latest updates?

These are my questions for now. For sure I will have hundreds more soon, but right now my priority is getting it up to date and make it usage experience better.

Last edited by drHirudo on 18-Apr-2020 at 11:18 PM.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 4:30:36
#2 ]
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Joined: 20-Mar-2003
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From: S.Wales


Alinea Computer have OS4.1FE in stock, other dealers may also have it but I didn't check.

What video card are you currently using?

Radeon 7750, 7850 and later R5, R7 and R9 cards are compatible. Check Hans' compatibly list for models and SKUs that are tested and working and what ones to avoid.

I use a Sony Dual Shock 4 V2 controller which can be used as a USB controller unlike the earlier version.

Odyssey and Netsurf are the best browsers to use on Amiga OS4.1. Ibrowse has been upadated recently but still uses an outdated HTML engine so aside from a PPC native version and various tweeks and bug fixes doesn't really offer a better experience than older version.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 4:58:23
#3 ]
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Joined: 26-Apr-2004
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From: Sofia


Thanks for the link to AmigaOS 4.1 FE.

I will purchase AmigaOS 4.1 FE and I also see Aline has but it seems it is not the most powerful.

I didn't have any graphics card installed on the X1000, it is with the one that came with the machine from AmigaKit.

On Hans' list the most powerful seems to be XFX Radeon R9 280X Double Dissipation 1000M BOOST 3GB DDR5 PCI-E (R9-280X-TDFD). I see used it costs on Ebay 88$ + 55$ Shipping, which is great price. Will it output from HDMI, without crashing the whole system and making blinking cursor?

For the controller pad I purchased long time ago a SpeedLink Strike3, which is the best I have ever used, works fine on AmigaOnes and it has Turbo (autofire), Macro and Clear buttons. Making gaming much easier, but unfortunately it is no longer on sale and on ebay they had it only in purple color. May be I shall buy this one, because they may disappear soon.

I will update the browsers, but I think it will be better first to upgrade the AmigaOS, so I won't need to reinstall them.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 6:06:18
#4 ]
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Joined: 22-Feb-2015
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From: Unknown


Welcome back!

You should be able to pick up a Radeon R9 270 or 280 quite cheaply on EBay they are probably the best option at present for the vast majority of X1000 and X5000 set ups in terms of being able to run the most pieces of software and make use of the existing drivers.

Being a big fan of emulators I would really love to see you update some of your existing Ports like Hatari 😉

Amigaone X5000/20 4GB Radeon RX 550 Polaris 12 AmigaOS4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Amiga 1200 Workbench 3.1.4
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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 6:15:14
#5 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia



3. Regarding the browser, first I tried IBrowse - 2.4 which was installed on my machine but it was not so good experience, images were not loading and the pages were mostly messed up. I then tried OWB which was giving me some SSL errors, so I had to close it. Third I tried Timberwolf and it worked okay, but then it freezed on Google Translate page, so I had to reboot the machine. Then I tried OWB again and it works fine, even if I receive some SSL warnings and have to choose unsecure connections. At least the pages layout is correct with OWB and Timberwolf, regardless of their very old versions I have installed.

In terms of browsers you may have better luck with the latest version of Odyssey we work on, you can grab it from there:

(you had to set check mark in Settings/Security/IgnoreSSLErrors , to avoid possible SSL errors)

That version had lots of changes in compare with current os4depot's version (changes include compositing video support in fullwindow for mediaplayer, supporting of Altivec in ffmpeg libs, updated almost all 3d party libs, fixes in code, new formats (like webp, apng) , some new features there and there and other stuff) ).

But you also need the latest MUI too, you can grab it there:

Last edited by kas1e on 19-Apr-2020 at 06:17 AM.
Last edited by kas1e on 19-Apr-2020 at 06:16 AM.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 6:57:41
#6 ]
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Joined: 6-Oct-2004
Posts: 253
From: Napoli - Italy


Any Amiga guy, one day or another, come back.
It’s like a no written rule, so welcome back!

I suggest you to look latest packages on os4depot and download them to update your current 2013 configuration.
I suggest you to download latest Sdk and latest adtools and restart programming for AmigaOS and have fun, again!

Pegasos II G4@1GHz 2GB Radeon 9250 256MB
AmigaOS4.1 fe - MorphOS - Debian 9 Jessie

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 8:21:44
#7 ]
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Joined: 24-Apr-2004
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From: Grenoble (France)


drHirudo wrote:

Regarding the hardware, I want to upgrade the memory to the max (2GB) because now I see in Workbench 228MB graphics mem and 762MB other mem, so I need either a single 2GB stick or another 1 GB module to add. I saw I have free memory slots on the motherboard. Which is the best and fastest memory stick to buy?

If you want a total of 2GB (what is enough for OS4, and the maximum it will be able to use), I recommend you to buy another 1GB module and ... the same model you already have. Populating the 2 module slots in the middle with these same modules will guarantee to benefit channel interleaving, what means better performance.
It supports up-to DDR2 at 1066. Here the controller configures it at 800 though.


Another upgrade I want to add is the best possible supported by AmigaOS 4.1 graphics card, with 4K output. Which card shall I look for?

The best to do what? You have to check if the board is supported but not only. Consider if Warp3D and Warp3DNova works on it.
What will be the use cases for which you want the best performance?

Good to see you back with this great machine!

Last edited by corto on 19-Apr-2020 at 08:37 AM.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 8:55:21
#8 ]
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Joined: 26-Apr-2004
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From: Sofia


corto wrote:
If you want a total of 2GB (what is enough for OS4, and the maximum it will be able to use), I recommend you to buy another 1GB module and ... the same model you already have. Populating the 2 module slots in the middle with these same modules will guarantee to benefit channel interleaving, what means better performance.
It supports up-to DDR2 at 1066. Here the controller configures it at 800 though.

I have the a RAM module that came with the AmigaOne X1000. I don't know what model it is:
Here is a picture of it:

I can't identify the model. I saw Alinea sell 2GB modules, but if 1+1 GB is faster I will search for another 1GB, or just buy 2x 1GB modules of same model.

The best to do what? You have to check if the board is supported but not only. Consider if Warp3D and Warp3DNova works on it.
What will be the use cases for which you want the best performance?

I want mostly 3D acceleration working, since 4K won't be very fast even with 3GB graphics memory (which is low by today's standards).


Good to see you back with this great machine!

Thank you. I've read before that the X1000 has comparable if not slightly faster speed to the X5000. Not sure if it is true. But then again the X5000 must have other benefits, since it is newer board.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 9:02:47
#9 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia



I want mostly 3D acceleration working, since 4K won't be very fast even with 3GB graphics memory (which is low by today's standards).

Then you need card that support old Warp3D and new Warp3DNova and that is RadeonHD. The best one will be 280 or 290 one. And you have to buy 2 separate drivers for it : Warp3D SI, and Warp3DNova. Then all old stuff which use old Warp3D and old MiniGL will works fine, as well as new stuff using gl4es/ogles/warp3dnova will works too.

Btw, as you love emulators, you will be pleased to know that we had new version of DosBox (on os4depot), with lots of bug fixes, PPC-JIT , SDL2 and all that stuff.


Thank you. I've read before that the X1000 has comparable if not slightly faster speed to the X5000. Not sure if it is true. But then again the X5000 must have other benefits, since it is newer board.

X1000 have Altivec, while X5000 not . It not that much supported all around, but for example with Odyssey's video player it helps. Also for X1000 graphics.library have custom dma-routines which speed up a little writepixelarray() and readpixelarray(), so some graphics related parts on x1000 will be faster and more fluid.

From another side, x5000 have faster memory, and for some apps/games it show better results that for x1000.

But they both pretty much on the same level probabaly.

Last edited by kas1e on 19-Apr-2020 at 09:05 AM.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 9:13:27
#10 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2003
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From: Melton Mowbray - Porkpie centre.


Welcome back.

The older you/we are the shorter time it appears since someones last post.

It only seems like yesterday since i was last reading some of your posts.

I am only 56. :)

A1/G4 1GHZ

OS4.1 latest update.
1ghz Radeon Club3d 9250
Usb/Dma fixed.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 9:21:34
#11 ]
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Joined: 11-Jan-2004
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From: Russia


Btw, in terms of updating software in whole, here is what you need to update for sure:

1. Buy Enhancer pack full version. It contains newer drivers for, some new good apps and stuff.

2. Buy SketchBlock Pro (even if you, not artist, its really cool native paint app done lately).

3. Buy an Emotion video player from AmiBoing.

4. If you use "ssh", then there were new SSH client done by Salas00 supporting everything possible, and works with all latest stuff and protocols and emulate terminal well, see it in action on my x5k:

5. Not sure if you were there when we work on Dopus5, but we had a new version working fine on os4 with improvements and stuff (on os4depot).

Also, there was a lot of other stuff for sure since 2013, which is better to check on os4depot. Like new versions of AmiCygnix, Ignition, VIM with MUI GUI, WorkbenchExporer, ZitaFtpd + RNOXfer for modern and secure ftp/ftpd support as servers and client, an even newer version of IBrowse (currently at 2.5.2), which still will not render for you most of the sites of course, but still better than 2.4 version you have. Lots of games of course (mostly ports, but also some native ones, such as ones from Daniel/GoldenCode and AmiBoing ), newer emulators from Huno, newer scummvm from Raziel and DosBox as i wrote before, massive updates to Hollywood (now it support MUI on all platforms and tons of other stuff). Even AmiSSL library was updated quite a lot :)

In other words, better just check os4depot for most of new stuff. Some are not there of course , but most are.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 9:43:24
#12 ]
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kas1e wrote:

In terms of browsers you may have better luck with the latest version of Odyssey we work on, you can grab it from there:

(you had to set check mark in Settings/Security/IgnoreSSLErrors , to avoid possible SSL errors)

Thanks for the update of Odyssey. I installed it immediately. It is indeed better than the browser on os4Depot

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 11:18:49
#13 ]
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Welcome back !


Sam440ep Flex 800 Mhz 1 GB Ram + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6
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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 19-Apr-2020 21:09:21
#14 ]
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Joined: 8-Apr-2003
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


Just a note if you haven't seen it yourself. Mufa has created a thread with another reply to you over on, as he couldn't log in here.


And welcome back

Best regards,


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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 20-Apr-2020 3:02:10
#15 ]
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Joined: 26-Apr-2004
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From: Sofia


Thank you. I will head over there.

Now... If only I can remember by Amigans login/email and pass.



mufa wrote:

I am glad you came back. I hope to see new versions of your awesome emulators soon.

The X1000 network card driver has never gone beyond the betatest phase, so if you are not an AmigaOS 4 beta tester you cannot use it.

I have never had problems with an HDMI grabber (except for audio that is not supported by Amiga drivers), whether using an HDMI - HDMI or DVI - HDMI cable.

Perhaps the problem is old driver versions? The latest ones can be found in Enhancer Software Plus Edition.

The latest graphics cards are Polaris RX, but they do not work on the X1000 (CFE firmware problem). I use R9 270 myself, but you will not buy it today in the retail market, only on the secondary market as used. The only new cards in this family are R7 250.

Okay, since the LAN card is working fine, I see no need to experiment if it is only beta test. In fact I also use LAN card on my microAmigaOne, since after a lightning strike to the building the on-board network stopped working, but hopefully the motherboard was okay. So I just bought a sub 20$ LAN card installed it and continued to use the machine. I have 100 Mbit connection at home, and hopefully the drivers can take advance of this speed.

The HDMI output problem and freeze from the X1000 comes right after boot of the machine, so no way to set anything - no OF, no driver. Is there some jumpers configuration or something else, which gives these issues? Strange is that after I remove the battery - meaning restoring the factory settings, the X1000 boots into AmigaOS 4.1 with DVI output fine. I ordered plenty of conversion cables from ebay - 3.5mm Female to Dual 2 RCA Female Jack, DVI to HDMI, DVI + Audio to HDMI, BNC to RCA and 3.5 mm to XLR and some other, so hopefully one of these cables will work for directly framegrabbing the microAmigaOne.

For graphics cards, I searched on local craiglist type sites for old Radeon Graphic cards, but most of the offers were for not supported or older generations cards. On ebay I saw several second hand XFX Radeon Black Double D R9 280X 3GB DDR5 cards, for one of which I send price offer to the seller, now waiting for his reply.

After upgrading the hardware of the X1000 I plan to send it to computer shop for replacement of the cooling and fans, because right now the machine is much more nosier than my other bigger Fractal case machine and I prefer silent machines since my A1200 times.

For the programming, my SDK install on the X1000 works. I don't know how old it is, but it can compile my old projects. Hopefully, upgrading to the newer SDK won't give me incompatibilities, so I can continue working and programming right where I stopped some years ago.

Last edited by drHirudo on 20-Apr-2020 at 03:27 AM.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 20-Apr-2020 14:32:43
#16 ]
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From: Austin, TX


After upgrading the hardware of the X1000 I plan to send it to computer shop for replacement of the cooling and fans, because right now the machine is much more nosier than my other bigger Fractal case machine and I prefer silent machines since my A1200 times.

Am interested in which fan the repair will find for **quiet** running .. that readily fits your X1000. One died in my X1000 and after no suggestions of where to order a replacement fan, I bought a brand new fan that seemed to promise the quiet operation I, like you, prefer. It was not true. Another noisy one's mounting is slightly, but significantly wrong and won't fit the X1000 [it was noisy, too].

And .. welcome back!

..effects of civilization upon...nature, the growing gap between what education was supposed to accomplish and what it consisted of, the national debt and...high taxes, the problem of the excess cost of medical care -- Philip Wylie, 1951

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 20-Apr-2020 15:11:53
#17 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway



Get a new battery, and replace the PSU, had the same problem.

If DVI works but not HDMI, then I guess its driver issue, get HDMI to DVI adapter from your local TV/computer store, if you need HDMI out, there is no audio support on HDMI anyway.

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 20-Apr-2020 at 03:15 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 20-Apr-2020 at 03:15 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 20-Apr-2020 at 03:13 PM.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 20-Apr-2020 16:38:19
#18 ]
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Joined: 6-May-2007
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From: Greensborough, Australia


Regarding SSD, size shouldn't matter, especially since are still catching up to the sizes of a "real" HDD. What matters is the filesystem and being able to set it to the hardware blocksize. For example FFS can support a 128 TB partition, with any blocksize, but nobody wants do to that. SFS2 is popular as JXFS was kicked out. Unfortunately SFS2 has no recovery tools and neither did JXFS. NGFS would be best now but it's not publically available except for X5000 users, who got some public beta version installed, which was rather strange. But check here.

1. To avoid sampling analogue for audio you could use AHI to output to a file instead. Unfortunately this would introduce some latency or rather an alignmennt issue matching the audio up with the video. Suppose you could always add the digital original as another track in your editor to match it as best as you can.

2. Does T:USB.log reveal anything? Or the DSI address?

3. I can't use Timberwolf at all now, SSL errors all the way. Odyssey is about the best right now.

4. There's been no OS4 updates in the last seven years?! Servers shouldn't be any different. Check your log in if you can. Main server should be:

BTW, you can't update AmigaOS anymore, FE is a full reinstall. So you will need to backup what you need.

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 20-Apr-2020 19:14:11
#19 ]
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Joined: 4-Mar-2008
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From: Toronto, Canada


welcome back ..missed you here & over at

I recommend replacing the noisy CPU fan that came with the's a blog post from 2015 I made when I changed mine.... getting my X1000 quieter& cooler..unfortunately the Marcus Computer site is down and sold off all their stock to various Amiga dealers so hopefully you should be able to find one.

Also, do yourself a favour and change your CMOS battery now as I had issues a boot up after approx. 6 years or so but others had it at or before 5 years which is the lifespan of the #V lithium battery...there's a thread over at amigans about this.

Last edited by klx300r on 20-Apr-2020 at 07:14 PM.

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Upgrading AmigaOne X1000 with the best/latest Software/Hardware?
Posted on 20-Apr-2020 22:35:00
#20 ]
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Joined: 8-Apr-2003
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From: Copenhagen, Denmark


There's been no OS4 updates in the last seven years?!
The old updates to earlier editions of OS4.1 are no longer available from the update server. You are expected to have 4.1 Final Edition if you want to use the update server and AmiUpdate. You also need to have registered Final Edition on the main Hyperion site and use the same user/password which you login with there as your update server credentials in AmiUpdate.

Servers shouldn't be any different. Check your log in if you can. Main server should be:
Correct. But first get and install Final Edition. Then theoretically you could update that with Update1, but there were some problems with the automatic installation of that through AmiUpdate, so it's safer to just fetch Update1 and install it outside of AmiUpdate.

BTW, also remember to enter "" as secondary server in AmiUpdate in order to get updates for e.g. MUI, AmiSSL and other applications. In the latest versions of AmiUpdate you should also set that server as the one to use for updates to AmiUpdate itself.

Best regards,


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