BabeAnoid 2.5 and CYMBIX cancelled?
Date 10-May-2004 19:40:45 Topic: Software News
| Form Dawnbringer's homepage:
Although BabeAnoid 2.5 and CYMBIX both are 70-80% complete all plans of future releases are cancelled indefinitely. Time has come to focus on other endeavors...maybe I'll see you there!? |
Though with enough feedback work may continue:
Hello Amiga Fans,
If you visit Richard "Dawnbringer" Fhager Homepage at http://hem.fyristorg.com/dawnbringer/ you will read this:
"Although BabeAnoid 2.5 and CYMBIX both are 70 80% complete all plans of future releases are cancelled indefinitely. Time has come to focus on other endeavors...maybe I'll see you there!?"
This means we will not see BabeAnoid 2.5 and CYMBIX !!!
Richard told me if he get some Feedback (50 e-mails) he will continue the work. So please write him or me , I will send your e-mails to him!
Please Amiga Fans out there,i think Richard is one of the last old school game developer.
BabeAnoid rulez!
Many Thanks
Your Olaf K. - Amiga Arena