The End is Nigh at Big Bash 2
Date 12-Oct-2004 20:12:09 Topic: hardware OS4
| The long wait is finally over, No more wondering if the postman will deliver intact, No more having to pay for postage and Packing, No more waiting!
This coming saturday at Big Bash 2, You can finally get your hands on the Consumer version of the Micro A1 from Stellar Dreams. Turn up, pay and walk away with one of the most eagerly awaited Amiga products in over a decade.
Be the first in the world to own one. Come to Big Bash 2, Peterborough, Saturday 16th of October from 18:30
Plus. Forematt Home Computing, Total Amiga Magazine, Live OS4 U-Boot update Amigaworld Radio and more.
Big Bash2. Why miss out?
Visit http://www.emag.me.uk