Integrated development environment for OS4 (SP27)

Date 15-May-2005 19:04:15
Topic: Software News

GoldED Studio AIX SP27
This release completes integration with the SDK on the visual level by providing a user interface not entirely inconsistent with OS4. New fonts, color schemes, an optimized palette and rendering optimizations are contained in this upgrade.

OS4 | OS3

About GoldED
GoldED is an editor for developers. Features include syntax highlighting for the OS3/OS4/MorphOS/PowerUP/WarpOS APIs, compiler integration with free compilers (gcc and vbcc) and commercial products (SAS/C, StormC), a dialog to set compiler options with mouse clicks, makefile generation, context-sensitive help for the OS APIs, clickable compiler errors, quick access to the SDKs' documentation and more.

GoldED and the C/C++ package can be downloaded here:

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