OS4 Pre-Release To Be Shown @ NYC AMIGA Meeting

Date 10-Jun-2004 10:26:21
Topic: Events

At the June Meeting of the Queens Amiga Users Group (New York) this Saturday, the 12th, at 10:00 am till late afternoon. See the installation of one of those marvelous-looking CDs you've seen being prepped for shipping from Hyperion's agent in Europe. Be ready to be amazed and gratified as we see how the long-awaited, eagerly-anticipated OS4 pre-release version gets put through its paces on an early-bird machine that has lain idle and waiting for far too long.

As usual the meeting will be in Queens, NY (very easy to to from Manhattan by subway) at the QAUG president's residence. The customary refreshments will be forthcoming and the range of sights and sounds being prepared on various machines and OSs will delight and amaze all who are fortunate to be there. Go to http://qaug.dyndns.org/qaug/ to find out how to locate us and contact us. Be there or be square.

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