Amiga Future preview and reading trials online

Date 3-Jan-2005 19:41:59
Topic: Announcement

The preview and reading trials of issue 52 (January/February 2005) have gone online today.

This time we've tested Papyrus, the new Competition joystick, Amiga Classix 4, Boxikin, VIM and much more for you.

But a workshop about the adaption of sources to the AmigaOS 4, a special and a preview of the Vivaldi won't be missing either.

Besides lots of PD software and a full version you can find a "How to build the machine" video of bplan in a better version (169MB) on the cover CD.

The Amiga Future can be obtained as a single issue and subscription with or without a cover CD in the online shop of APC&TCP.

The issue will be out on 15th January. Due to the holidays it could be that the release date moves a few days back.

In the "Issues" section of the Amiga Future you can find a complete and detailed description of contents and the reading trials.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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