New production run of SUBWAY

Date 18-Aug-2005 21:29:29
Topic: Hardware News

Regarding USB solutions for classic Amigas:

"Due to numerous requests from customers E3B has started a (possibly last) production batch of its famous and successful USB controller SUBWAY. Unfortunately it took longer than expected to get all necessary parts for production."

"E3B will ship its SUBWAY USB controller with all features (including the full version of Chris Hodges USB stack Poseidon V2.x) for the same price as the previous model. As it gets harder every day to get the USB controller chip in small quantities at a decent price E3B expects this production run of SUBWAY to be the last one. We recommend people being interested in acquiring one of these USB controllers (and people still waiting for vapour products like UltraBUS) not to wait too long, as this might be the last chance of getting a new SUBWAY USB controller with full warranty.

E3B will announce availability of the new production batch after shipment to dealers on all major Amiga news pages."

E3B homepage

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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