Big Bash Three Website Launched
Date 4-Aug-2005 2:32:20 Topic: Events
| Amiga Big Bash website is now up and running. Please visit for all the latest news, it will be developed over the next few weeks.
I am having some new trouble with formmail so if you want to exhibit and are not on the list or have any questions about the event, just email using the links and not the forms until I announce they have been fixed.
This show promises to be the best one yet. I for one am looking forward to seeing all the old faces and some new ones too!
A note to all bringing equipment to exhibit, please make sure you book in with us first to ensure we have the space and bring enough extension leads and network cable/or wireless adaptors you need as we won't have too many spares!
We also have an Amiga bring and buy this year along with a raffle, whether there will be an A1 as first prize, time will tell, we will keep you posted on here and on the Big Bash website.