Bugfixes for 'Blobwars' & 'Formido' available (SDL)
Date 7-Nov-2004 20:03:06 Topic: Software News
| Formido: It seems the hiscore file in the distribution archive was somehow messed up causing ridiculously huge kill-numbers in the Hall of Fame which made it impossible to join the list. To fix this, just delete the file 'data/hiscore.dat'. Formido will create a new one on next startup.
Sorry for any inconvenience. A new full archive without the corrupted file is already uploaded to os4depot.net: Formido (ca. 3,6MB)
Blobwars: I fixed some nasty bugs in Blobwars which could lead to Grim Reapers under certain circumstances. Please see the Readme for details.
Blobwars Updater R1->R2 (ca. 400kb) Blobwars R2 (full R2 archive, ca. 10MB)
If you are unsure, what version of Blobwars you own, just go to the Blobwars directory in a Shell and type 'blobwars -version' (without quotes). If you then read 'Release 1' you should get the Updater and update. If you read 'Release 2' you're done 