NAF Amiga Barbeque Party 2005

Date 25-Jun-2005 10:23:16
Topic: Events

NAF - Norsk amigaforening (English: Norwegian Amiga Association) - a Norwegian Amiga user group acknowledged by Amiga Inc. founded in 1992 by me (Tommy R. Strand), is holding its annual NAF Barbeque Party (since 2003).

Mainly for all members of NAF, but others, especially from the Amiga platform community are most welcome. For the first time this year, we have people travelling almost 1000 km to the venue, and at the moment we have 11 people that have registered. From past experiences, we are expecting this number to rise to about 20.

Please visit NAF web site at for more information (sorry, Norwegian only). We DO welcome foreigners, especially for instance those who we are in contact with on the EFnet and AmigaworldNET IRC networks.

Remember: This is a party with a high level of decency and respect in the usual manners and is already known to be a positive part of the existing Amiga IRC community.

Don't forget: Time: Saturday, 2nd of July (in one week), 2005. Place: The city of Mo i Rana, Nordland, Norway (The city beneath the Arctic Circle!)

If you wish, on Sunday we will have a drive by car around in the community to collect you. Rana is afaik Norway's 4th largest community in area, and can give you lots of positive experiences of both nature and friendly people.


Read more (sorry, Norwegian only) here:

Kind regards
Tommy R. Strand
Marketing Director
Norsk amigaforening

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