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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:27:07
# ]



Are you claiming "lack of tenacity" was behind the corporate lawyers request to step down? Do you have some documents we can go read to check this out?

- Dave.

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:34:14
#22 ]
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Joined: 28-Jul-2003
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From: Unknown

Eyetech own the trademark "AmigaOne". I didnt realise that, I thought that anything which complied to the Zico specs could go through the OS 4 licence certification process, and get certified by you as "AmigaOne".

So how does this work - This is how I understand it:

Can anybody who has hardware which complies to Zico get it certified by you and if it passes, then call it "Amiga xxxxx" . For Example, could one company get their hardware certified by you and can call it "Power Amiga 500"- If the hardware gets certified, then the company is allowed a licence to call that certified hardware, which is legally running OS 4 an Amiga.

Sorry if I sound a numbnuts - I know this has been gone over before, and I should have got it by now

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:37:15
#23 ]
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From: Adelaide, Australia


Amiga Inc are a professional company, which is more then what i can say about someother parties out there, and as such I wouldnt expect them to talk about legal matters on a news forum, and I know fleecy wont. Dont get me wrong, I really badly want to hear Amiga's side of the story but I see that as bad business ethics.


Regrading the Court situation, I am quite confident that Fleecy is fairly well versed with the License agreement, especially seeing that he's the CTO, and knows what he is talking about.

Just because someone takes you to court doesnt mean that they have a 50/50 chance. If the license agreement is clear and specific, which fleecy keeps indicating it is, then a court will rule for in favour of the agreement. A ruling is normally judged within the scope of the agreement, unless that scope is unreasonable.

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:37:54
#24 ]
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> AmigaOS4.0 is not a shrinkwrapped product. It is sold with a
> motherboard only, and thus comes with a system. Any
> company wishing to sell AmigaOS4.0 has to thus provide
> both technical and business information that provides a
> decent profit for both sides otherwise there is no point. Only
> a madman would engage in business activity to make a loss.

Bill Buck has recently publicly announced he offered to pay for the port himself (or reimburse the expense of porting). Considering none of the porting costs would be incurred by Amiga Inc, yet you'd be able to collect on it's sale, where is the financial risk?
(or has his offer not really been made?)

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:39:03
#25 ]
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The documents Rich gets are available to the public and anyone can request and receive them for a small fee. If you think he's giving a one-sided presentation, you can yourself (or organize a group to) get the documents and present them in full, if you think something's missing. The sad reality seems to be that it's awfully hard to find a "good side" (from AI's perspective) to this situation.

As they like to say in slashdot, IANAL. I can get the gist of what is said in most legal documents that I've been exposed to, but I've never had to deal with this sort of document and so will probably miss something important. I need someone who knows about this stuff to give us a summary of the picture, from Amiga Inc's side. All we have seen so far is the "anti Amiga Inc" side, and if that were the whole story there would not be a need for a court case. Amiga Inc is obviously trying to be professional about this, not saying anything until there is an official ruling, but this approach is letting their competitors ruin their reputation by countless insinuations. Even if they eventually win the lawsuit, by the time the wheels of justice have ponderously ground to a halt, everyone will either gotten a Pegasos or moved away from the Amiga altogether. This is the way business is done in the 21st century, and if Amiga Inc take too long to learn this lesson they will perish.

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:42:38
#26 ]
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"Even if they eventually win the lawsuit, by the time the wheels of justice have ponderously ground to a halt, everyone will either gotten a Pegasos or moved away from the Amiga altogether. This is the way business is done in the 21st century, and if Amiga Inc take too long to learn this lesson they will perish."

I don't think Amiga has to worry about that, nobody in this scene is fickle, many have been here for almost two decades.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:44:43
#27 ]
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wow - all these posts in such a short time.. I started writing mine just after Fleecy's first post

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:44:57
#28 ]
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From: Adelaide, Australia


I am pretty sure that Bill Buck knows that Amiga wont go for paying for the port unless they are granted and buy a license.

IMHO i think he knew that it was a futile announcement and that it might make him look better and Amiga worse. It makes it look like Amiga are not cooroperating, but all it needs is for him to buy a license.

If hes willing to pay to port it, then why is he not willing to pay to license it as well, if he so badly wants it.

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:44:59
#29 ]
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Bill Buck has recently publicly announced he offered to pay for the port himself (or reimburse the expense of porting). Considering none of the porting costs would be incurred by Amiga Inc, yet you'd be able to collect on it's sale, where is the financial risk?
(or has his offer not really been made?)

I suspect the picture is a lot more complicated than is visible to us. Why is Bill Buck going around in circles instead of just applying for a license? So far he's offered to give away hardware, hinted that it will be done anyway (legally or not) and finally said that he will pay someone else to do it. Clearly, the man just does not want to sign on the dotted line. Why is anyone's guess, but I really hope it's a valid business reason and not some stupid ego thing.

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:51:31
#30 ]
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Bucks reason for not licensing the board, is probably because the Pegasos is a multi-OS product, that's it's whole selling point and marketing strategy. If it were licensed, it would require each board to have a paid OS4 license, weather or not the user ever runs OS4 on it.

If you had to pay a license fee for *every* OS the pegasos *can* run things would get expensive. Heck, if you had to pay a license fee for every OS your *PC* could run, it would be expensive

However, Fleecy specifically mentioned financial risk involved in supporting the Pegasos, and I'm wondering what that was he was referring to, considering Bill Buck said he offered to shoulder it himself? Maybe Buck is forgetting to mention something that Fleecy could point out?

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:54:45
# ]


It always amuses me that ( and I do this too ) depending on
what your political sway is you treat the veracity of one source
completely differently to another, regardless of how many times
either has been caught spinning BS in the past.

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 8:57:03
#32 ]
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DaveP wrote:
It always amuses me that ( and I do this too ) depending on
what your political sway is you treat the veracity of one source
completely differently to another, regardless of how many times
either has been caught spinning BS in the past.

That's why it's important that there be threads like these where one can respond to claims or information spoken by the other...

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 9:02:38
#33 ]
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That's why it's important that there be threads like these where one can respond to claims or information spoken by the other...

That's one of the reasons why I really like this site - on pretty much any other amiga site, the trolls would have taken over by now and this thread would be well on its way to its 100th post, most of these being personal insults. Here, on the other hand, we can hold a civilized conversation on a tricky topic.

[edit: wow, it's 2am already. I'm off to bed, see you guys in a few hours...]

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 9:08:27
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Right, but it is situations normal in Amiga Land, people don't know
whom to believe, lots of alternative theories are drawn up
and plenty of collateral is used to blame or deflect.

Still, it is interesting reading on a Tuesday morning.

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 9:16:57
#35 ]
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> Eyetech own the trademark "AmigaOne". I didnt realise that,

Huh? Is this true? I thought they just licensed it from Amiga?
So how's it possible to license your hardware as an AmigaOne at all if you're an Eyetech competitor??

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 9:39:15
#36 ]
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Well, you don't actually licence your hardware as an Amigaone, just as an Amiga. You call it whatever you like (Power Amiga 500 like bobson suggested) Eyetech call their's Amigaone.


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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 9:45:51
#37 ]
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Anyway this discussion is all pretty moot (as usual). I understood that Eyetech didn't want to get involved if there was too much competition at the beginning and wanted some sort of exclusivity until they recuperated their costs. I'd guess there is a minimum figure of Amigaone's they need to sell before anyone else can get a licence, 5000 would probably be near the mark.

Oh and I thought the buck quote was to pay for the DE port, not AOS4.


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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 9:52:44
#38 ]
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MegaHurts wrote:
Well, you don't actually licence your hardware as an Amigaone, just as an Amiga. You call it whatever you like (Power Amiga 500 like bobson suggested) Eyetech call their's Amigaone.

So that explains why Dave Ogg registered when he was trying to get the Amiga license for the Pegasos. He never mentioned that to me though.

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." - Oscar Wilde

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 11:55:47
#39 ]

Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 42
From: Unknown

Hey there

I have never seen a formal, in writing offer, the same way I have never seen a formal, in writing request to port the AmigaDE to the Pegasos (which of course would have been turned down since we have been saying for three years, the first appearance of AmigaDE on the PPC processor will be on AmigaOS4.2).

2.the pegasos has no tao supported host.

And to add, just because someone offers to pay for a port means nothing. What would be taken into account is the opportunity cost i.e. taking the money for one port (and the possible value of post port sales) against any other port and business opportunity. Accepting the money for a port and selling a few hundred copies against other on going possibilities in the tens of thousands and maybe more.


fleecy moss
amiga inc

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Re: AmigaOS4 on Pegasos, AGAIN!!
Posted on 14-Oct-2003 11:59:01
#40 ]

Joined: 8-Mar-2003
Posts: 42
From: Unknown

Hey there

no one but Amiga Inc and our attorneys have any information about our legal strategies. As usual, even those claiming to want the truth are engaging in supposition and guessing, which despite the rider to the contrary only seeks to inflame the issue further.


fleecy moss
amiga inc

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