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Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 4-Sep-2013 20:08:06
#1 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 12-Jan-2005
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From: Cheshire, England

I mean I knew we shrunk and not exactly on the radar any more but still I find the lastest figures pretty poor.

I would of done aros but there numbers are so much higher I guess aros is a common name, same for the word amiga. lot of Spanish girl friends out there. What do you guys think?

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 4-Sep-2013 20:16:26
#2 ]
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Joined: 9-Jun-2004
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From: Norway


The people who use it knows where to find it, they don't need Google.

when I look for suff on Google I type amigaos4 not amigaos

Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-Sep-2013 at 08:37 PM.
Last edited by NutsAboutAmiga on 04-Sep-2013 at 08:37 PM.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 4-Sep-2013 20:37:55
#3 ]
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Amiga will live, until we all grow too old.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 4-Sep-2013 21:02:46
#4 ]
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Amiga not spanish for girlfriend.

maybe i am dyslexia

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 1:47:47
#5 ]
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From: Australia

Not sure how accurate such a thing is though. When I browse for anything amiga related, be it 68k amiga, os4, mos, aros, whatever I tend to just browse "amiga".

While its true "amiga" does mean female friend google will show the amiga we all enjoy (in any of its form) to be the most dominant variation of said string, so things arent as bad as it may appear.

Really, who browses things like "amigaone" specifically, even if theyre interested in the amiga?
MorphOS gets decent results here, because its more generic a term (ie covers all aspects) to that system.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 2:10:29
#6 ]
Amiga Developer Team
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From: Portsmouth England


put a space between amiga and os

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 11:57:47
#7 ]
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put a space between amiga and os

but then it will account for a number of occurences not related to os4. alas you cannot check just for os4 either as we know. "amiga os4" might be the most secure one. but all in all it is hard to judge therms anything upon google trends results. if i included "aros" for instance, it would crush everything else here by magnitudes, but it wouldnt be fair, since aros is a modern art museum in denemark.

Last edited by wawa on 05-Sep-2013 at 11:58 AM.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 12:18:02
#8 ]
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"amiga os" verses "amigaos" was my suggestion. The original term was not specific to version 4 so why should my suggested improvement be? What it does is show a steady interest in Amiga OS whichever version, with no dieoff unlike MorphOS (that die off suprises me to be honest).

AROS does have many meaning and completely obliterates the graph, as does plain, amiga, plain os4 prduces a massive peak due the ipad/iphone. (not even a pimple due to that linux distro).

I agree that such graphs are arbitray and not absolutle measures of anything substantial

BroadBlues On Blues BroadBlues On Amiga Walker Broad

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 12:20:20
#9 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales

But AmigaOS isn't what people search for. People search for "Amiga". So saying that you have to discount any searches for "Amiga" is kind of like saying that you have to discount 90% of the searches, and then wondering why you're not getting many hits.

If you do a search for "amiga" on Google all the first page (and most subsequent ones) are to do with the Amiga, nothing to do with Spanish girls. That's how people look for Amiga stuff.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 12:46:54
#10 ]
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no wonder, im am hitting "amiga" serch on google accidentaly quite frequently. also i guess an interest in amiga (in its real sense, as a computer system from the last millenium) may be quite steady, in contrary to its so to say "ng offshots".. so no surprise here i guess.

"amiga os" verses "amigaos" was my suggestion.

"amiga os" is quite generic and may have been used in conjunction with 3.x versions while "amigaos" was introduced with the os4 and therefore my not get much recognition and therefore many searches.

Last edited by wawa on 05-Sep-2013 at 12:51 PM.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 14:00:41
#11 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


Yes, I'd say that most Amiga searches are for "classic" Amigas. That's why this graph is basically meaningless - there's no way of differentiating between "classic" and "NG" Amigas unless you use AmigaOS as a search term, but as most people searching for NG Amigas also don't use "AmigaOS" but use "Amiga", there's no way of saying.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 14:00:43
#12 ]
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From: Freedom world



If you look at geographical distribution you find out that major number of hits are coming from Brazil.


What it does is show a steady interest in Amiga OS whichever version, with no dieoff unlike MorphOS (that die off suprises me to be honest).

Because those morphos hits around 2005 are coming from source unrelated to MorphOS.

To get accurate results you have to use Google Adwords tool to find out most popular keywords and trends:

amiga hardware
amiga games
amiga 500
amiga pc
amiga emulator
amiga kickstart
amiga rom
amiga workbench download
commodore amiga

Those are keywords popping up most often, IIRC. It seems that Google Adwords is not working on OWB nor iPad so cant check it here. Limiting geographical region to Germany gives the best results because Amiga was always very popular there and results are not polluted with other meanings of aros, morphos nor amiga.

Majority of amiga searches are related to old Amigas, namely Amiga 500 and its games.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 14:04:21
#13 ]
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From: Freedom world


In my experience almost nobody is searching for amigaos unless they are searching for 68k Kickstart image or Workbench disks. I have tried to analyze if amiga ever pops up with terms g4, x1000, amigaone, pegasos, mac and so on but it is very rare.

Last edited by itix on 05-Sep-2013 at 02:06 PM.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 18:45:00
#14 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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From: Unknown

@Spirantho Quote:
If you do a search for "amiga" on Google all the first page (and most subsequent ones) are to do with the Amiga, nothing to do with Spanish girls.

Unfortunately that probably tells you NOTHING, because Google gives results customised to each persons search history (unless very carefully tell it not to).

Most likely people interested in Spanish girls will see a lot of them at the top when they search for "Amiga"...

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 20:48:12
#15 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 21-Aug-2007
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From: Finland


And to add to itix observations, when did you yourself learn about "Amiga OS"? Im not sure, first time i probably noticed that term was around when Amiga OS4.0 came and they were wanting to make distinction between NG and classis. And it still took a while before it really hit my brain that there is "Amiga OS". Before that, it was just Workbench 3.1 and kickstart 3.1 and 3.1ROMs, and OS3.5 and OS3.9, actual "Amiga OS" have been basically only very recent years to me.

Hence, if i had not been following Amiga scene since 1995, and I would be looking for some nostalgia, I doubt it would even come to my mind to use "Amiga OS" as serach term, since something like that wouldnt even exists in my thoughts.

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 5-Sep-2013 21:43:51
#16 ]
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From: Aberystwyth, Wales


If you do a search without logging in to Google, using a different browser on another machine, you still get results about the Commodore Amiga. Of course it may be different if you search on, but how many people do that compared to .com?

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 6-Sep-2013 0:27:28
#17 ]
Elite Member
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Amiga OS4.0 came and they were wanting to make distinction between NG and classis.

isnt that rather that no "ng" platform is licensed to be called "amiga" therefore it has to be called something like "amigaos", "morphos" or "aros"?

And it still took a while before it really hit my brain that there is "Amiga OS". Before that, it was just Workbench 3.1 and kickstart 3.1 and 3.1ROMs, and OS3.5 and OS3.9, actual "Amiga OS" have been basically only very recent years to me. Hence, if i had not been following Amiga scene since 1995, and I would be looking for some nostalgia, I doubt it would even come to my mind to use "Amiga OS" as serach term, since something like that wouldnt even exists in my thoughts.

go figure ;)

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Re: Google Amiga Trends makes for poor reading
Posted on 6-Sep-2013 14:30:11
#18 ]
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Before that, it was just Workbench 3.1 and kickstart 3.1 and 3.1ROMs, and OS3.5 and OS3.9, actual "Amiga OS" have been basically only very recent years to me.

Name "AmigaOS" (or more often "Amiga OS") is commonly used from early 1990s (look at usenet discussions from 1990/1991). See eg. this thread from May 1990. Here Dave Haynie speaks about "Amiga OS" in May 1989. To cite also Andy Finkel (December 1986): "let's discuss the misuse of the term AmigaDos to describe the
entire Amiga OS. That should be interesting, yea, that's the ticket."

(Copy/paste from my post in Twenty-Five Years of Development news item (2010))

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