New software releases by OnyxSoft
Date 21-Jan-2005 23:34:58 Topic: Software News
| OnyxSoft releases five programs (MPlayer-GUI v1.12, AllKeys v1.0, MultiRen v1.61, QuickSketch v1.02, Zapper v0.1) of which one is a completely new program!.
New program: MPlayer-GUI v1.12 A GUI for the OS4-version of MPlayer. 68k but locked to kickstart V50.
Updated programs: AllKeys v1.0 Use all your keys including some multimedia-keys. Now OS4-native MultiRen v1.61 Very powerful file and filecomment renamer. 68k QuickSketch v1.02 An alternative Post-It clone in which you can actually draw as well as type text. 68k Zapper v0.1 Makes the zoom gadget in the window border to maximize the window instead of resizing to the altenative size. (MOS)