Major Amiga-native subversion software update available for testing

Date 4-Mar-2020 16:49:50
Topic: software Classic

If you still use the subversion tool for Amiga native software development you will have run into problems caused by the age of the tool. Accessing source code stored on today's subversion repository servers no longer works so smoothly. Modern certificates and encryption do make a difference.

The first Amiga-native subversion 1.1.4 toolset which supports AmiSSL V4.4 and modern web encryption is now available for testing. Thanks go to Costel Mincea whose work enabled the AmiSSL V4 integration.

Both the source code and ready-made software for AmigaOS 3.x and 4.x can be found at

The source code is, of course, stored in a subversion repository on the same server.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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