Official WinUAE Help v2.0.0
Date 30-Dec-2004 18:47:18 Topic: Miscellaneous News
| An updated version of the official WinUAE Help file has been released: Quote:
To make the helpfile available in WinUAE, simply copy the WinUAE.chm file into the directory where you installed WinUAE. This is typically C:\Program Files\WinUAE for English Windows installations. Restart WinUAE after you copied the file into the directory, and the "Help" button will be available in the main program. |
Read more for the Changelog:
Georg: ------ * Created Subversion repository to enable access for contributors * Fixed up internal hyperlinks and insane external ones * Made all pages HTML4 compliant, optimized HTML structure * New screenshots, saving 200kB overall filesize * Various fixes in texts and layout changes * Moved ADF to Disk section to transdisk page * Removed page dedicated to Mathias Ortmann, contained practically no information * Directly jump to required subsections when being directed to the links page * Fixed/updated obsolete hyperlinks * Updated first time users page for use with new quickstart feature * Cleaned up and updated GUI chipset settings description * Added hardware and host sections to align help layout with actual GUI style * Created new subsection containing usage tips * Updated pages for data transfer, required files with data from the FAQ * Moved FAQ and Amiga Programs pages to tips section * Merged in new information from Bernd Roesch * Fixed page not found errors when help was called from more recent WinUAE GUI pages * Moved Amiga DOS commands page to background information * Fixed several typos, grammar mistakes, ... * Directed all external links over the dedicated links page * Added AmigaForever and Cloanto links to the links page * Updated developer information about Bernd Schmidt
Peter: ------ * Updated FAQ page
Bernd: ------ * Removed obsolete information from bugs page * Updated FAQ and general tips pages