Defendguin GPL / SDL Os4 Native Released
Date 23-Oct-2004 7:18:17 Topic: Software News
| Defendguin is a Horizontal scrolling space game based on Defender.
A certain monopoly-owning bad guy has been cloned hundreds of times by an unknown alien race. They are now attacking earth, kidnapping little penguinoids and converting them into mutants. Helping them on their way are some other nasty alien ships, of which there are plenty.
The game is a very early version (0.0.10) but that aint stopping it from beeing a great game. The Game is of course filled with penguins from a-z so if you're into such then you will love this game even more.
Defenguin is on Os4Depot
Screenshots can be found here
The Game was ported to Os4 by Frank Menzel and his website can be found Here