Was an interesting interview. It was a pity that they couldn't bring their vision of the future for Commodore to fruition, as by the sound of it they had very good plans on what to do and how to do it - much more than those who took over after the demise of Commodore in the mid 90s.
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Re: Commodore UK Boss David Pleasance Interview 2015 Posted on 14-Aug-2015 6:16:36
Joined: 18-Nov-2004 Posts: 972
From: Roma + Milano, Italia
Back then i read about their plans on Amiga Format (or another British magazine like Amiga Shopper, can't remember) and i was one of those who really hoped for C=UK to succeed instead of Escom ad the likes.
Last edited by Nibunnoichi on 14-Aug-2015 at 06:17 AM.
_________________ Proud Amigan since 1987 Owner of various Commodore and a SAM440ep\OS4.1FE See them on http://retro.furinkan.org/
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Re: Commodore UK Boss David Pleasance Interview 2015 Posted on 16-Aug-2015 19:33:51
While it was an interesting view, nobody was able to stop the new comer Sony with it's Playstation (PSX). CBM will have faced the same doom as 3DO and Sega. Nintendo survived because of it's handheld console and franchises like Pokemon. On the OS side I'm not sure that it'll have evolved beyond game needs.