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There are 20 files in our database
Latest Listings | | Category: AmigaOne Downloads | Freespace- Ryleh Campaign  | Version: n/a Submitted Date: 29/Apr/06 | : Freespace - Ryleh Campaign
Download .zip files. Install all .fsm files for missions in freespace/data/mission directory. Install all .wav files for in-flight sounds (r#_xxxxx.wav) into freespace/data/voice/special directory. Install all .wav files for briefings (r#_mb##.wav) into freespace/data/voice/briefing directory. Install all .wav files for debriefings (r#_db##.wav) into freespace/data/voice/debriefing directory. Install all .wav files for command briefings (r#_cb##.wav) into freespace/data/mission directory. Install all .fsc files for campaigns in freespace/data/mission directory. For campaigns, select campaign from main menu using (the middle door). For campaigns, begin campaign from main menu using (the lower door). For missions, select and start the mission from the mission simulator (same place as tech info).
;-- 29/04/2006 -- A few files renamed by Jerry / AmiGame to make it work with AOS4...
-- Downloadable also from
| 12320 191.76 KB AmigaOne OS4 | Rating: 10.00 (7 votes) Rate this File | Modify | Report Broken File | Tell a Friend |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Category: Free Amiga Games | Worm Wars  | Version: 7.72a Submitted Date: 12/Feb/04 | : Advanced snake game.
Features include: 32 object types, built-in field editor, up to four worms, human or Amiga control of all worms, 20 creature types, customizable music and sound effects, system compliance, saved high score tables, multiple fieldsets with variable levels, backdrops, custom font, install/uninstall script, CLI arguments, Workbench ToolTypes, OS3.5-style icons, 0-4 players, quadruple-joystick and quadruple-CD32 gamepad and double-keyboard support, help windows, turbo drawing, level shuffling option, animations, etc. Full SAS/C source code is included.
| 13565 540.00 KB Amiga | Rating: 6.38 (8 votes) Rate this File | Modify | Report Broken File | Tell a Friend |
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