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It's the software... Posted on 11-Jan-2025 19:18:01
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 28-Feb-2004 Posts: 266
From: NY | | |
| Nothing is wrong with 68k or PPC or ARM or X64 for Amiga like uses...
The issue is the total dog poo pile of software that doesn't do much if we are lucky.
Sure some decent games are around and run pretty well. But to actually do something productive or even attempt to daily drive or solve a problem with that is just terrible and that is where most Amigaland systems are at.
Everyone wants more hardware, as do I, but it doesn't fix the Achilles heal of Amiga and that is software. |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 11-Jan-2025 21:35:50
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 20-Aug-2003 Posts: 3359
From: Trondheim, Norway | | |
| @Matt3k
So if it’s not the hardware, and the software sucks… why stay?
Software is the reason I’m still using Amiga, heck, even professionally at times. Quite a number of things are just easier to accomplish with old school Amiga software than with so called modern software. In my case, mostly graphics and animations, but also sometimes audio and even automation.
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 12-Jan-2025 0:01:58
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 6-Jun-2018 Posts: 509
From: Aotearoa | | |
| @Matt3k
Matt3k wrote:
Nothing is wrong with 68k or PPC or ARM or X64 for Amiga like uses...
The issue is the total dog poo pile of software that doesn't do much if we are lucky.
Sure some decent games are around and run pretty well. But to actually do something productive or even attempt to daily drive or solve a problem with that is just terrible and that is where most Amigaland systems are at.
Everyone wants more hardware, as do I, but it doesn't fix the Achilles heal of Amiga and that is software. |
The software on my Amiga is doing everything I want it to within the limitations of the hardware. Right now I am playing music with Hippoplayer, writing an assembly language program with CED and debugging it with Monam, accessing the internet with Roadshow, browsing the web and replying to this thread using IBrowse.
I spend around 3 to 5 hours a day on my A1200. Today I turned it on at 4:30am and it's still going now at 1pm.
Thare are some things a 50MHz 030 with 32MB can't do though, which is why I also have a PC with Linux and Firefox, mostly to watch TV programs and YouTube videos. 99% of the time that's all my PC is used for. For secure website access (internet banking etc.) I use my phone.
A 'modern' web browser on the Amiga would allow me to use it for 99% of all my computing needs, but we all know that can't happen. Even my PC struggles to display some web pages. Another discussion group that I am active on 'upgraded' their software and now the spell check function screws up so bad that it makes typing messages difficult. 'Must be a problem in Firefox' they say, but I have very latest version so...
Last edited by bhabbott on 12-Jan-2025 at 12:04 AM.
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 12-Jan-2025 3:30:19
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Joined: 3-Aug-2023 Posts: 12
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| What do you use Workbench 1.3 with DataBecker Text?

As long you do not Videoediting all day, Amiga Software is enough as Daily Workhorse. Okay, you need to find some solutions becouse not everything is up-to-date but for me it is minimal extra workload. My A1200 get my "4-5Hours a day" Computer of Dreams since Pistormed, i feel like christmas 1990 everyday.
I use my Brother Scan/Printer with my Mobile Phone to Scan over Wifi, then i send the Pictures to my Router with a 128gb Flashdrive. My Amiga can Download the Pictures over Wifi. i work with ArtEffect4, Photogenics5 on my ArtWork.
I like to listen to Mp3 or Mod,IT,XM,S3M Amiga Music while doing that, just like my mood swings between Mp3 or Mod. HippoPlayer and AmigaAMP are your Friends ;)
Internet Browsing you need just iBrowser3, like i do right now. in this moment im writing on my A1200. Websites to visit are Aminet, AmigaNews, Amigaworld, Amiga Future or other nice sites.a RSS Reader App can give you directly the fast news.
I set my finances, Customers, etc. over Turbocalc but there are alternatives, best you look first what export you need like PDF, XLS, etc. Finalcalc is there another Soft.
I write my shopping lists and Letters in Amiga Writer but there are so many FinalWriter, FinalCopy, Wordworth7... hell even a notepad app like CygnusED can do that. Printing the same way as the Scanner, Export pdf or Word sending to router, Mobile phone (Printing App to Printer). FTP Transfer App of choice is RNOXfer. It just get a little heavy on the CPU after some "longer" time but a close/open makes it fresh and fast again.
I know there are some solutions with Turboprint but it support only so old Printers from middleages, cant even find them on ebay anymore.
Entertainment i send myself mpeg1 movies (VCD) to my router and ddl them on my Amiga over Wifi with 1,2MB/sec and watch movies mostly movies from the 80-90 today movies give me nothing. i prefer the old DUNE Movie but taste are diffrence....i use [/b]RIVA and Frogger[/b] as Movie Mediaplayer. Maybe there is a way to "stream" movies to amiga over Samba/Network but i'm to stupid for this :)
So what else? Emails i do over my Mobile Phone over Webinterface, but there is YAM and Simplemail, just cant say anything to them. will test them someday.
So what else we got... Entertainment plus Social Chat is IMP very good. Online Music-Box-Radio with Chatfunctions Games and many things. There is Wookiechat and AmIRC for Chatting but *hhhhhhmmm* i could not get connectet. So maybe you need some good servers to find people... i hear that beetly? or something like that can make Discord, Twitter, Facebook over IRC working. Im to stupid for that and im not intressted in others Food, Fed or whatever they do all day :)
When i have a Question i use "Ask your Amiga" it gives you correct Answers. AmiTranslate is another AI thing.. and ChatGPT. I did not look into this Apps so much. AmiDream can create AI Pictures that is really nice and intressting. This Alb dude is really a crazy Amiga Software Supporter !All this new AI Apps and more BIG THANKS to YOU MAN !
AmiFox can Browse sites like Telegram or Youtube and Youtube Downloader is AmiTube (just wish for a Mp3 Options, but over Web you can find "services")
Publishing Xmas Cards, Happy Birthday cards i do over PageStream but there is RNOPublisher (just it does not have all that Options to fiddle even the little).
Yeah what else you could need; There is a google Maps App but i once got AmiAtlas with a bigger order and i'm happy with it. A Screenshot App can help to snap and print waypoints OR just take your Mobile Phone make a Photo of your Screen. (like i said you must find your work-arounds).
Apdf, RNOPDF can read PDFs just wish for a "edit pdf" app, and last time i search an epub reader and there is even one on Amiga legadon, just i search for a comic reader .cbr. till now i open cbr, take all pictures, send them to Amiga and watch them in PhotoAlbum or PicShow... love good comics.
Well Games we need not to talk about, there is no way you play every Amiga Game from Start to End in one life... There are new Games like everyday with all the PS1 Emulation, ScummVM, DosBox, Shapeshifter and what all comes around. Last time someone send Lighthouse for ScummVM, a Myst like game but not so difficult and it is very much my Taste. This 68k Dudes do great job too with Command and Conquer, Red Alert, Wipeout, Carmaggeddon... Heretic 2 got a PiSTORM Port (next order aprroved for that already), Gorky17 got Pistorm demo and i love it. Hope they do Sin and Shogo 68k next ! Really waiting for that... love Shogo and Sin !! please hyperion please :D
What else you need ? I Mean i count already 20 or more Programs, there is Tunefinder for Internet Radio, ElasticDreams for fun, Astrologic for Mythical, Grafx2 for Pixel Art, Personal Paint and Octamed got even a new Release with A600GS. Mediaproduction, Animation and Video (Genlock) are not mine but Amiga was always strong into 3D Render, Genlock edits and Animation.
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 12-Jan-2025 8:32:54
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Super Member  |
Joined: 30-Jun-2008 Posts: 1899
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
| @Matt3k
Matt3k wrote: Nothing is wrong with 68k or PPC or ARM or X64 for Amiga like uses...
The issue is the total dog poo pile of software that doesn't do much if we are lucky.
Everyone wants more hardware, as do I, but it doesn't fix the Achilles heal of Amiga and that is software. |
I agree with you 100%
The theory goes a little something like this: Better hardware means the software can perform better and therefor foster a better UX. And better hardware can mean more interest to bring in NEW developers. Because as you say, apart from a few exceptions, the current crop of developers are not moving the proverbial needle forward enough.
The best productivity and performance (at any price) is on PowerPC G5 MorphOS, but no one is making these any more and the ones Apple made do eventually stop working, like my quad 2.5GHz. If someone were to make a new batch of sub $1,000 USD, 2GHz+ PowerPC G5 machines, I'm sure a bunch more MorphOS licenses would be sold. More MorphOS users means more opportunities for developers to sell apps for MorphOS.
MorphOS team was lucky that Apple had a commitment to hardware QC so that many of their machine continued to work for a couple decades after their original manufacture, but that is the past. The future of MorphOS and for more of its daily driver apps is on new hardware.
And you're right: That hardware can be almost anything other than PowerPC. As long as it provides 2GHz+, with 3D graphics, at less than $1,000 USD. The obvious candidates are x64, and ARM64. I just wish the MorphOS team would hurry up and tell us which, as I'm sure inquiring minds would like to know.
Last edited by agami on 12-Jan-2025 at 08:33 AM.
_________________ All the way, with 68k |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 12-Jan-2025 8:58:43
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 10-Jul-2005 Posts: 9660
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| @Matt3k
Well, Amiga software still covers many of my (I must admit quite limited needs). PPaint and Gimp (or Sketchblock) for painting and image manipulation and AbiWord with Gnumeric for basic office work. I don't use (mostly) Amiga for internet.
I may give you even a story, how Amiga "saved the day". As I played Heretic II on Pegasos 2, I created many screenshots to show my progress (and also how beautifuly designed this game is). Sadly, these screenshots were in some ancient pbm format variant and I was not able to find a converter ( plugin, online or offline application) that could do the work. In the end I remembered Gimp has quite a good support of various file formats and I have it already installed on Pegasos 2. Converting pbm to png was then only a matter of time (and few AmiCygnix lockups during I/O operations). |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 12-Jan-2025 11:49:43
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 12-Jan-2005 Posts: 2108
From: Cheshire, England | | |
| I agree with both side on this one.
Amiga has some great programs and where there a will there a way of getting most things done on mostly classic software.
However, I do agree and I wish Amiga had a few more of the modern apps, and to be honest, I think if the Amiga just had a full modern Web Browser, 99% of the gap could be just filled with that.
I know many people in the Amiga community might not like Online apps, but I must admit to liking Google software on the net, that I can access on any device, as long as it got a modern browsers, its allowed me to make quick doc and change on my phone, then get home and change it on the desktop.
When it worked with my AmigaONE X1000 with Timberwolf it was pretty cool and nice to see a powerful website run on the Amiga, and more importantly, actually quite useful for me. Stopped me having to rely on another computer for a time. But as we know these website need a modern web browser thats up to date with the latest standards.
I've also started using as a Photoshop replacement, I have been surprised by how well it work. There countless other apps and tools on the net.
It just a shame that Odyssey / Amiga web browser cant keep up.
Its why I keep saying and thinking, the best and easy solution for Amiga users is a Rabbit hole kinda of solution. So you can access another platform App from Amiga desktop, that stop the need to just port another platform software and let focus on improving classic Amiga apps. _________________ AmigaNG, YouTube, LeaveReality Studio |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 12-Jan-2025 20:55:17
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Super Member  |
Joined: 3-Aug-2015 Posts: 1146
From: Germany | | |
| Quote:
kolla wrote:
So if it’s not the hardware, and the software sucks… why stay?
Most people are here for the old software and nostalgia. |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 12-Jan-2025 23:52:59
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Super Member  |
Joined: 30-Jun-2008 Posts: 1899
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
| @OneTimer1
OneTimer1 wrote:
Most people are here for the old software and nostalgia. |
I'm here for the people.
_________________ All the way, with 68k |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 0:26:25
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Super Member  |
Joined: 30-Jun-2008 Posts: 1899
From: Melbourne, Australia | | |
| @thread
This happens every time. Someone offers constructive criticism about the software situation on Amiga platforms, and then: - if you don't like it, leave. - my anecdotal use case of three things I do, works on Amiga. - there's plenty of software, you just aren't using it right. - I use an Amiga for many modern things, in conjunction with other modern computers and/or smartphones.
The term 'Daily Driver' has a common/objective (inter-subjective) meaning. And constructive criticism of absent software does not automatically mean that all existing software is bad.
So the fact remains, that 'objectively', the only Amiga platform, and for the pedants out there that also means anything Amiga derived/inspired e.g. AROS, MorphOS; which comes close to possibly being considered a daily driver in 2025, is MorphOS. Especially on a Power Mac G5.
I used Linux as a daily driver for over a year, and there were compromises. What compromises? - I don't want to do everything in a browser. There is power, convenience, and flexibility in running native apps. - No MS Office suite. Alternative "compatible" office suites are good for basic to intermediate use. But for intermediate to advanced use, it often messes up formatting when another person with MS Office opens the file. - No OneDrive for Business/SharePoint syncing. - Handling of video capture and HDMI to USB WebCam devices is inconsistent - MS Exchange mail support
Which is why I ended up going back to macOS.
_________________ All the way, with 68k |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 0:30:04
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 9-Mar-2003 Posts: 6174
From: Australia | | |
| @Matt3k
For Amiga's professional niche market, Amiga's non-linear editing software is anchored with Zorro II/III cards, which act like dongles; hence, they can't be used for the majority of wedge Amiga and PCI neo-AmigaNG PowerPC.
The "RISC" CPU power from neo-AmigaNG PowerPC can't be used for MovieShop.
----------------- For 68K, Hyperion's AmigaOS 3.2.1 breaks MovieShop.
Abobe Premiere 4.0 68K on MacOS works with Shapeshifter/Fusion. Emu68 provides a large performance boost.
Adobe Creative Suite 68K is a strong software bundle for MacOS 68K. _________________ Amiga 1200 (rev 1D1, KS 3.2, PiStorm32/RPi CM4/Emu68) Amiga 500 (rev 6A, ECS, KS 3.2, PiStorm/RPi 4B/Emu68) Ryzen 9 7950X, DDR5-6000 64 GB RAM, GeForce RTX 4080 16 GB |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 0:52:01
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 14-Mar-2007 Posts: 2460
From: Kansas | | |
| agami Quote:
I agree with you 100%
The theory goes a little something like this: Better hardware means the software can perform better and therefor foster a better UX. And better hardware can mean more interest to bring in NEW developers. Because as you say, apart from a few exceptions, the current crop of developers are not moving the proverbial needle forward enough.
There is a chicken and the egg problem for hardware and software. However, hardware is necessary for software so needs to come first. It is a large hardware user base that attracts developers. The Amiga 1000 lacked software until the more affordable Amiga 500 grew the user base enough to attract developers.
agami Quote:
The best productivity and performance (at any price) is on PowerPC G5 MorphOS, but no one is making these any more and the ones Apple made do eventually stop working, like my quad 2.5GHz. If someone were to make a new batch of sub $1,000 USD, 2GHz+ PowerPC G5 machines, I'm sure a bunch more MorphOS licenses would be sold.
PPC970 (G5) hardware would need to be sub $100 USD and likely would sell poorly even at $25 USD as the power supply would cost more than a RPi 3. Performance of the PPC970 is maybe a little higher than the RPi 3 due to a higher clock speed but below the RPi 4. The in-order Cortex-A53 of the RPi 3 uses a tiny fraction of the power which is very important for embedded use where the RPi 3 is popular. The OoO PPC970 on original silicon did not compete well when it was launched and can not compete with more modern and much simpler and lower power in-order superscalar CPU cores.
single core | DMIPS/MHz | 7-Zip compression/MHz | 7-Zip decompression/MHz SiFive_X280 3.3 ? ? (in-order) SiFive_U74 2.6 0.70 0.92 (in-order) Cortex-A53 2.3 0.56 0.92 (in-order) Cortex-A55 ? 0.63 1.03 (in-order) PPC970 2.9 0.49 0.82 (OoO)
The PPC970 has a deep 16-stage pipeline to clock higher than most of these more practical in-order cores but a deeper pipeline increases stalls, makes it more difficult to optimize code and is less practical. Even older medium pipeline depth 8-stage in-order cores are embarrassing the PPC970 at the same clock speed (higher is better in all benchmarks above). ARM has the newer higher performance in-order Cortex-A510 and Cortex-A520 too but I have no data on them. The SiFive core designs resemble the 68060 core design but the performance suffers from the weak RISC-V ISA. A modernized 8-stage in-order 68060 could likely outperform all of the 8-stage in-order cores above and is very practical. Moving the PPC970 to modern silicon would likely result in a high clock speed but would be much more expensive, a much larger core and still be very difficult to program. The PPC970 used ~58 million transistors compared to the 68060 ~2.5 million so a 68060&AA+ ASIC SoC could be much smaller and cheaper than this old single core OoO CPU.
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 1:49:29
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 20-Aug-2003 Posts: 3359
From: Trondheim, Norway | | |
| @agami
So you're an anthropologist?_________________ B5D6A1D019D5D45BCC56F4782AC220D8B3E2A6CC |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 2:11:59
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 20-Aug-2003 Posts: 3359
From: Trondheim, Norway | | |
| @agami
- if you don't like it, leave.
More like... if you don't like neither the available hardware nor the available software, why are you here?
Also, if you don't like the software available, why not do something about it?
- my anecdotal use case of three things I do, works on Amiga.
When those are among the actualy reasons why many of us still use Amiga and hence hang around here.
- there's plenty of software, you just aren't using it right.
Very often also true. Amiga is not "Windows" or whatever, so people should perhaps stop presuming and even demanding that it should/must behave like "Windows" or else it is bad?
- I use an Amiga for many modern things, in conjunction with other modern computers and/or smartphones.
Yes, with its out-of-the-box multitasking and scripting capabilities, Amiga is a great platform for such things.
The term 'Daily Driver' has a common/objective (inter-subjective) meaning. And constructive criticism of absent software does not automatically mean that all existing software is bad. |
Stating the obvious doesn't really qualify as constructive criticism, it's not the 1990s anymore, we are now around 3 decades after "constructive criticism" would be a relevant term.
I used Linux as a daily driver for over a year
Look who speaks of silly anecdotes..._________________ B5D6A1D019D5D45BCC56F4782AC220D8B3E2A6CC |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 2:25:31
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 20-Aug-2003 Posts: 3359
From: Trondheim, Norway | | |
| @matthey
However, hardware is necessary for software so needs to come first |
It is actually the other way around.
Hardware exists to accommodate software, it is software that "does the work". To come up with fancy new hardware and not doing it in coordination with software developers is at best very inefficient and at worst utterly pointless. This is why there so much dedicated software for the AC68080+SAGA (not!) and also why so many "Raspberry Pi clones" failed and are no longer around, even though their hardware were both faster and cheaper than Raspberry Pi.
The Amiga operating system wasn't initially developed on Amiga hardware.Last edited by kolla on 13-Jan-2025 at 02:25 AM.
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 4:51:55
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Cult Member  |
Joined: 23-Aug-2015 Posts: 985
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| @agami
from developer pov what agami wrote is pure bs
from developer pov ppc is ideal amiga for hobby has nice fast graphics and is still not a pc
trolls like agami should work on better graphics for 68k and should work on mui on aros
amiga like solutions on x86 and arm should be just amiga gui and graphics on top of unix
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 12:55:34
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Regular Member  |
Joined: 28-Feb-2004 Posts: 266
From: NY | | |
| @Kolla First I should say some software is still decent to use. I use AmigaAmp, Outline, CheckItOut, TurboCalc, and Final Writer (to spell check). So you are correct, some of the software is decent. Just too many are not decent and a total headache to even do a basic function.
I tried to do something about Amiga (68k) software I wanted to use actively on Classic Hardware. Simple answer, no one was interested or they weren't reachable even by mail. So I did try do to something about it.
So I found more than one developer in the MorphOS Team 5 years ago that was willing to add features to the OS, CRM, Email, DTP, Web Browser, and other items I needed So I have been donating to them and gotten results. They were interested in dedicating serious time and effort to make effective software. I was willing to put money where my mouth was, just needed someone willing to do the work...
@bhabbott Nice to see you use you Amiga 1200 so much! I wish I could boot my classic more often...
I forgot about how good Roadshow is, thanks!
Web browsing for wayfarer is really good, the only limiting factor is some websites, as you mentioned, is rendering some sites is and issue because the cpu or some other issues. Reading Jacek's notes on Wayfarer, the WWW is a bit of a mess and maybe a bit like the wild west still :).
As to what else I need? Wayfarer (using right now:) ) for a good portion of my browsing and it works perfectly for those sites.
Iris for all email accounts (current well over 65,000 emails all together). Works absolutely perfect and fast. Send out meeting invites every day, can cancel them as well, use contacts and how it prefers them when starting an email to save time, search, and other modern uses you would expect email to do. This was noted as Dan Woods favorite email program many versions ago on his youtube. Looking forward to recurring meetings next.
PolyOrganizer for daily tracking of all CRM like functions needed. It is brilliant and has multiple relationships, something not existent in Amiga. Lots of great features added over the last 5 years such as drag and drop from search windows and date stamping entries.
Pagestream for all document creating. I could use further updating but it gets the job done. It will likely get updated when author gets time.
Plus all the features banked into the OS such as VPDF and other.
TurboCalc and Print are both good solutions. Although I wish TurboCalc was updated for modern formats, navigation, and better csv handling.
AmigaAmp is also decent and I still use, still trying to get the Delfina Plus working in 3.22. Looks like I will have to go back to 3.19 for the drivers to work.
Email is a total dead end, I'll save you the effort! SimpleMail is about the best and it simply can't get the job done for modern uses and is prone to crash...
I have tried a bunch and I mean a bunch of software to try and make a race out of it and didn't get good results...
As one example, look at TimeTracker, Organizer, and OnTheBall. They are the best 3 offerings we have for contact management. TimeTracker is the most open ended where you can free type and it isn't y2k so you have to start at 1900 and waste time just to get going and it is a mess with organization. Organizer is the cleanest UI, but it has no capacity for information and you have to abbreviate like a madman and lose functionality and have to many compromises, OnTheBall was the best as it has some depth in capabilities, but way to limiting like Organizer. So my only option would have been to create my own... PolyOrga 5 years ago was already much better and it had capacity to improve...
Still love my classics but they became a workaround of a workaround and I would waste way to much time figuring and debugging. ymmv :)
Sure, PPC is on life support for sure and they do need to get that done.
But, if I look at my PowerBook G4 as an example... It is available, perfectly fast and responsive for everything but browsing and has similar issues to the G5 for larger sites. So for everything the speed and availability of processing is almost instantly responsive and cheap to acquire still. So I hope they further develop the software to save me labor from work still in a few areas and then focus on the shift. One simple thing like recurring meetings in Iris saves me time and work. Adding a new processor doesn't fix it.
I don't disagree that new hardware is needed, I just don't think it is a first priority from my experience. If they put all their effort over the last 5 years to shifting cpu's the applications would be useless... Think we agree more than not on this :)
Forgot about PPaint, I still use that when I can.
I never used Gnumeric, how good is that?
Love hearing Amiga saved the day stories! Chris Edwards had one a while ago on his YT as well...
Agree that Amiga does have some nice software hear and there to bridge some gap very well.
It is a shame that so few want to develop on most platforms. Don't play much games these days and want my Amiga/like system to do stuff and make my life easier, crazy I know!
That is why I went the path I did, as it was the only option and now 5 years later. I 'chose wisely' for my needs at least...
I really tried other avenues and they were dead ends for me...
Forgot about video editing. I didn't realize they were dongle locked, huh that is too bad. Since the Amiga was famous for the Toaster, be nice to have that go somewhere.
Sadly for certain items I still need the PC for certain items.
Forgot about the early days :)...
Remember the 1000 before the 500. It did have an identity crisis, heck in 85 no one really understood what it could do.
Agree that the pricing of the 500 really moved things along. Last edited by Matt3k on 13-Jan-2025 at 01:38 PM. Last edited by Matt3k on 13-Jan-2025 at 01:22 PM.
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 20:49:37
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Elite Member  |
Joined: 9-Jun-2004 Posts: 12962
From: Norway | | |
| @Matt3k
I don't disagree that new hardware is needed, I just don't think it is a first priority from my experience. If they put all their effort over the last 5 years to shifting cpu's the applications would be useless... Think we agree more than not on this :) |
Well the problem there is lot people disagree here, lots of people, keep writing code, that does not support plugins, different render options, or audio options, that pretty much stuck on AGA, and Paula sound.
There is not just an application problem, there is an OS security problem as well, if we are talking about making AmigaOS an option to the main stream operating systems.
one program being allowed to access another programs stack, the IPC system is also too open, and the OS invitation to patch and hack, track system API’s, some times wherry useful, for debugging, and for optimizing and customizing, but also horrible risky when comes to spyware. Also, we have the issue of system files that can be replaced and sometime already is replaced by competing companies,
We also have the issue of OS not being written for L1 cache, which is probably why we do not have stable SMP support on AmigaOS. Without multi core support, we are too lame. I also do not particularly like how multi monitor support work in AmigaOS, the screen idea worked great for one monitor, but not for two.
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 21:49:22
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Joined: 28-Feb-2004 Posts: 266
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| @NutsAboutAmiga
Great points, I noticed on Aminet years ago that very few programs supported even RTG audio and video. One that came to mind was battleduel. It used both. See your point as most stuff is tightly bound to the hardware or very old versions of the OS. Most of the accounting programs I own for the Amiga are vintage and support the new 1.3 version! Newer accounting software doesn't do much. The only really decent accounting software for the Amiga is CheckItOut, still to this day it does very well for small business and home use.
I get SMP and the endless quest for Amiga to get their, to me it would be nice someday to have. Just like new hardware.
Multimonitor is pretty hokie on Classic. I will give you that. Nothing like running 2 different screen saver programs to blank both screens, lol.
From my perspective, what I have works almost perfectly and does most everything I need and is very current. Yes it is with MorphOS. Where I can run weeks without a single reboot and get stuff done quickly with good software. I do hope for the day that classic 68k gets more love with software. Looking at the sheer effort put in by Jaca, Frank, Fred, and many others with collectively well over 100 updates in the last 5 years, I find it highly doubtful anyone would put forth in effort to get there. Given the courts cases and licensing issues that have plagued Amiga for years now. It would be fun and productive regardless! |
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Re: It's the software... Posted on 13-Jan-2025 23:40:12
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Super Member  |
Joined: 23-Mar-2004 Posts: 1015
From: Cambridge | | |
| @agami
That hardware can be almost anything other than PowerPC. As long as it provides 2GHz+, with 3D graphics, at less than $1,000 USD. The obvious candidates are x64, and ARM64. I just wish the MorphOS team would hurry up and tell us which, as I'm sure inquiring minds would like to know. |
I actually think the AxRT idea is the future. It gives you Amiga API compatibility but effectively replaces the kernel with Linux. So, it's running native on the CPU/s and it's not "hosted".
Build a new Workbench on this and you'll have an Amiga environment that doesn't have to look or feel anything like Linux.
Granted it'll probably break a load of stuff but any move modernise the system will do this.
However, doing this means you get the memory protection, multi core support and 64 bit support. Best of all you don't have to care about hardware support, it'll run on whatever Linux runs on. That's a wide range whatever architecture you chose.
My Raspberry Pi feels ridiculously fast for an Amiga, imagine what a native Amiga-like system running on one of the new Nvidia DIGITS machines would be like... Last edited by minator on 14-Jan-2025 at 12:22 AM. Last edited by minator on 13-Jan-2025 at 11:41 PM.
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