AmiWest 2005, Press Release #3 and #4

Date 27-Jun-2005 16:45:55
Topic: Events

Here is the third information release for AmiWest 2005, July 23, 2005 in Sacramento, California. Our webpage is being updated with all the current show information. We encourage you to visit our site to see the rest of the current information.

Amiga Forever,

Sacramento Amiga Computer Club
AmiWest 2005 Committee


AmiWest 2005 has morphed into the AmiWest 2005 Amiga 20th Birthday Party, one day only at the Clarion Hotel Cal-Expo, July 23rd, 2005. Our (very) conservative financial manager has informed us that our current financial standing will only allow us a one-day event.

BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT ANY LESS WILL HAPPEN! It just means that we will be packing that one day with more than ever before, including a **SURPRISE** banquet speaker! You won't want to miss him. More on that later.

A ONE-DAY EVENT ALSO MEANS LOWER PRICES! Lower prices on admission tickets (see below) means that more of our great community can come at a reduced rate! Our hotel room prices REMAIN THE SAME AS LAST YEAR, including a full hot breakfast for up to two people per room. SO AMIWEST, YOUR BEST AMIGA SHOW DEAL, IS EVEN BETTER NOW!

Don't wait! Ticket sales are already increasing! The fire department will only permit us to admit so many people. And you'll want to be one of them!


Ticket prices for AmiWest 2005 are lower than last year's prices! We have a great newly remodeled facility and we want YOU to come see AmiWest 2005. So print this ticket form out and mail it to the SACC address (given below)! ASAP!

AmiWest 2005,July 23rd, 2005 Ticket Reservation Form

Inn at the Oaks
2600 Auburn Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95821

Your Name:______________________________________________________





State/Province:_________________________ Postal(Zip) Code: __________


Email Address:______________________________________________________

Ticket wanted ONE DAY PASS: SATURDAY, July 23rd, 2005

Do you want Banquet tickets (Circle One) YES NO

Admission to AmiWest 2005 is:
$ 8 (One Day Pass - paid in advance by July 12, 2005)
$10 (One day Pass at the door)

One day passes will allow admittance to any FREE seminars on that day only.
Seminar topics will be announced later.

Banquet tickets are $28 per plate and MUST be paid in advance.
Seating is limited and tickets are available on a first come, first served.

Please fill out this form and remit with proper payment (US Funds Only) to:

AmiWest 2005
c/o Chuck Washburn
7051 Dolan Way
Citrus Heights CA 95621

Make checks payable to "AmiWest". A form must be filled out for each
person attending the show although one check can be used.

For more information you can contact AmiWest by email to:
Phone: (916) 723-9846 Evenings (Pacific Daylight time)

Our WWW web page is:


So remember,

AmiWest 2005 is rolling! The facility is reserved and the vendors
are notified! Keep watching for these releases and tell everyone
that you know - the Amiga and the Amiga community is alive and

July 23rd, 2005
At a new location in Sacramento, CA

Clarion Hotel Cal-Expo
2600 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento California 95821
Reservations Phone 1-800-424-6423 toll-free (local 1-916-487-7600)
and by snail-mail at the above address.


Here is the fourth information release for AmiWest 2005, July 23, 2005 in Sacramento, California. Our webpage at is being updated with all the current show information. We encourage you to visit our site to see the rest of the current information.

Amiga Forever,

Sacramento Amiga Computer Club
AmiWest 2005 Committee


We're sure that many of you will remember the great Amiga disk copier, Project D. We welcome back Mister Zoil Enterprises will again be exhibiting the work of Ben Fuller, the author of Project D and other great Amiga software.

We've asked Glenn Fuller, Ben's father and the exhibitor for Mister Zoil Enterprises, to explain a little bit about Mister Zoil and the special meaning this exhibit has. Here is what he had to say:

"Mister Zoil Enterprises was founded by Benjamin G. Fuller in 1997. It was a name given by a friend and embraced by Ben. Ben's career with computers began with the 6502 chip Commodore Vic-20 then PET. His last product is unknown but one of his last very popular ones was ReplayTV. He was one of the first developers at 16 years old for the Amiga. The former name of Ben's company was Fuller Computer Systems, Inc. out of Gilbert, Arizona.

Ben's father will have a booth showing Project D on an Amiga 2000 with what is probably the last version which Ben had released. . . Ben helped found AAUG (Arizona Amiga User's Group)in 1986.

We welcome friends and curious to stop and visit. Rumor has it that perhaps a few "Boing" ball posters will be on display along with some of Ben's original art work, Photography, and a few memoriable items. Ben retired in June, 2001 and continued with an avocation, photography.


The major sequence of Ben's life of late follows: Ben left for California in 1988 to join Silent Software and contribute to the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" computer game distributed by Buena Vista Software, Disney. He returned to Arizona in 1992 to join Softwood, Inc. [developing] another Amiga product, Final Copy II. [In] late 1993 he accepted another position in California and remained. [The] first [product] from this last move was SunRize Industries Studio 16 v3.0. Early [in] 1995 he moved to Iband, Inc., which was purchased by Macromedia. He utilized among other disciplines HTML for Backstage and Dreamweaver web site design products. July 1998-July 2001 Ben was with ReplayTV. Ben lived in Campbell, California from 1993 to June 2001 when he moved to Redwood City, mid-Bay area, to retire. He had just concluded interviewing for consulting work with Moxi/Digeo when the events occurred that ended his life.

As a foot note, Ben has "Amiga Forever" software on his Dell Tower, his user account symbol a NASA Astronaut in a space walk. Along with and shoulder to shoulder with his love of computers were his passions for science fiction: Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who et al. NASA and space travel was a high interest also. Space Access 2001 in Scottsdale, Arizona was the last conference he attended and photos are on his web site,"

We encourage all of you to come by the Mister Zoil booth to check out what promises to be a unique and interesting exhibit. Again, this exhibit is another demonstration of the solidarity of the Amiga community.


So remember,

AmiWest 2005 is rolling! The facility is reserved and the vendors
are notified! Keep watching for these releases and tell everyone
that you know - the Amiga and the Amiga community is alive and

AmiWest 2005 will be at the

Clarion Hotel Cal Expo
2600 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento California 95821

Reservations Phone 1-800-424-6423 toll-free (local 1-916-487-7600)
and by snail-mail at the above address.

Please watch our website at for continuing news and information regarding AmiWest 2005. We are on target for another improved show! See you there!

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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