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So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 12:53:59
#1 ]
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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 12:55:42
#2 ]
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.... and another one....


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 13:38:09
#3 ]
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Joined: 1-Sep-2003
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From: Straya!


yay i dont have to go arm to do tech stuff alarms and car computers! arexx all the way!

on a better note, this looks like it could form the basis of os4 FULL laptop that could come after the netbook.

Last edited by Barana on 14-Nov-2012 at 01:45 PM.

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 13:49:27
#4 ]
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n a better note, this looks like it could form the basis of os4 FULL laptop that could come after the netbook.


too bad that nobody of aour hardware resellers partecipated ad the 2012 Power Asia conference.

But, who knows? Maybe they're contacting the interested parties right now!


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 14:01:25
#5 ]
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P-Cubed, Italy
A-Cube, Italy

Surely there is a connection here somewhere :P

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 14:38:46
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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 16:57:19
#7 ]
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From: Zaragoza (Aragonian State)


don't hold your breath waiting for OS4 support, Hyperion has a long list of excuses for both perfectly fine and cheap hardware and won't hesitate in throwing any (bad) excuse, those who don't agree with Hyperion are heathens or heretics and will burn in hell.

The only spanish amiga news web page/club: CUAZ

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 17:11:53
#8 ]
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Do you really think that?

I would rather wait their (eventual) reply. This really tiny dual core could be very interesting for a laptop.

Last edited by AmigaBlitter on 14-Nov-2012 at 05:12 PM.


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 17:28:08
#9 ]
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From: Rossendale

Linux PPC would realy fly on that thing?

Forget Light speed, I want Ludicrous speed NOW.


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 17:37:59
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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 19:04:42
#11 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG


Last time i read about that project I was disapointed by the sparse technical information given. I wouldn't wonder though if they use an SoC sporting an e500v2 core - which would a pity, since it has some severe incompatibilities with most other ppc cores in regard of the fpu.

Edit: Just saw that they use a P1025 chip (i.e. expected family) and hence indeed rather not interesting in Amiga/MorphOS context (e500v2 core). Pity!

Last edited by Zylesea on 14-Nov-2012 at 07:09 PM.

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 19:46:09
#12 ]
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It's a HW reseller task to talk with interested parties and maybe use another processors instead of the P1025. Who knows?

I think that rasphberry class devices can be really created in the ppc land.


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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 20:40:54
#13 ]
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Maybe you should try and throw in some of your own money to really be taken

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 21:05:12
#14 ]
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From: Murcia (Spain)


Do you have os4 yet?

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 21:40:25
#15 ]
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@_ThEcRoW, Hondo and Crumb

I don´t think this small computer is suitable for any desktop use (wrong FPU, limited expansion etc.). Price is probably sole relatively strong side of such product (however price/performance ratio would be still bad in comparison to x86 or ARM offerings).

Sorry, I was a little bit OT, back to flame war.

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 21:52:17
#16 ]
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From: Ostwestfalen, FRG



AmigaBlitter wrote:

I think that rasphberry class devices can be really created in the ppc land.

Actually I was kind of pursueing such a project a while ago myself ( I stoped about a year ago). I was focussing on the 5125 SoC. As I wrote on the device would have had the following features:

really small board (about 60mmx100mm or less)
- 400MHz e300 ppc processor (800Dhrystone MIPS)
- 256 or 512 MiB RAM
- 100Mbit ethernet
- 2xusb, 1x usb OTG
- SDHC slot (for mass storage)
- realtime clock
- HDMI outut (max. 1280x720 24 Bit)
- a few extra ports (e.g. CAN and I²C)
- 3.5mm audio jacks (in/out)
- touchscreen controller
-energy uptake about 1-3 Watt

Most of the features were just from the 5125 itself and the entire design would have been pretty close to Freescale's TWR-MPC5125. Anyway, I came to conclusion that risk/benefit of that approch was too much.

With the coming new QorIQs I have hope that in future there may be new and more interesting options. Generally I welcome those new rather cheap boards, but am still wondering why Freescale made the e500v2 (it's probably the same reasoning like with 68k vs. coldfire), luckily the later e500mc is compatible again.
Also I am wondering why a server/hacking board uses an e500v2 cored SoCs, when it's clear already that this core is a dead end. With the e500mc the upgrade path to e5500 or e6500 would have been much smoother. Probably it's the "linux thinking" of compiling all on the taget machine instead of getting binaries...

Last edited by Zylesea on 14-Nov-2012 at 09:55 PM.
Last edited by Zylesea on 14-Nov-2012 at 09:53 PM.

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MorphOS user since V0.4 (2001)

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 14-Nov-2012 23:56:54
#17 ]
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I might be wrong but the QorIQ P1025 reminds me of the Freescale PPC chips with an incompatible CPU.


I could not find any technical data maybe ther is not any built in grafik card and they have not menationed a PCI or PCIe bus ... NAS servers or server blades doesn't need them.


Looks nice, could replace the missing low cost AOS4 plattform. You should address your idea to Hyperion, you have a 30% chance for an answere.

Do you know if they produce this nice little PPC cards that could change every x86 PC into a PPC computer ?

Last edited by Arko on 14-Nov-2012 at 11:58 PM.

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 7:41:11
#18 ]
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It doesn't need to remind of you what it actually is.

I'm not entirely convinced it's impossible to use, after all we used to have a lot of code for m68k in variants with and without FPU, it's also possible to detect chip type on startup and just not use those instructions that won't work.

Less than optimal, maybe. But then again, I acknowledge the fact that life sucks and I have a helmet.

This weeks pet peeve:
Using "voltage" instead of "potential", which leads to inventing new words like "amperage" instead of "current" (I, measured in A) or possible "charge" (amperehours, Ah or Coulomb, C). Sometimes I don't even know what people mean.

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 7:57:35
#19 ]
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"but am still wondering why Freescale made the e500v2 (it's probably the same reasoning like with 68k vs. coldfire), "

perhaps Irvin Gould and Medhi Ali paid a visit there...

"Also I am wondering why a server/hacking board uses an e500v2 cored SoCs, when it's clear already that this core is a dead end. With the e500mc the upgrade path to e5500 or e6500 would have been much smoother. Probably it's the "linux thinking" of compiling all on the taget machine instead of getting binaries..."

Or just that P series was already out.

"Do you know if they produce this nice little PPC cards that could change every x86 PC into a PPC computer ?"

PPC on a PCMCIA card could transform every x86 device to AOS4 compatible.
(people could use new or dumbster HW, AROS/AEROS/Linux/Win/Whatever could serve the I/O and display)

Nice to see low price PPC devices. HW with P series freescale chips should indicate the the pricing of same product with T series (T series is planned to offer little more for the same price)

There are also cheaper PPC chips. (but with no DIU)

Last edited by KimmoK on 15-Nov-2012 at 08:04 AM.

- KimmoK
// For freedom, for honor, for AMIGA
// Thing that I should find more time for: CC64 - 64bit Community Computer?

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Re: So, it's seems that we can have our (PPC)berry too.
Posted on 15-Nov-2012 8:43:08
#20 ]
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olegil wrote:

It doesn't need to remind of you what it actually is.

Yes exactly


I'm not entirely convinced it's impossible to use, after all we used to have a lot of code for m68k in variants with and without FPU, it's also possible to detect chip type on startup and just not use those instructions that won't work.

As far as I know, all software for AOS4 was compiled for an integrated FPU, if there is another PPC system without a FPU it will need a recompile.
If you can switch of the incompatible on chip FPU you might emulate it by software via exception calls, if you can't it will remain incompatible.

It doesn't need to remind of you what happened with this:

AmigaONE. Haha. Just because you can put label on it does not make it Amiga.

I borrowed this comments from here (#27 & #28):

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