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Hardware News   Hardware News : Troika NG Progress Report
   posted by Troika on 26-May-2006 2:36:43 (36807 reads)
We thought a progress report was in order as we have some very good news. After much development we are happy to report that version 1.4 of Amy'05 is nearly complete. Our next progress report will contain lots of information about Amy, along with the much awaited Photo's!

For many of the first adopters of Eyetech Amiga One models, their needs and wants have grown past the specifications of the machines they are currently using and they wish to upgrade to a more modern motherboard design.

Our original intent with project “Prometheus” was to design and build several low cost lines of motherboards, built on proven technology. The Amy’05 design would be followed by a more powerful design. When we designed Amy’05 we did not envisage the changes that have taken place in the Power PC market, most notable, Apple's shift from PowerPC to Intel that has presented both problems as well as opportunities for Troika.

While developing Amy’05 we have been investigating several good opportunities for the existing Amiga user base. We have found others with similar business interests to ours, from which we were able to form new alliances which has allowed us to begin due diligence procedures for purchasing a design of a higher end motherboard. Acquiring the rights to this motherboard will allow us to bring a higher end board to market far quicker than if we were to design one from the ground up. Also, by forming new alliances we will be able to bring the per unit cost of this motherboard down - a saving that we wish to pass on to you.

We would like to show you photographs of our higher end motherboard but our NDA does not permit this. However, we are able to show you pictures that have been cropped to conceal the board’s identity.

Provided we are able to do this, we plan on offering this higher end motherboard as a compliment to our first line of Amy motherboards.

We have been down this road before, with announcements based on assurances from third parties who have failed to deliver. Amy’05 has encountered problems but they are all in the past.

Between now and then we shall post regular progress reports, instead of intermittent press releases and promises.

Motherboard with Tsi-109 & 7448 .

Our Sound system.


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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:02:29
#61 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle

Yeah I noticed that too even though it should have been spelt like this:



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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:05:53
#62 ]
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Joined: 30-Jan-2005
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Glad to finally get a status update, and hope to hear more - whatever ever the grumpy few say, it's still a hell of a lot better than complete silence . I think it would be very helpful to have an explanation of what has actually happened since you went silent (rather than assuming we can work it out), and also why things SEEM to have gone very slowly.

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:19:42
#63 ]
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From: Stockholm, Sweden


Good to see some joking at the end but... all this talk about vapor and so on... if this is for real, how does it makes them feel? If you worked your a** off to bring out hw and read this how would it make you feel?

Sometimes I feel really sad for those who tries to bring something to the users of the amiga market.

I'm very happy with my A1 that Alan brought us no matter what anyone says.

I've seen these kinds of writings over the years and they are allways from the same people allways complaining no matter what. I allways wonder why on earth they act like they do? Is it because of some psychological reasons or don't they have anything better to do or is it a combination...

Anyway... as long as everyone buy the hw it should be ok

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:20:50
#64 ]
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Joined: 4-Aug-2003
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From: Stourbridge, UK

Pah. If Troika are going to keep on producing photos, what am I supposed to do with this?

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:25:42
#65 ]
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From: Figueira da Foz - Portugal

Good to see some joking at the end but... all this talk about vapor and so on... if this is for real, how does it makes them feel? If you worked your a** off to bring out hw and read this how would it make you feel?

Happy/Rightfull when you show others that you were being truthfull?

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:30:16
#66 ]
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From: Sweden

Your right. The users piss them off. They are actually trying to get us new hardware and they get just blame. Ofcourse its not easy for the users waiting and giving them hopes like its going to be finished xxx time. Still they are trying and we dont know why it takes so long time. Patience..... hehe

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:36:49
#67 ]
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Joined: 1-Dec-2005
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From: Good old Europe.


Oh, and Amy'05 isn't cancelled, it's just been "revised". Dumping your design and using someone else's is called a "major revision".

Amy'05 revision history:

Early DPaint drawing-->First block diagram-->Random placement of components part1-->Random placement of components part2-->Optimistic announcement during prototyping

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 18:58:05
#68 ]
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Your cynical posts do make me laugh.

However, I hope you keep it funny and don't get too serious - People like Troika and ACK are still trying to do something even if they have problems and issues.

I can see your pov, but we don't want to frighten people away - especially after we spent the last 6 months asking for these guys to be more communicative and honest!

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 19:19:51
#69 ]
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tajoz: what are elbox to do with the shark now that we get pre releases all the time? , what will they do once os4 is out finally as you put it? , do you belive os4 development will halt when its gone final? , also how on earth can a final version of os4 change anything now that os4 has been out to every A1 owner since 2004 (yes 2 years now), elbox has certainly just kept this as a excuse and by now the sharkppc is just as dead as it is on the mac..

When i bought my mediator i was promised alot of things from elbox , to name a few .. scsicard , tv recorder ability (not just playback) , IDE card support , Mpeg card support , voodoo 5 drivers (still after 2 years since the last "hack" nothing has happened and it doesnt really use all of the card and instead just a mere emulation) ... and yes since 2001 or something i have been waiting for the sharkppc and then the sharkppc+ and then later on the dragon (been a while since that was announced now imo)... so i will put it nicely, elbox does vapor too and just to have it said... EVERYONE does ..happens all the time on consoles and on pc and on mac.. but in a few cases some of the annoucements actually go live in the end....

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 19:23:55
#70 ]
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From: New Zealand


Good to see some joking at the end but... all this talk about vapor and so on... if this is for real, how does it makes them feel? If you worked your a** off to bring out hw and read this how would it make you feel?

Sometimes I feel really sad for those who tries to bring something to the users of the amiga market.

The negative posts may piss them off. However, if they're level-headed, they will ignore it. After all, when they release their product, they'll be the ones laughing. Smiles all round.

FWIW, my posts were just light-hearted ones poking fun at things others have said. Don't take any of it seriously.


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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 19:29:32
#71 ]
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hans: i know of projects which actually was "trolled" to death , and many belived the authors tolerated such nonsense since it had its text wrapped around humours comments.


it normally ends in stuff like, why bother... it's just a bunch of kids who's bored and not actual Amiga users but people who left ages ago who tries to justify their choice which they made many years ago....

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 19:39:42
#72 ]
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From: Good old Europe.

i know of projects which actually was "trolled" to death

Ah, seems we have finally found the reason why IWin and Merlancia didn't release anything in the end.

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 19:43:17
#73 ]
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Will the winning case design from the competition be built with the help of Coventry University's Rapid Prototyping unit?


Currently planning to upgrade my Amstrad CPC

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 19:50:59
#74 ]
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EDIT: @Toaks: Yes, too much negativity can have that effect. However, many people have responded positively to this news post though, or at least shown an interest.

I think that it's worth looking at this quote from the news post itself:
Provided we are able to do this, we plan on offering this higher end motherboard as a compliment to our first line of Amy motherboards.

This suggests very strongly that the higher-end board design they purchased is NOT the new Amy'05, but a future product. In other words, Amy'05 revision 1.4 is NOT the same as the higher end motherboard they acquired the rights to.

I'm sure their next report will make things much clearer.


Last edited by Hans on 26-May-2006 at 07:53 PM.

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 20:03:53
#75 ]
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I really hope this is true. Perhaps we will have a nice XMAS 2007 witha new PPC Amiga

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 20:08:32
#76 ]
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Hehe, X-mas 2007... I hope not that late.

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 20:10:10
#77 ]
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From: Michigan

Good news! Now my G4 XE is soon to be outdated.

Anyway, Good to hear some news.

I hope they can make it cheaper than Eyetech and do larger batches of boards. If all is well, it would be nice to see these boards on shelves ready to buy. I think that the market has always been in the low cost boards. I also see lots of the OS4 final waiters comming into the fold. Good luck and thanks for the update!

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 20:24:45
#78 ]
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3) It's available in shops now.
3a) Any number of people call for it to be available in their local shop. "It's vapour without it"

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 20:44:20
#79 ]
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This suggests very strongly that the higher-end board design they purchased is NOT the new Amy'05, but a future product. In other words, Amy'05 revision 1.4 is NOT the same as the higher end motherboard they acquired the rights to.

I'm sure their next report will make things much clearer.

I can clear this up right now.

1) Amy'05 = lower end motherboard

2) Amy xx? = higher end motherboard

two different products and btw the Amy'05 project is not closed, or even slowed .

Troika NG progress reports & news releases will be released as such, from my office.
ttp:// Amy, A NEW HOPE
Opinions I might express are mine alone,and do not represent those of Troika

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Re: Troika NG Progress Report
Posted on 26-May-2006 20:57:14
#80 ]
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I think every one has the right to call something vaporware without having to care for the feelings of the developer in question. It should actually be some kind of motivation to that particular developer.
And it's not that every single person in here is calling things vapor.

And calling something vaporware is not ment negative i think ... it's just criticism .
And if you do not know why there is criticism... I guess your head must have been stuck in a rabbithole for the last 10 years then.

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