Duke Nukem 3D new version for 68040/68060

Date 8-May-2016 14:45:07
Topic: software Classic

A new version of Duke Nukem 3D v0.4 is available for 68040/68060 on my forum (the GHOAC for Good Home Of Amiga Classic) : http://68kforever.com/forums/showthread.php?1-New-version-is-coming&p=1#post1

Some improvements :
- all mul & div 64 bit removed, much better for 040/060
- the Duke3D: assign removed
- the Duke3D: assign for AmigaSetup removed too
- added a $VER Duke Nukem 3D 0.4 by Dante, Bifat and Cosmos in the main .exe

I'm looking for good coders to optimize the mul64 routines and later the div64 if Frank agree : you are welcome !

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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