PUSH 2006.1 Announced
Date 18-Jan-2006 5:15:42 Topic: Events
| Pegasos User Group, Sweden (PUGS) will arrange another PUSH event. We will host it at the same place as before - Wartagården in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The house is booked to the May 1st weekend (April 28th to May 1st - Friday evening to Monday). We will start on Friday evening at 20.00 CET but we understand if most of you can't show up before Saturday.
PUSH has been mostly a PowerPC event previous times but this time we focus on all alternative platforms and OSes. As long as you comply with Windows Free Zone you are welcome! :)
More information will follow on Pegasos.org but mark the date in your calendar: 28/4 to 1/5 2006.