MediaVault Script v1.4 now available on OS4Depot

Date 31-Jul-2023 19:01:30
Topic: News

MediaValut Script has been updated to version 1.4.

A script for use with MediaVault v1.4.1, or greater, which allows the user to choose the stream player or to download a stream via a requester.

Download for OS4Depot

Allows users to select the default stream player for the MediaVault program.
Optionally, a requester can be displayed to allow the user to choose how to deal with the stream.If a supported player is already running, it will be used without displaying a requester.

Requester options are as follows:

AmigaAmp3 - play stream usiing AmigaAmp3
ffplay - play stream using ffplay
Emotion - play stream using Emotion
Save to mp3 - Save stream to an mp3 coded file. (.mp3 container format)
Save Copy - Save stream with original coding. (.mka container format)

Version 1.4 adds the following features: (July, 29, 2023)
Now use already running instance of audio player without displaying requester.
Added error requester if the audio player cannot be found with AppDir.
Added error requester if ffmpeg cannot be found with AppDir: when downloading.

See the video that Maijestro made HERE!

Thanks Maijestro!

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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