UPDATED! New version of Feelin
Date 22-Jul-2004 12:17:01 Topic: Software News
| UPDATED Archive info to fix download.
Feelin 040718 is out !!
Feelin is a new object-oriented system (OOS) for the AmigaOS. It provides two things: a small, fast and powerful core shared library, offering everything needed to create a strong object-oriented environnement; and an extensible system to create and maintain graphical user interfaces.
I created Feelin, because I was fed up with others GUI toolkits available on AmigaOS. You may say "have you ever heard about MUI ?". Well, yes But, although MUI is a very attractive choice, it severely lacks of modern features and protection. MUI is not an object-oriented system on its own. Built on BOOPSI, it suffers from its limitations.

Give Feelin a try !!
Additional Updated Info
Updated archive info...
The archive Feelin040718.lha available on the web site was [broken], it did not upload completly. This is fixed now ! Sorry for this. If you have download the archive Feelin03xxxx.lha from Aminet forget it, this one vas more than a year !!
[Staff note: More screenshots have been added as well.]