AmigaTesters needed for AmigaRadio
Date 13-Mar-2003 10:59:06 Topic: News
| As you know on march 20th AmigaRadio will be broadcasting for 3 hours only for our first test transmission. I will be hosting the first hour of the show and there will be a playlist avalible.
We need Amiga Listeners and PC listeners to test our transmission to the fullest. Unfortunately at present time shout cast is our only option. Until we finally go live, our main host will be live356 for a wider audience. ----------------------- Equipment used: ----------------------- For our main Broadcaster Streaming Equipment: PC Pentium 3 800 MHz 140Gig Hard Drive 128Graphics Geforce ti200 1Gig of Ram Windows XP Professional ---------------------------------------- For Storing Modules: ---------------------------------------- Amiga A1200 3.0GigHardDrive 32 meg of Ram Os3.9 Both are linked. These are the studio equipment, it does not mean you need the same setup. Any basic streaming software that supports shoutcast or play list can listen.