AmigaOS4/MicroA1 and Alan Redhouse at Webbit 2004
Date 3-May-2004 19:20:04 Topic: Events
| Webbit 2004 - Padova (Italy) 6-7-8 of May, 2004
Virtual Works, Soft3, Alternative-Technologies and Bitplane will be present at the 3-days event held in Padova, Italy. The Webbit is one of the biggest and most important IT events in Italy.
This year we doubled our space so we will be able to greet more visitors and to supply more machines to try out AmigaOS4 Dev Pre-release.
The highlight of the event will be OS4 running natively on MicroA1 together with our special guest star Alan Redhouse who kindly agreed to be with us all three days.
Other products that you will be able to see, touch and try: AmigaOne G4-933, mini-itx products, Linux/Linspire, ZetaOS (BeOS) and AmigaForever 6, the well known Amiga emulator capable of running on top of Windows, MacOS and Linux.
Bitplane will be present with its latest issue featuring a preview of the upcoming AmigaOS 4 Dev Pre-release.
We are looking forward to meet you at stand, don't miss this opportunity!
Virtual Works
S o f t 3
Alternative Tecnology
Webbit 2004 PADOVA