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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 22:57:54
#101 ]
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From: Belgium



Seer wrote:

I'm a manager, but I've never managed a programming project in my life

Well, I guess you;d be a good canditate. Most people here know you allready. I do wonder, managers are usually busy people (the good ones I suppose), ya think you can make time to do this ? Looks like this would be a rather big project.

Well, the sources for 1.1.4 are 210MB compressed!
I'm currently downloading them, i want to see how big they are uncompressed...

Amon's digital home

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 22:59:07
#102 ]
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From: Lincoln, England


I'm currently pulling the latest verion 2 source from CVS. man this is going to take a while

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 23:02:20
#103 ]
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From: Belgium


Hehehe :) Well, the belnet mirror seems to be fast, nearly finished
Seriously, this is a project we don't want to underestimate, as it'll probably be alot harder then a FireFox port, we need alot of manpower to pull this one off

Amon's digital home

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 23:09:40
#104 ]
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I'm involved in another project, but I looked into this a few years ago, and OpenOffice is a lot easier to port than Mozilla. In theory, all(!) you have to do is port its System Abstraction Layer and re-implement the X11 stuff it uses.

One problem I see is that I recall it needs Java for something; I can't remember whether it was for the build or some non-essential libraries.

OO will also bring some other really cool stuff like the Universal Network Objects environment, which, amongst other things, would bring a component model, including distributed objects, to the Amiga for the first time ever.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 23:32:23
#105 ]
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Judging by the diagram of the various layers in OOo that I posted earlier I would say you are right. The system abstraction layer (much like a slimline NSPR as I understand it) and VCL (All the graphics stuff) which spans two layers.
To quote the OOo website:
The System abstraction layer implements a basic abstraction of the underlying system. For your components to be system independent you should use SAL. SAL includes abstractions for thread creation and synchronization. Mechanisms for process communication and file system access are also part of this library. Management of libraries and profiles is also included. Functions for creating and manipulating strings and wide strings belong to SAL. The functionality of SAL is split in two namespaces osl (system functions) and rtl (strings and memory management). SAL only exports functions conforming to the C calling convention. So, it should be suitable to be a system abstraction for any language.

As I said earlier, Java used to be required to manipulate some XML files during the build but a Python version of the script has been developed (see the link to the bug which I posted)

Last edited by digitaldisaster on 05-Jan-2005 at 11:35 PM.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 23:52:57
#106 ]
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From: The Jedi Academy, Yavin 4


Quite right. All you need to be a MANager is to be able to bully men, and, well . . .

Hehe... Mind tricks do not work on me

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 23:55:19
#107 ]
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Do we have an STLport 4.x?

Yes... Steven Solie ported it, and it's included with the SDK by his permission

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 23:57:41
#108 ]
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Well, the sources for 1.1.4

Is the source for the soon-to-be-released 2.0 already available ? If yes, I would skip 1.x alltogether and go for 2.0...

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 5-Jan-2005 23:59:48
#109 ]
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In the meantime OO has much better features than MS Office, the spreadshhet is ways ahead of Excel, it has 128 more formulas than Excel!

As stated before I am big fan of OOo but i have to say that OOo 1.1.4 Calc is not as good as Excel (I even think Excel is far the best application of Microsoft Office) (using comments in Calc is pain in the ass for examle )

And here's the other point of OO: it is a full HTML (WYSIWYG) editor too!
If you do compare the HTML save function of MS Office vs OO, than you clearly understand why nobody uses Word, PowerPoint,Excel to do homepages!

I fully agree with you that html output from OOo is much cleaner than from Microsoft Word, Excel, PP but OOo is still useless as HTML WYSIWYG editor. Both are. Microsoft positive people use FrontPage (and smarter ones Macromedia Dreamweaver) and open source positive people Nvu. Nvu is based on Gecko, so once there is port of Mozilla, we can get fast developing web authoring system too.

The only program OO is missing compared to MS Office Pro is a database like Access. Under Linux you can install mySQL which can be easily integrated into OO. Than you do have one of the most powerfull DB there is.

Well you can install mySQL on many other platforms too (incl Windows). There is even Amiga 68k port of mySQL. In fact OOo can be connected to many databases using odbc or jdbc or few other interfaces. Point of Microsoft Access is the GUI -> database for masses .

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:00:07
#110 ]
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In theory, all(!) you have to do is port its System Abstraction Layer and re-implement the X11 stuff it uses.

Hopefully, the SAL is not broken by other modules in higher layers.

Regarding the X11 drawing stuff: A look at AGG would maybe solve most of these as well... and AGG is already ported...

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:03:29
#111 ]
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As I said earlier, Java used to be required to manipulate some XML files during the build but a Python version of the script has been developed (see the link to the bug which I posted)

Python should not be a problem... Hans-Jörg grabbed the sources and compiled the core of it... A bit more work is needed for the rest of the stuff, but hopefully nothing too serious...

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

All opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Hyperion Entertainment

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:04:03
#112 ]
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OOo v2 has it's own SQl driven database and GUI

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:09:18
#113 ]
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yep the current development version of the OOo v2 sources is available CVS, they're on the way here right now...slowly

Last edited by digitaldisaster on 06-Jan-2005 at 12:27 AM.

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:11:22
#114 ]
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Well that should be a lot easier than porting Java right

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:14:59
#115 ]
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EntilZha wrote:

In theory, all(!) you have to do is port its System Abstraction Layer and re-implement the X11 stuff it uses.

Hopefully, the SAL is not broken by other modules in higher layers.

Regarding the X11 drawing stuff: A look at AGG would maybe solve most of these as well... and AGG is already ported...

Time will tell how independant the sal and other modules are.
By AGG do you mean?Anti-Grain Geometry

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:16:54
#116 ]
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Ime no programmer but will be willing to beta test and help in anyway i can

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:25:49
#117 ]
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Is the source for the soon-to-be-released 2.0 already available ? If yes, I would skip 1.x alltogether and go for 2.0...

I believe that version 2 will be available within the next few months, I have just downloaded and installed NeoOffice/J 1.1 Beta 4 (the current OSX native version) onto my G5 iMac.... and pretty nice and fast it is too

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:29:05
#118 ]
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By AGG do you mean?Anti-Grain Geometry

Exactly. AFAIK, it supports all sort of drawing operations, including the rather exotic selection of line join types etc...

Alternatively, the stuff can probably also be implemented without much problem as natiive graphics operation... depends on how much is really needed...

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:32:07
#119 ]
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Right. I was wondering whether it was an AmigaOS abriviation or an OpenOffice abriviation. Wrong on both counts but I found it anyway!
Once the code has arrived I will take a look at the VCL (Graphics bit) and see if I can work out what is needed and if AGG would be a good idea or a native implementation. What sort of overhead does AGG impose?

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Re: [Poll] Poll: OpenOffice: Are you interested in joining a porting effort
Posted on 6-Jan-2005 0:38:08
#120 ]
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What sort of overhead does AGG impose?

Steven Solie should know, he ported it :)

Anyway, the demos where quite fast for what they did (arbitrary distortion of vector graphcis and all that stuff). It can also write text in any direction (not sure if that's necessary for OOo).

Thomas, the kernel guy

"I don't have a frigging clue. I'm norwegian" -- Ole-Egil

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