Amiga Future: Feedback on English version

Date 19-Sep-2004 21:12:57
Topic: Miscellaneous News

Today you can find a new raffle in the interactive section of the Amiga Future web site.

This time we want to know how you like the Amiga Future.

What you don't like about the magazine?
What do you think is very good?
What should be changed?

Of course we want to know especially why you are obtaining the Amiga Future or why not.

We have been asked from some amiga users to do a English Version of the Amiga Future over and over again.

Because of this we have a question to all the English speaking users of you:

Do you have interest concerning a English Version of the Amiga Future and would you pay 70 for a one-year subscription (6 magazines with 6 cover CDs including
shipping costs)?

As a small reward for the writing we raffle a Amiga Mousepad under all participants.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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