RNOPublisher released

Date 1-Aug-2020 21:37:06
Topic: software Classic

RNOPublisher is an easy-to-use PDF publishing program. It is made with Hollywood and is available for AROS, MorphOS, OS4, OS3 (RTG), and WarpOS (RTG).

- Supports the most common page sizes in portrait and landscape modes
- Freely placeable text boxes, images, PDF links, and graphical objects
- PDF links can point to document pages or web links
- Supports base fonts that don't affect the file size
- Custom TTF fonts can be embedded into documents
- PDF outlines (table of contents) support
- User creatable page templates
- PDF exporting supports passwords and compression options
- Constrained mouse movement and resizing using qualifier keys
- Additional document saving and loading in its own format
- Drag & drop loading of documents, pictures, and text files

Please visit its homepage for an example PDF file produced with the program and for download links.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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