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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 15-Mar-2016 9:07:00
#41 ]
Super Member
Joined: 1-Sep-2004
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From: Suomi-Finland

With the pdf and Win compability would it be possible to print? Donations very comming if I can stick the ColourLaser Samsung in the XE;)

Then the art starts.

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 15-Mar-2016 9:19:53
# ]



If your printer doesn't work under WB conditions (setup, setting, driver) it won't work when CW introduces printing/PDF support, as CW has nothing at all to do with just sends the data.

Setup a working printer in WB and CW will print.

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 15:41:38
#43 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown


I have today updated a new beta version of Cinnamon Writer for AOS4 and now also for MorphOS.

Find the new betas here: link

Bug fixes include (but are not limited to:

- Window trashing should be fixed

- Localization should now support other charsets than the generic. Please let me know if the char set of your language is not working satisfactory (but please first see if the problem is caused by limitations of the font used)

- Import of images now works. Feel free to send me images that are not imported correctly

Please let me know if you encounter any bugs

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 15:57:30
#44 ]
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Joined: 28-Jan-2010
Posts: 227
From: Tarnów


0.95 MorphOS version quits with a " Im sorry. there is no available truetype fonts" error. 0.9 works though. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 15:58:35
#45 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Apr-2003
Posts: 683
From: Barcelona, Spain


Thanks for the update!

Downloaded MOS version but on start it says:

"I'm sorry. there is no available truetype fonts" and nothing happens.

CW 0.90 works ok BTW.

Edit: recedent was quicker.

Last edited by emeck on 24-Apr-2016 at 03:59 PM.

PowerBook 5.2 MorphOS 3.15
PowerBook 5.8 MorphOS 3.15
Amiga 1200 BPPC/BVision AOS4.1 FE

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 16:00:58
#46 ]
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I must have set the truetype directory wrong. Could you let me know where you have your TTF fonts?

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 16:03:13
#47 ]
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From: Barcelona, Spain



PowerBook 5.2 MorphOS 3.15
PowerBook 5.8 MorphOS 3.15
Amiga 1200 BPPC/BVision AOS4.1 FE

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 17:31:03
#48 ]
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I have uploaded a corrected version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 18:00:45
#49 ]
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Joined: 3-Feb-2004
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From: Poland


Very quick test:

PL special chars: OK
Inserting images: OK

Well done!!

Last edited by mr2 on 24-Apr-2016 at 06:01 PM.

Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM R9250 128MB SB Live!

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 18:38:31
#50 ]
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Joined: 30-Apr-2003
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From: Barcelona, Spain


Thanks, it opens now. After a quick test, word count seems now accurate. But wheel scrolling doesn't work; it does in previous version.

I'll report more as I use it during the week.

PowerBook 5.2 MorphOS 3.15
PowerBook 5.8 MorphOS 3.15
Amiga 1200 BPPC/BVision AOS4.1 FE

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 20:53:27
#51 ]
Elite Member
Joined: 30-Aug-2003
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Quick test, the screen corruption (diagonal lines) on the x1k is gone, nice job.
Only other issue for me is the text at the bottom is to small for my old eyes.

Last edited by sundown on 25-Apr-2016 at 01:36 AM.

Hate tends to make you look stupid...

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 24-Apr-2016 22:06:06
#52 ]
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From: Poland


I have to find out how many TT fonts in my system have PL chars. CW shows them correctly only with DejaVu font. Bitstream partially works but some chars are displayed as empty squares...and PL chars are lost while exporting/opening txt files. Tried with notepad...

Where does CW search for TT fonts?

Sam440ep-flex 800MHz 1GB RAM R9250 128MB SB Live!

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 25-Apr-2016 2:35:29
#53 ]
Joined: 29-Feb-2004
Posts: 24
From: Manchester, UK


I have tried out the MorphOS Beta, but it initially now loads with the WebDings Font, and this is not alterable in the minimal settings there are for the program, AFAIK.

So the rulers are shown as WebDings font, so they make no sense as there are no numbers, just shapes that webdings font displays as the alternative to alphanumeric characters.

The same applies to the information bar at the bottom of the CW window, so it makes no sense whatsoever.

[EDIT] - I have since downloaded the Bitstream Vera Sans fonts from the Cinnamon Writer page, as I see it is the default font used by Cinnamon Writer, and now the page rulers and information bar at the bottom of the page GUI are displayed correctly.

An image whether it be JPEG or PNG when loaded displays with a predominantly red hue, and other colours seem to be 'washed-out' so blues and greens and yellows are missing from an image, and just the red saturated tint of the image is viewable.

I typed a few words on the page, after I had managed to set the font to Times Roman, but when I then imported an image the text suddenly moved below the image, but on clicking anywhere on the page it moved back to where I had typed it initially.

I take it the printer/PDF support is not active at this stage as nothing happens when I use the menu option or use the 'Amiga' + 'P' keys.

I am grateful for you continuing support for MorphOS, but I am frankly surprised that you have released the program when it is in such a 'raw' state, though I am prepared to help you in any way I can, and persevere with testing/reporting back on further releases if it is going to allow you to fine-tune it further in the coming weeks/months, etc..

Last edited by Klowna on 25-Apr-2016 at 02:57 AM.

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 25-Apr-2016 5:35:46
#54 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
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From: Unknown

Excellent point. Ill try to make the size of the top and bottom ruler configurable by the user in the next version

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 25-Apr-2016 5:43:49
#55 ]
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Joined: 11-Mar-2003
Posts: 190
From: Unknown


Good to know that CW finally supports PL chars (and other charsets). That problem has been bugging me forever. I am already trying to make a failsafe mechanism that is able to borrow chars from other fonts, so you won't experience the empty squares. This will likely be included in the next version of CW. Meanwhile, if you are in need of TTF fonts the TTF fonts used by google are available for download

On AOS4 CW looks for TTF fonts in fonts:_truetype/ (if I remember correct). On MorphOS in fonts:TTF/

Ill look into the clipboard issue

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 25-Apr-2016 5:55:26
#56 ]
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From: Unknown

Please see my previous post for a link to usable TTF fonts. I am a little sad that you are surprised about the state of the program. It has not been advertised as anything other than a beta. This means that you are more than likely to find small/big problems and I am extremely grateful to have these small/big problems reported so I can correct them.
Ill look into the color bleeding of images. This is a very good example of a beta-bug: It is caused by a lacking #ifdef and now that I know of the issue I can correct it easily :) If you find other problems, please report them here or write to me at directly
Printing/exporting to PDF requires ghostscript. Do you/anyone know if this is part of the standard MorphOS setup? And if so, where it is located? I am having serious problems using ghostscript, so I am contemplating shifting to a whole new approach where I will have much more direct control over the printing/PDF export

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 25-Apr-2016 18:13:26
#57 ]
Cult Member
Joined: 30-Apr-2003
Posts: 683
From: Barcelona, Spain


Hello, I confirm the bug about image's color bleeding and moving reported by Klowna.

Plus after inserting the image, I have to click again in the document, otherwise the inserted image is not shown.

PowerBook 5.2 MorphOS 3.15
PowerBook 5.8 MorphOS 3.15
Amiga 1200 BPPC/BVision AOS4.1 FE

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 25-Apr-2016 21:09:17
#58 ]
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Joined: 5-Sep-2004
Posts: 237
From: Sweden


Nice and interesting approach regarding a wordprocessor!
Donation made.

Having tested it for a couple of minutes, there seems to be a "small bug" (?)
when changing the formatting. I doesn't always work on the first column in a line...

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 26-Apr-2016 1:15:49
#59 ]
Joined: 29-Feb-2004
Posts: 24
From: Manchester, UK


I saw the link for the TTF Fonts, but that link is only there to show what the fonts look like, as far as I could make out, they have to be downloaded from the following link: Google Fonts on GitHub, which is about 262MB in size as a whole Master font ZIP file that you have to download. I cannot see any TTF Font files that can be downloaded via the link you supplied.

Also, I should point out that on MorphOS the TTF fonts are located in the Fonts:_ttf folder by default, not the Fonts:TTF as you mentioned in your earlier comment, just a correction.

Don't be sad about me feeling that CW, as it is, is in a rather 'raw' state, as I am not sure what hardware you have in order to test it on MorphOS, prior to release, it just seems quite primitive at this stage, but hopefully that will change for the better quite soon.

I noticed there is a Word Wrap option for the images built into the left hand button of the 2 gadgets on the right side of a loaded image, in the image GUI window, but at this stage it does not offer any fine-tuning, such as distances from the image that the text is wrapped, but again, hopefully that will be enhanced soon.

If I come across any other bugs I will send the information to your 'bugs' email, though I may well post here, or elsewhere, if that is helpful to others, though currently the program is so basic/limited in its functionality that situation is not likely to apply.

Printing on MorphOS is by default handled by TurboPrint which can send the data to 'PS:', but I actually don't find that works so well. So, I generally use the Beta version of the CUPS printing system, that is still being worked on by Zukow, as that allows PPD printing to many, virtually all, PostScript printers by sending the print data to 'USBPAR:' So if you can offer those methods of printing that would be a major improvement.

I am sure that someone has used GhostScript on MorphOS, but I have not, so cannot offer much information regarding it, though I did use it a lot on my Classic Amiga system, as I spoke to the author on quite a few occasions requesting new features, such as booklet printing which he kindly implemented.

PDF support in MorphOS is usually handled through 'Cairo', AFAIK, and I suspect you are likely to be using that method as well, which is generally very successful under MOS.

I will test out any new version you offer, and give you insight as to how it functions under MorphOS if no-one else has done so already.

Thanks for your work so far, and if it progresses further then I am likely to consider donating, but at this stage it is at too early a stage of development for me to consider doing so.

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Re: New version of Cinnamon Writer
Posted on 26-Apr-2016 7:48:56
#60 ]
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From: Unknown



To download the google fonts, you simply select the ones you want to use (Press the add to collection button) and press the download button (top-right corner, arrow down). Then you get the fonts in a zip file.

It would help me a lot if you could specify what functionality you find lacking or buggy. To state that the program is raw and unusable to you in its current form is of course very valuable feedback, but without describing what you would like to have implemented or what you feel is not working, it will not help me forward in implementing the features that will make you more content.
I am always open to suggestions. Maybe a certain set of functionality will not be implemented before the next iteration of CW due to the amount of work involved, but it is of course my intent to create a piece of Amiga native software that fulfills the need of most/all users in regards to word processing

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