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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 2:17:26
#21 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 29-Jun-2010
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From: Unknown



Moxee wrote:

But I was on sticking up for you..

I don't think Natamix is blaming you here as you obviously pointed out there was nothing wrong with what he said…

I think it's Amigadaves post that has upset Natamix here that is the main cause of this storm in a teacup…

@ All

Here's a simple FACT to ALL concerned in the little debacle… someone giving the perfectly reasonable explanation/ opinion that if you pay for a service or buy a product doesn't mean you have to thank that company or person for it, or praise them for something you have paid for, is not in any way being negative as Amigadave has tried to claim here…

So could we please cut out all of this over the top big girls blouse crap here and stop making mountain out of ruddy molehills…

PS: I thought topics like this were moderators are concerned in them were not allowed to be discussed publicly !!! has there been a change in site policy ???

Last edited by Franko on 17-Nov-2012 at 02:18 AM.


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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 9:37:06
#22 ]
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Joined: 7-Mar-2011
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From: The land of western movies spanish


But I was on sticking up for you.

Yes, I realized, thanks
though since there are many who like to rain on anyone's parade.

But this phrase made ​​me wonder.I thought my me including.
Did you file a complaint?

No, did not believe it necessary, it was just a nuisance


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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 10:03:27
#23 ]
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From: The land of western movies spanish

(Reply by this thread, and the other was closed)

Thanks to all who encourage me to continue,
I did not intend to extend this thread.

@ Amigadave
I thought so, it seems to be standard practice in most sites retain members, I do not know the reason.

No matter, says @ wawa, I will change the password for another blindly not to remember.

I like this website, is a reference site for me to see news and learn, but I prefer to be behind the door with his ear...listening to

I responer before a couple of private messages I've received.

again, bye
(put me the song of the end of the movie Titanic)
just kidding, just kidding


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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 10:06:35
#24 ]
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From: The land of western movies spanish


Thanks, you're a great guy ... and valiant


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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 10:39:04
#25 ]
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From: The land of western movies spanish

OH OH.. type the new password twice a blind ...!
seems complicated but I think I'm going to get


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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 11:34:27
#26 ]
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What you said is standard in the whole business world and of cource self-evident for everyone that is offering services or selling goods. As long as someone is not giving his products away for free or offering his services free of charge it is enough to pay the bills. If naming this creates a loud cry here it is starting to become silly and shows how far away the "Amiga market" has become from the rest of the world (I am self-employed and that is my view)

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 12:26:19
#27 ]
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This is a forum people have different opinions about things.

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 13:22:21
#28 ]
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From: Toronto, Canada

I've got a love/ hate relationship with Amgakit. Love their service and wide selection of goodies for our miggies but hate looking at my bank account after my purchases

c64-2sids, A1000, A1200T-060@50(finally working!),A4000-CSMKIII
! My Master Miggies- Amiga 1000 & AmigaOne X1000 !

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 13:23:34
#29 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England

@OlafS25 and @Franko

Consider this scenario...

You've gone to a posh restaurant, it's pricey. perhaps very pricey, but the food is excellent, the service is beyond polite and genuinely warm and friendly.

You finish the meal and when the waiter comes over you say "I really enjoyed that my coompliments to the chef" Then as the waiter walks away the guy on the table next you leans over and says "Don't thank them mate, you paid for it"

Who is in the wrong the customer who is polite and expresses thier thanks, or the rude one?

Sorry but if someone wants to thank someone for an excellent service it doesn't matter how much you paid for that service.


Your choice of words was exactly as the above describes, if that is not what you meant then why not post a correction?

@ Franko

removed material I wouldn't like to be sat next to you in the hyperphetical restautrant above.

[edit]Add insult to franko and hopefully toned down my reaction to natimix as I do understanf there my have been a language issue. [/edit]

Last edited by Moxee on 17-Nov-2012 at 11:50 PM.
Last edited by broadblues on 17-Nov-2012 at 01:41 PM.
Last edited by broadblues on 17-Nov-2012 at 01:33 PM.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 13:32:16
#30 ]
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You can be polite and being polite and kind is never bad (we are all humans) but it is not that someone has to thank just because he gets something for (much) money. A customer pays for what he gets and that is the way he says "thank you" to the company/business man. And when he is happy about it he even buys again. I do not think he meant it as rude as it was seen here by some and people (from all camps) should react more calm and moderate and not always strike back when they think someone has said something negative in their view. That is the world, different people different view. Only in countries like China there is only one (official) view.

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 13:38:53
#31 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


It would be one thing if someone were complaining that a customer was not "thankful". It's another to say they shouldn't be when they were.

We seem to live in a world were every one complains about poor service, but that they take good service for granted.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 13:47:05
#32 ]
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I too thought when I read "I say thankyou" threads (there are lots of examples) that people are overdoing in my view because prices are very very high and except perhaps Trevor (and the Aros people) everyone here is earning money with it including Hyperion, MOS-Team and of course Amigakit. They like to do what they do and are even paid for it, so the best thing you can imagine (Amigakits are propably the only ones being paid fulltime right now). And the OS4 hardware is really expensive.

But even if you see it different just ignore one posting and not immediately bash back. That is the way wars started or (in this case) OS4 looses more and more supporters.

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 13:59:37
#33 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


To be honest I rarely do "bash back" perhaps that gave my "bash" greater impact than was intended.

And be honest would you be critical of someone praising an AROS distro? I might wonder why someone would when the only time I tried it crashed on me, but I never would say so, as it's not for me to rain on that parade, and I'm perfectly aware that next time I try it might work better.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 14:01:56
#34 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


And to bring this back on topic. AmiKit have provided an excellent service when I have bought small items (software / gfx card etc) from them. So I agree with the OP that they do agreat job.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 14:09:50
#35 ]
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From: Murcia (Spain)


So you think that exists an obbligation of thanking when you spend that amount of money?. Amiga scene has become lately so insane...

Amiga 1200 desktop. Apollo 030/50 Mhz 8mb ram + ClassicWB + Wb 3.1
Amiga 500 + ACA500plus 8mb + 30gb CF
Raspberry Pi 3b+ and Amibian 1.4
Mac Mini G4 1GB Ram with the butterfly!!

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 14:17:44
#36 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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So you think that exists an obligation of thanking when you spend that amount of money?. Amiga scene has become lately so insane...

Your deliberate misunderstanding is truly annoying but I'll try to be polite.

I think that it's wrong to critcise someone for freely expressing their presumably genuine thanks for a good service, just becuase they paid for that service.

If there's insanity in this amiga scene it's that people think that politeness and even genuine gratitude are bad things.

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 14:19:39
#37 ]
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From: Oslo


Holy cow. One guy wanted to thank AmigaKit. Then gets bashed for thanking, because Amiga hardware is so pricey. Then that guy gets bashed for bashing the original thanker. And now people are bashing those bashing the basher of the original thanker. Madre mia. Only on AmigaWorld...

Someone just wanted to thank AmigaKit. That is the topic. Its a nice gesture. No need to make war. And it IS stupid to go "hey, why are you thanking AmigaKit, they sell expensive things", what is the logic? People can't say thanks to companies that bother to participate in the tiny Amiga world? We all know why it is pricey, and we all know that even with high prices it is hard to make ends meet. It's not a given that companies should bother, and so, it is not unnatural to thank them for what they are doing.

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 14:29:56
#38 ]
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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 14:37:57
#39 ]
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I do not "bash" anyone here only saying that saying less is sometimes better. And the "original thanker" was not hurt how he already wrote. So instead just accepting different views and stop there was created a drama (again).

Everyone can thank everyone if he likes. I can buy a Porsche and thank the company for building and selling it to me. But I must not. And if someone says it is not necessary then who cares. Amigakit people reading the thread will not be insulted because of one person but look at the others. If you do something there will always be people that like it and others who do not.

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Re: Thank you AmigaKit
Posted on 17-Nov-2012 15:42:06
#40 ]
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Well yes you don't get better soap opera then in Amiga land.

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