I am pleased to confirm that there will be an update to AMIStore in the coming week.
The main changes are:
- all functions have now moved to the new server so it should be faster - minor bug fixes - Checkout has a new option so users can email the payment link to their mailbox and pay on other devices. This is an alternative to opening a browser on AmigaOS to complete checkout.
Last edited by amigakit on 15-Jul-2018 at 06:00 PM.
truely awsome.. no it just neeed to get my amiga one micro up and running agen. or the a1221 gets realesed. its a shame my micro has become unstabile. but i will buy an Tabor board
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Re: AMIStore developments 2018 Posted on 16-Jul-2018 8:10:11
Joined: 6-May-2007 Posts: 11351
From: Greensborough, Australia
It's complicated.
I think it would need really to use a PayPal API. Don't know if one had been ported. If not then it would need Odyssey embedded into the application.
We could also ask why does it open standard system windows and not one in the AmiStore theme. It looks out of place. AmigaOS has had custom gadgets since the 1.x days and Intuition supported this type of thing from the beginning. So:
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Re: AMIStore developments 2018 Posted on 16-Jul-2018 22:10:46