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software Classic   Reshoot Proxima 3 - Birthday and Tinbox available
  software Classic posted by AndreasM on 19-Oct-2024 14:52:50 (228 reads)
We can hardly believe that a year has passed since Reshoot Proxima 3 was released at the fantastic Amiga38 event in Mönchengladbach/Germany!
We want to thank all Amiga users for your great feedback (and for the sales figures ;)).

At this point we would also like to thank everyone involved in Reshoot Proxima 3.
As without you, such a great game would never have even been possible.

This is also a reason for us to think about the future for Reshoot.

However, until then, we have decided to release a Tinbox for Reshoot Proxima 3's birthday.

The Tinbox is the signature edition (optionally with USB) in a smart metal box.

The number of copies is limited to 55 and there will be no further production run.

The Tinbox is actually now available (while stocks last) in our online shop.

  Post comment News   Q2 AmiWest price reduction News posted by MagicSN on 18-Oct-2024 17:33:55 (443 reads)
My Q2 port (supporting official addons rogue, xatrix as well
as Zaero and tons of multiplayer mods) for 68k and
OS4 will be available for a reduced price (11.95 EUR)
during AmiWest (25th to 27th October) at the Alinea
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software Classic   Amiga Future: New full versions online
  software Classic posted by AndreasM on 17-Oct-2024 10:34:25 (213 reads)
The download area of the Amiga Future was updated today. So, you can now find the following full versions online:

- Distant Suns
- Missle Command
- Sword of Sordan

An overview of the recent uploads and changes to the download database of Amiga Future is also available from this link:

Of course we also want to be able to offer you many more full versions online, but to be able to achieve this, for you, we need your help, so ...

We are on the lookout for the Copyright holders for Amiga games and applications.
Do you know of any such person or can you actively help us in our search?
If so, then please contact us by email.
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software Classic   Worms: 30th Anniversary
  software Classic posted by spot on 14-Oct-2024 22:45:35 (272 reads)
Worms: 30th Anniversary

Three decades. That’s how long it’s been since the world first heard the explosive “Incoming!” and witnessed the mayhem of our beloved Worms. But time hasn’t dulled the legend - it’s only made it hungrier for a new battle. To mark this epic milestone, none other than the legendary Andy Davidson is back, ready to unleash Worms Directors Cut onto the Amiga once more. But this time, he’s not doing it alone.

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software Classic   Malibu 1.5 released
  software Classic posted by softwarefailure on 8-Oct-2024 20:00:38 (685 reads)
Version 1.5 of Malibu, the Hollywood plugin which can be used to show Scala scripts, has just been released. Version 1.5 contains several bug fixes so that it's now possible to run the Scala games Beyond a Steel Sky and Adventure 2 by Quantum Code Monk with it. This makes it possible to play those games on your Nextgen Amiga, on Windows, macOS, or on Linux. Furthermore, starting with version 1.5 Malibu is now also available in a version for macOS arm64 (Apple Silicon). Malibu 1.5 is now available for free download from the official Hollywood portal.

This release was brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.
  1 comment News   Server downtime News posted by sibbi on 8-Oct-2024 2:54:00 (405 reads)
The server has been down since Sunday morning.

The issue turned out to be a failed power supply which has been replaced and we're back up again.

Sorry for the inconvenience

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software Classic   Bootable AmiKit USB - Plug N'Play Edition + New SuperCombo
  software Classic posted by AmiKit on 4-Oct-2024 23:49:07 (763 reads)

Dear Amiga Enthusiasts,

For over 20 years, I've been dedicated to bringing the magic of the Amiga to life through AmiKit. It all started on Windows, where AmiKit made it possible to experience the high-end potential of AmigaOS. Over time, I expanded it to Mac, Linux, and many more.

But there was one dream I hadn’t pursued—until now. I never imagined creating an edition that lets you boot "directly" into an Amiga desktop on your PC. Today’s technology has made that dream a reality. With the speed of USB3.0, advanced Linux and the power of Amiberry emulator (based on WinUAE), the experience is seamless and stunning.
  2 comments | Read more News   Deluxe Icons - 146 Stylish Icons for 59 Games News posted by 21stcentury on 3-Oct-2024 20:42:01 (502 reads)

Get ready to bring elegance to your desktop with the new Deluxe Icons.

Featuring 146 dual-png icons for 59 of the most classic games, Deluxe Icons offer a unique design for the drawers and all ECS, AGA, CD32, CDTV icons.

Based on the HD remastered pictures of our other product Stickers Renew Remastered, Deluxe Icons let you showcase your games like never before on your AmigaOS after they've been showcased on their media, ensuring perfect consistency and continuity.
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software Classic   Pangomonium 2.1 released
  software Classic posted by softwarefailure on 29-Sep-2024 14:10:37 (391 reads)
Pangomonium 2.1 has just been released. Pangomonium is a Hollywood plugin that contains a state-of-the-art text and graphics engine including full support for color emojis, exotic scripts and SVG rendering. Version 2.1 is a bugfix release which fixes a bug in the SVG loader. Pangomonium 2.0 is now available for free download for various platforms from the official Hollywood portal. Note that Hollywood 10 is strictly required by Pangomonium.
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software OS4   Get 20-40% Off ZitaFTP Server (Limited Time Offer)
  software OS4 posted by Hans on 26-Sep-2024 4:06:41 (416 reads)
For a limited time I'm offering you a chance to get ZitaFTP Server for 20-40% off it regular price. Yes, that's up to 40% off!

Why? I just released a video showing Amiga developers who cross-compile their Amiga software on a PC/Mac, how to copy those file to their Amiga for testing.

You don't need to be a developer to take advantage of this special offer. Here's how:

- To get 20% off: use the following coupon code at checkout: AMIGACODER20

- To get 40% off: join the Kea Campus. You'll find the coupon code on the campus' home page If you join as a Creator or Elite member, then you also get a fully downloadable template for everything you've seen in this video, and more.

Click here to get ZitaFTP Server.

IMPORTANT: This offer ends October 12, 2024, so go get it now.

What Can You Do With FTP(S)?

FTP is great for transferring files to/from another computer. Install ZitaFTP Server on one machine, and use an FTP client (e.g., Filezilla on a PC, or rnoxfer on the Amiga).

ZitaFTP Server supports end-to-end encryption (i.e., FTPS or FTPES), so your files are safe and secure in transit between machines.

P.S., I've never offered such a large discount before, and am unlikely to do so ever again. Take advantage of it now.
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