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PictureAlbum updated Posted on 8-Oct-2011 12:04:50
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| I have released an updated 'preview' of PictureAlbum here.
It comes with versions for AmigaOS4, AROS & MorphOS.
To give you an idea about it, here are a couple of old pictures from the OS4 version: PictureAlbum_1.png PictureAlbum_2.png
What it does is allow you to browse your folders, see thumbnails of all the pictures, open those pictures & put them where you like on the screen. When you go back to the folder, the pictures will appear where you left them! You can also rename/delete/move pictures.
All the previous "picture cataloguers" & "photo management" programs I've tried on the Amiga felt clunky, and in general sucked, so this is my attempt to "do it right". I want it to be simple & natural to use, with minimal configuration needed.
The changes for this release: - NEW: Added option for background "wallpaper". - NEW: The scroll-wheel now works on AROS & MorphOS, due to NewMouse support. - CHG: May work faster on AROS. - BUG: Now works on MorphOS, due to various fixes made to PortablE's 'std/cGfx' module. - BUG: Fixed Pref's "Use" behaviour not always working correctly on AmigaOS4. - BUG: Stopped "Cycle through open pics [Tab]" causing a crash when no pictures were open. Last edited by ChrisH on 11-Oct-2011 at 07:06 PM. Last edited by ChrisH on 08-Oct-2011 at 12:06 PM.
_________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 9-Oct-2011 16:02:34
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Joined: 16-Feb-2011 Posts: 86
From: Poland | | |
| @ChrisH
I test this program because I interesting everything creatable in PortablE.
For future improvements I have requests: 1) need single background color - no wallpaper - using background should disable thum view - only picture on background 2) need shorcut key for switching beetwen fullscreen and window 3) if more then 1 picture is displayed in full size - centering should be disabled (because I try fill my screen manually placed pictures and after changing - this destroying my idea) 4) need eventually resize to fill screen function for smaller pictures (option in preferences) 5) I feel more comfortable using scroll mouse button to scroll beetwen pictures - not scroll place with pictures 6) after last picture displayed should be displayed first - no stop displaying.
Anyway good program. Thanks for this. |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 9-Oct-2011 16:44:34
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @ChrisH
Had a quick play.
Noticed a couple of things. When you set a background image (wallpaper) there is a grey border arround the drawer icons. Doesn't look good.
Needs a scale image option, for very large photos. (preferably a non destructive one!)
It loaded the first two thumbs of a directory of photos almost instantly, but then was effectively frozen whilst it did the rest, with the display not updating till it had finished processing. (40 photos)
Interesting concept though.
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 9-Oct-2011 23:17:39
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| @broadblues Quote:
there is a grey border arround the drawer icons |
This a result of datatypes not being able to save a mask :( and so not easy to resolve.
Needs a scale image option, for very large photos. |
How do you mean? It already auto-shrinks pictures to fit the screen, and you can manually adjust scaling of each picture.
It loaded the first two thumbs of a directory of photos almost instantly, but then was effectively frozen whilst it did the rest, with the display not updating till it had finished processing. (40 photos) |
I sometimes noticed similar issue, not sure why. Seems like the screen fails to get refreshed under heavy CPU load, which shouldn't be possible... Well, I'll take a look at this sometime, but more pressing things first._________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 9-Oct-2011 23:25:14
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| @mrdarek Quote:
1) need single background color - no wallpaper - using background should disable thum view - only picture on background |
If I understand right, I'm not sure that would fit with how PictureAlbum works.
2) need shorcut key for switching beetwen fullscreen and window |
Do you really toggle full-screen a lot? I 'never' do it!
3) if more then 1 picture is displayed in full size - centering should be disabled (because I try fill my screen manually placed pictures and after changing - this destroying my idea) |
Sorry, I don't understand. You can place pictures where you like.
4) need eventually resize to fill screen function for smaller pictures (option in preferences) |
Do you mean you want pictures that are smaller than full-screen to be expanded (zoomed) to full screen? I can't imagine that being a common need, as the result will be horribly blocky.
6) after last picture displayed should be displayed first - no stop displaying. |
Hmmm, that sounds like a reasonable idea, although not one I'd want, so it would probably have to be a Preferences option....
5) I feel more comfortable using scroll mouse button to scroll beetwen pictures - not scroll place with pictures |
I'm not sure if that is a good idea, but MAYBE it could be a Preferences option...
I will be releasing the source code at some point (probably after official release of PortablE r6), so in the worst case you could modify it yourself!Last edited by ChrisH on 09-Oct-2011 at 11:28 PM.
_________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 10-Oct-2011 7:31:54
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 11-Mar-2003 Posts: 2843
From: Essex, UK | | |
| @ChrisH
Thank you Chris for installing latest version on my SAM460 at the ANT meeting on Sunday, very useful program indeed!
Also thank you for sorting out various little niggles I had with my system, think only OS4.1.4 will sort out remaining problems  _________________ SAM 460 with 2GB or RAM, 1000GB HD, 4 port SATA, DVDRW drive and Radeon HD 4650 GFX card. |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 10-Oct-2011 8:27:30
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Joined: 21-Sep-2006 Posts: 225
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| Thx for your continued work Chris :)
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 10-Oct-2011 11:29:47
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @ChrisH
This a result of datatypes not being able to save a mask :( and so not easy to resolve.
I think this must not be true i can see loads of images on my desktop loaded with datatypes that have transparemcy or alpha channels (tool bars on AWeb is one exampe, real icons on the workbench another) . How are you actually rendering the images of the drawers to the screen? Perhaps you should use BlytBitMapTaglist with BLITA_UseSrcAlpha set?
Needs a scale image option, for very large photos.
How do you mean? It already auto-shrinks pictures to fit the screen, and you can manually adjust scaling of each picture.
Hmm maybe it only scaled to fit horizontally, and I didn't realise as I still had to scroll arround vertically, completely missed the zoom options, sorry.
It loaded the first two thumbs of a directory of photos almost instantly, but then was effectively frozen whilst it did the rest, with the display not updating till it had finished processing. (40 photos)
I sometimes noticed similar issue, not sure why. Seems like the screen fails to get refreshed under heavy CPU load, which shouldn't be possible... Well, I'll take a look at this sometime, but more pressing things first.
When testing in windowed mode only your window was not updated. When I resized the window, the newly created borders were not refilled with background whilst the picture loading was happening. And after loading was finished (judging by CPU activity the wized window was not update corretly, no new thumbs displauyed(but titles were border back grounds overwrite window borders etc. ) I was about to take a screen shot, but inadvertantly activated the window and it updated to it's correct state. Make me think your event handling task has issues. If your using subtasks to handle image loading, you may beed to fiddle with their prorities or something.
I still haven't found an image view that suits my needs so I'm interested in how your project developes.
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 11-Oct-2011 12:32:24
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| @broadblues Quote:
I think this must not be true i can see loads of images on my desktop loaded with datatypes that have transparemcy or alpha channels |
It is not loading but SAVING via datatypes which is the problem. The folder icon is saved as a picture, and then this can be loaded in (via datatypes) to my graphics system for display.
Hmm maybe it only scaled to fit horizontally, and I didn't realise as I still had to scroll arround vertically |
It ensures the picture fits the full window/screen, which means (if your picture is not the same shape as your window/screen) that some bits will get chopped-off (and so require scrolling). While this suits me fine, I can imagine some people might prefer to see whole picture, even if it means they have 'borders', so I guess this is another possible Prefs option.
When testing in windowed mode only your window was not updated. When I resized the window, the newly created borders were not refilled with background whilst the picture loading was happening. |
This is normal, as the process doing the window refreshing is also the one doing the picture loading (I am considering off-loading the picture loading to another process at some point).
The puzzle is why thumbnails were not updated between each picture loading.
I was about to take a screen shot, but inadvertantly activated the window and it updated to it's correct state |
If I understand right, this is perfectly normal too. While window is inactive, all bitmaps are removed from video memory (to save your precious video memory), and this means it also has to stop refreshing the window.Last edited by ChrisH on 11-Oct-2011 at 12:34 PM. Last edited by ChrisH on 11-Oct-2011 at 12:33 PM.
_________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 11-Oct-2011 19:11:15
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
From: Unknown | | |
| I have released an updated 'preview' of PictureAlbum here.
The changes for this release: - CHG: If the window becomes inactive, it will still keep updating the window if thumbnails are still being loaded/generated. - CHG: Should now start quicker. (Does not affect MOS.) - BUG: Should no-longer appear to "hang" while it is generating thumbnails. (Does not affect MOS.) _________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 12-Oct-2011 0:26:09
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @ChrisH
It is not loading but SAVING via datatypes which is the problem. The folder icon is saved as a picture, and then this can be loaded in (via datatypes) to my graphics system for display.
Hmm. All the folder icons look like def drawer icons to me. Where are they saved? How are they saved? You image icons (thumnails) have no ugly borders so why do your folder iocns need to have them?
I was about to take a screen shot, but inadvertantly activated the window and it updated to it's correct state
If I understand right, this is perfectly normal too. While window is inactive, all bitmaps are removed from video memory (to save your precious video memory), and this means it also has to stop refreshing the window.
Errm no. I think not. (Unless that behaviour occurs in optimise for video memory mode, which I don;t use)
It suggest to me that your application is not dealing with or listening to all the intuition messages it's getting WRT window size etc. Inactive windows do certainly update. This might also be the cause of the thumbnails not updating
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 12-Oct-2011 0:36:55
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @ChrisH
Tested update:
The changes for this release: - CHG: If the window becomes inactive, it will still keep updating the window if thumbnails are still being loaded/generated.
Works... Quote:
- CHG: Should now start quicker. (Does not affect MOS.)
Can't really tell, didn't make notes over startup speed of the previous version. Quote:
- BUG: Should no-longer appear to "hang" while it is generating thumbnails. (Does not affect MOS.
This is working too.
I notice you can drag the thumbs arround, but that they jump back to the original location, same for folder icons, in progress feature?
Oh I see you can drop them on folders. Logical I suppose. Wqasn't expecting file management 
Like the middle mouse dragging (very blender )
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 12-Oct-2011 8:01:38
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| @broadblues Quote:
All the folder icons look like def drawer icons to me. |
That is correct. It uses the default drawer icon for all drawers (for speed).
Where are they saved? How are they saved? |
There is only one drawer icon, which is (IIRC) temporarily saved to T: using datatype (which means as an IFF). You are not supposed to worry about this!
You image icons (thumnails) have no ugly borders so why do your folder iocns need to have them? |
Since the drawer icon is not saved with a mask, when it is loaded you get that "ugly border"._________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 13-Oct-2011 21:50:22
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| I have released an updated 'preview' of PictureAlbum here.
The changes for this release: - NEW: (MorphOS) Greatly reduced video memory usage. - BUG: You could not change the location of the Cache. - BUG: (MorphOS) Pictures with < = 256 colours now display properly. Last edited by ChrisH on 13-Oct-2011 at 09:51 PM.
_________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 14-Oct-2011 12:05:49
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @ChrisH
There is only one drawer icon, which is (IIRC) temporarily saved to T: using datatype (which means as an IFF). You are not supposed to worry about this!
Lol. If you get people to test your software they are going to look at things you didn't expect....
Now in order to save that icon as a iff with datatypes you must have loaded it in the first place. Why not just keep the original loaded copy in memory (after all the saved version is in ram:t so still using memory) and then you can render it with the alpha chanel that the datatypes *can* decode.
Testing your latest preview, I noticed that thumbs are a bit slow to drag arround if there are alot of pictures in the displayed directory.
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 15-Oct-2011 10:19:32
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 30-Jan-2005 Posts: 6679
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| @broadblues Quote:
Why not just keep the original loaded copy in memory |
Sadly that's not really an option with my portable (aka OS-independant) graphics system.
EDIT: I thought of a possible work-around (wrapper the icon drawing in my own cGfxDrawable sub-class), but not sure when I will try to implement it.
Testing your latest preview, I noticed that thumbs are a bit slow to drag arround if there are alot of pictures in the displayed directory. |
It does occasionally happen that bitmaps which should be in video memory aren't put there by Picasso96 (despite my best efforts), and so things can be slower than they should be. However, that should only be an occasional problem. Unless it happens consistently (esp after a reboot), then I don't think it is anything to worry about...
BTW, you can force it to reload all (on-screen) bitmaps into video memory by briefly making the window/screen inactive (after it has finished loading all thubmnails).Last edited by ChrisH on 15-Oct-2011 at 11:17 AM. Last edited by ChrisH on 15-Oct-2011 at 10:24 AM. Last edited by ChrisH on 15-Oct-2011 at 10:22 AM. Last edited by ChrisH on 15-Oct-2011 at 10:21 AM. Last edited by ChrisH on 15-Oct-2011 at 10:19 AM.
_________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 15-Oct-2011 12:13:02
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| @broadblues I just discovered it was a bug in my code preventing saving of masks using datatypes... but sadly I *still* cannot save the icon as a picture with a mask, since I cannot see any way to extract the mask from the icon. DrawIconStateA() doesn't seem to provide the option. _________________ Author of the PortablE programming language. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue... |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 15-Oct-2011 13:09:31
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| @ChrisH
Why do you save the icon at all. Why don't you use DrawIconStateA() to draw it on screen directly ? Limitation of PortablE ? _________________ Rock lobster bit me. My Workbench has always preferences. X1000 + AmigaOS4.1 FE "Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." -Seymour Cray |
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 15-Oct-2011 14:01:41
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Re: PictureAlbum updated Posted on 15-Oct-2011 16:35:52
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Amiga Developer Team  |
Joined: 20-Jul-2004 Posts: 4449
From: Portsmouth England | | |
| @salass00
Good find, I've just been searching for an example with source and came up with nothing, I missed that one and had just returned to the thread to report that I couldn't find an example but you should use IIcon->IconControl() to get icon data such as imagery and masks.
_________________ BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad |
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