Rules of operation AmigaworldNET
The servers that make up the AmigaworldNET are the private property
of their respective owners and as such access to the network is
granted as a privaledge, not a right. To use the network a set of
rules governing what the operational team will and will not do to
maintain network stability and its fitness for purpose and a set
of rules and guidelines that applies to those that use the network
are documented herein.
Section 1 - Violations of Terms and Conditions of service
by users - Prohibitions.
- IRC channels must not be used for the purposes of spreading
illicit adult material.
- Adult only or "pornographic" content ( including discussion
) and so called sex channels is not permitted.
- Paedophilia and grooming is not permitted.
- Using IRC for the purposes of racketeering, piracy or organising
terrorist/subversive groups is not permitted.
- Using IRC for the purpose of organising hostile network acts
(channel takeovers, cracking servers, DDOS attacks) is not permitted.
- Excessive advertising and spamming of promotional material
will not be tolerated.
Section 2 - Violations of Terms and Conditions of service
by users - Penalties
If you are considered in violation of your terms of service you
will be contacted by an IRCOP who will take the following alternate
courses of action, depending on the severity of the offense:
- Verbal warning of what the infraction was. This will be logged.
IRCOP must provide you with the reason for the warning and evidence
- Instant removal from your channel(s) including ones you own.
You will be summoned over IRC to a discussion with 2 or more IRC
operators in a special channel to discuss the situation.
- KLINE - your connection will be terminated with a reason as
to why. You may try again to reconnect.
- GLINE/AKILL - your connection will be banned with a reason
as to why and a time limit. You may try again to reconnect after
the time limit has been exceeded.
- GLINE/AKILL PERMENANT - your connection will be banned forever.
- Limitation of services, you will be unable to open your own
channels, use certain modes.
Section 3 - Appeals against IRCOPerator decisions
Appeals should be made in writing to describing
the circumstances, any logs provided and reasoning as to why you
think you have been mistreated.
Section 4 - Terms and Conditions of service covering Chanel
- Channel owners are responsible for managing the users within
their own channels using the channel operator commands available
to them ( kick, ban, op, voice, halfop, moderate, invite only,
private ).
- Channel owners are responsible for keeping their channels within
section 1.
- Channel owners are responsible for keeping up to date on this
- Channel owners can, in unusual circumstances, request operator
intervention to handle a disturbance.
- Misrepresenting your status as a channel owner ( e.g. pretending
you own a channel when you do not to gain access ) to an IRCOP
is considered a minor infraction and will be recorded as such,
but expect IRCOPerators to check their own records in ChanServ
first before agreeing to do anything for you. If you do not register
your channel with ChanServ do not expect IRCOPs to accept your
word that you own or are a legitimate op on a channel.
- If your channel has been reported as being in violation of
the terms and conditions of service it may be logged for evidence,
reducing your privacy, this is for your own protection to ensure
that baseless allegations are not upheld. Any logging will not
be shared with third parties and is in strictest confidence. Logs
will be destroyed as soon as it is no longer pertinent ( e.g.
complaint upheld or complaint rejected ). You will be notified
of the outcome in either case. Whilst you will not be told when
logging commences, you will be notified regardless of outcome
when it is terminated. It wastes bandwidth logging as well as
IRCOPerator time checking out logs so users that maliciously and
continually make baseless allegations should expect to be dealt
with severly.
- You can set your own channel rules and police them, this is
fine so long as they do not contradict our Terms and Conditions
of service. IRCOPs are subject to your channel rules when they
are present, IRCOPs that violate this should be reported.
AmigaworldNET, it's facilities owners or administrators are not
legally liable for any violation of any local or international laws,
copyrights or intellectual property rights infringed by its users.
We cannot be held accountable under the law for failing to deal
with infractors in what is considered a timely manner by the end
users of the service. Our services are provided without any warranty
whatsoever. We cannot be held liable for any loss or emotional distress
caused directly or indirectly by the use of our services. If you
do not agree with our rules, or our disclaimer, then disconnect
immediately. Services are provided on an as-is basis. reserves the right to change these Terms And Conditions
of service anytime and without notice.